Do This Every Day to be a Good Boss

Do This Every Day to be a Good Boss

A good boss can become something much more than a boss to their employees. A good boss can leave a life-long impact both in the workplace and outside of the workplace. There a couple of easy tasks you can do at least once a day to become the best boss you can be.

Remember the Basics

As you climb the ladder, it can become easy to forget the basics that got you to the top. Every morning on your way to work, try to remind yourself of the who, what and why. This will help you remember why you work your tail off on a daily basis and it will help keep you motivated.

Remember the who. Who are the people you hope your service helps? Remember “what”. What is it that your product helps accomplish? Remember “why”. Why do you wake up every morning to provide your service to your loyal customers?

Work With Your Employees

One of the most important abilities a boss has is their availability. Make yourself available to your employees. Doing so will create an open work environment that encourages communication between everyone.

Be a listener and a helping hand for your employees. Help them when they need it and let them know they can always come to you for help. More importantly, ask questions. By seeking information you’re obviously more likely to get it.

Trust Your Employees and Work Hard

As the boss, it’s easy to try and do everything yourself. However, even though there’s a reason you got to where you are, nobody’s perfect. Don’t be afraid to delegate work to your employees. They will appreciate the trust you have in them.

Even though you may have reached the top of the totem pole, remember what it took to get you there and continue to work hard. Don’t put off small tasks, the quicker you accomplish them the smaller the chance they become a nuisance down the line. Keep an open mind and continue to try and learn as much as possible about your profession. You can never stop growing and improving!

You Can Become a Great Boss

By remaining focused and putting trust in your employees, you can become a great boss who sticks with their employees forever. Get the best out of your employees while continuing to grow yourself! Try all of these tips at least once a day to become the best boss you can possibly be.

We would love to hear your comments. Please email or contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Copyright protected by author Gary Sorrell,  Sorrell Associates, LLC.  All rights reserved worldwide.

3 Reasons Why Our Leaders Are in Trouble

3 Reasons Why Our Leaders Are in Trouble

A surprising majority of people in the workplace believe the world is currently in a leadership crisis. People in positions of power seem less and less competent to lead and more and more arrogant about the positions they hold. Here are some reasons we believe our leaders may be in trouble.

  1. An Obsession With Results

Today’s result-driven world has caused our leaders to become obsessed with the bottom line. No longer are they focused on the process of getting to those results, they are simply driven by profit and results. This can lead to a workplace with a toxic environment where positive production hangs by a flimsy thread.

Leaders should be just as focused on the process as they are the end result. Establishing a healthy work environment and focusing on the basics will become more beneficial to the company in the long run. When all you focus on is profit and income, you lose sight of the factors that cause those outcomes.

  1. Failing to Adapt

Companies and the teams working in them being a well-oiled machine is one of the oldest metaphors in business. However, just as technological advances change the way those machines run, cultural advances change the way our businesses run. Organizations are a well-oiled machine, but they are a machine that is ever changing.

Unfortunately, not all leaders realize the importance of being able to adapt to the times. Just because something worked a decade ago, or even just five years ago, doesn’t mean it’s going to work today. A successful leader is willing to change, adapt and implement new leadership styles that keep their team running like a well-oiled machine.

  1. We’re Working Harder Not Smarter

As Americans, we have a ‘the grind never stops’ mentality that has been engraved in us since we started elementary school. While other cultures around the world have found success in adopting a ‘less-is-more’ approach, we continue to push ourselves on a daily basis. It might be time to consider working smarter, not harder.

Studies have shown that a decrease in the number of hours can help increase employees’ productivity. The idea behind it is an employee who works less will be more energized, motivated and will be less likely to burn out. Perhaps it’s time for leaders to reconsider how we view the American workweek.

Not All Hope Is Lost

While leaders may be losing the faith of their contemporaries, not all hope is lost. There are steps leaders can take to improve what’s going on around them.

Need help? Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

How to Change Your Company Culture Even When You’re Not The CEO

How to Change Your Company Culture Even When You’re Not The CEO

Do you feel like your place of work is in need of a culture change? If you’re not in a leadership role, it may feel as though you don’t feel like you have the voice to make a change. However, there are a few things you can do to try and shift the culture at your place of work.

Remain Patient and Persistent

When you’re trying to change the culture in your workplace it’s important to remain patient. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a night. Once you realize there’s a cultural problem, the first course of action is to diagnose the problem.

Finding the root of the problem will allow you to take steps to make improvements. Since leaders in the workplace may be too busy to notice small everyday issues, you can help point them towards those problems.

You may have to get creative to show there’s a problem that needs to be addressed.

Let Your Voice Be Heard 

Use the tools at your disposal to make it clear there’s a culture problem. The best way to showcase a problem is to prove that business is being negatively affected by culture. Use reports and statistics available to you to prove that the business is suffering because of the negative culture.

You could also use statistics to prove a positive change in culture can increase employee productivity. Most leaders are too busy to prioritize implementing a positive culture. However, you can help make them realize just how important it is.

Communication is Key

As with almost everything else in the workplace, communication is key. Be informative, helpful and solution-oriented every step of the way. You will get more followers and believers by being communitive and goal driven.

It’s important to have a plan when implementing trying to have a culture change. The best way to implement this plan is with proper communication thru and thru. Even though it may seem like you don’t have a voice, with proper communication, everyone has a voice.

You Can Make A Difference

You don’t have to be a boss to make a difference in your workplace. With proper communication, you can help implement a culture change.

We would love to hear your comments. Please email or call today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.