Glenn Youngkin: Learning New Skills For A Changing Economy

Glenn Youngkin: Learning New Skills For A Changing Economy

Right now, things are no less than strange and unknown to everyone. Many have lost their jobs and are looking for new ones. Most have left a job that they have been at for years, to pursue something else for reasons pertaining to the pandemic.

When the economy had to stop services that were given by many places that couldn’t social distance, that put a very large amount of people out of a job. The people may not have other job skills that they can fall back on to get them through. So many had to rely on unemployment to pay their bills and put food on the table. Glenn Youngskin came up with a program that may help this situation.

Learn A Skill or Two

When the economy shut down for Coronavirus, there were hopes of it opening back up shortly. That has not been the case. Many businesses had to shut down completely. People who work doing a specific trade may have trouble finding work due to that is their livelihood.

If your job was shut down due to Covid-19 it’s probably because you work with the public closely. Meaning that if this virus continues to pursue, you may experience many openings and closings throughout this process. That is not a reliable way to make an income.

How The Program Works

With the recent explosion of unemployed individuals and companies needing employees, there needed to be something done. When people search for job opportunities, they may come across many that they don’t have the right qualifications for. Maybe it is still something that interests you though.

This is where this program can help you gain the right skills and certifications you need to apply for that job. With the options that are already available to people through many community colleges, it kind of just all made sense and worked out.

The Benefits

This is an awesome opportunity for the public to take advantage of. When you are unemployed and needing work, sometimes you just don’t have the skills that are needed. With this available for people to take advantage of, they can gain those skills.

Just like any other job interview or hiring process, the job is not guaranteed to you. This just gives you the skills and knowledge you need to get that job. Making it more accessible to you.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Who Would You Take On An Island With You?

Who Would You Take On An Island With You?

The question “Who would you want to be stuck on a desert island with?” comes up every now and then and we laugh it off. You don’t really answer it, but do we really think about who we would want to be on an island with? Most of the time it is thought of as a joke, not a question that you really need a response to.

There are several people that come to mind when thinking about this question and each of those people have personalities or skills or characteristics that might be advantageous to the situation. So, let’s think about this in a real-life situation. Who would you pick to be on a desert island with?

  1. Would you pick someone with skills to make you comfortable?

Would you take Martha Stewart or Gordon Ramsey so they could cook for you and you could eat well? Or would you find someone that could take the things they found in nature and make you shelter? The things you would need to sustain you, you may want to consider a record-breaking fisherman or hunter.

You need to eat to survive, so having someone who knows how to cook would be very beneficial. The shelter is also a great advantage, whether it be from the sun or the rain. Both of these skills would be assets to being stuck on an island.

  1. Would you pick someone you enjoy to just be with?

Maybe, your husband or your wife would be the one you pick. Or even a best friend. Companionship is important and helps us to keep going. Giving us a balanced outlook on life and everything that is going on.

Human interaction is smoothing that is important for the soul. If you were all alone for a long period of time, you would begin to miss having someone to talk to or be with. It can make going through different situations easier when you have someone to do it with you.

  1. Would you choose someone with skills to hopefully escape?

Maybe MacGyver would be who you would choose to be on a desert island with you. He would probably come up with some type of contraption that could alert help. That would be a great person to be stuck with, there would most likely be an escape plan made to get you both off of the island.

Who you’d choose to take with you could give you some ideas of the type of person you are.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

How to Conquer Self-Doubt at Work

How to Conquer Self-Doubt at Work

Self-doubt is something that can really hinder you in the workplace. Being able to follow through with tasks that you have can be dependent on the amount of confidence you have in yourself. Different scenarios that you face at work can cause you to experience more and more self-doubt. There are many successful and wealthy people out there who struggle with this same problem daily.

If you are someone who is experiencing self-doubt and need some strategies to help you overcome them, there are many things that you can do mentally and physically to help you with these situations. When it comes to doubting yourself, what helps one person may not be the strategy that helps you.

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Just know that you are not alone, there are so numerous people who deal with this same problem. It is all about how you confront it and deal with it. The key is finding the strategies that work for you.

  • Don’t Make Excuses

When we doubt ourselves and the abilities that we have, we tend to question everything. We will start to question whether we have done something right if we know what we are talking about, and so many other aspects of doubt. That can give you a nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach and begins the cycle of self-doubt.

Stop making those excuses and don’t be afraid of your abilities. Know that you are knowledgeable and skilled in your job. You have the ability to accomplish great things and should take advantage of the opportunities that are put in front of you.

  • Surround Yourself With Positivity

It is very true that you become what you hear and surround yourself with. If you are constantly around negativity, you will start to show attributes of being negative. That isn’t good for anyone.

Having a positive and uplifting outlook on life and your job is going to help you go so much further. If the people you are around every day don’t bring you the feeling of confidence in yourself, find other people. Positive affirmations are a great proven technique to help you stay positive.

  • Be Aware Of What Triggers Your Insecurities

The doubt that you have in yourself can be triggered by many different things. Finding out what those things are can help you overcome them. You shouldn’t avoid them completely, but take the needed time to improve on them. Whether that means studying up on it or doing some research become more educated.

Don’t let self-doubt keep you from doing great things in your professional and personal life.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.