“What outcome do you want?” Listen, clarify, plan, execute and provide what you need to accomplish your outcome. Nothing else matters!
Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.
Author: How to Get More of What You Want?
“The insights Gary Shares in this book have positively impacted how I relate to others in every aspect of my life. Gary gave me the tools to navigate every difficulty and challenge. He truly made a difference in how others, and I myself, perceive who I am in ways that allow me to understand and get what I want out of my life.”
- Communication (Listening, Assertion, Conflict Resolution)
- Organization (Evaluation, Design, Re-design, Change, Transition)
- Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring, Training, Re-framing
- Business Owner / Entrepreneur Peer Board Management
- Leadership (Organization, Training, Development, Teams, Modeling)
- Management Systems (Change, Time, Priority, Project, Results)
- Assessments (Individual, Group, Hiring, Screening, Job Fit, Development, Re-Assignment)
- Emotional Intelligence (Awareness, Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Skills)
- Facilitation (Group and Individual Processes, Meetings, Teams, Boards, Brainstorming, “Out of the Box” Thinking, Problem-Solving)
- Planning (Business, Strategic, Operational, Team, Professional, Life, Career)
- Small Business Success Practices (Planning, Organizing, Implementing, Measuring, Directing, Leading)
- Accountability (Goals, Measurements, Milestones, Rocks, Scorecards)
- Business Owner Development (Guiding, Supporting, Advising, Resourcing, Counseling, Mentoring)
- Therapy / Counseling (Individuals, Groups, Life Transitions, Loss, Partners)
- Business Owner Advising, Consulting, Mentoring, Coaching
- Culture (Identification, Documentation, Patterns, Role in Leading, Consistency)
Gary Brunson
Debra Rider
Clear Focus LLC / TABNCI
“Mentor of mentors, Coach of coaches, Therapist to therapists, Consultant to consultants, Business owner to business owners. Building your business, more profits, sustainable growth, TABNCI, Clear Focus, Assessments, Profiles, DISC, Motivators, Values, Training, Hiring “