Your HR Team Needs Ongoing Training

Your HR Team Needs Ongoing Training

In today’s day and age, the workplace moves just as quickly as the world around it. One of the most efficient ways to boost engagement and retention rates among your employees is continued education. Professional development is growing more and more crucial in today’s workplace. 

Why Is Ongoing Training Important?

According to a recent Gallup poll, millennial turnover due to lack of engagement costs the United States up to $30.5 billion annually. This is why taking every step possible to increase the retention rate of your employees is a sound investment for your business. Continued education not only helps your employees stay up-to-date with an ever-changing workspace, but it also leads to stronger investment in the company. 

Despite the narratives against them, millennials are taking over the working world and getting them invested can make or break a company. 87% of millennials say that professional development is important in a job. They also say that continuing education is a great investment in your employees and company. 

What Are the Benefits?

The more businesses invest in their employees, the better their returns. HR Magazine conducted a study that shows investing $1,500 or more per employee per year on training averages 24% higher profit margins.

These companies report higher profit margins than companies with lower yearly training investments. Here are some of the results from an American Society for Training and Development study:

  • Firms that offer comprehensive training have a 218% higher income per employee than those with less training
  • Firms that offer comprehensive training enjoy a 24% higher profit margin than those with less training
  • Those firms also generate 6% higher shareholder returns if the training expenditure per employee increased by $680. 

What Can Ongoing Training Do For Your Company?

  • Boost your employee’s confidence – Ongoing training reassures your employees of two important things. One, the company cares about them and their success and two, confidence that they aren’t being left behind.
  • Get the most out of your investment – You’re already invested in your employees and the technology they use. Ongoing training ensures that you’re getting the most out of that investment.
  • Keeps your employees happy – Investing in your employees lets them know that you care about them. This will help with retention and preventing high turnover rates.

Invest in training your HR team, because it will help your overall company. The better they can do their job, the better the rest of the team will perform. If they know how to handle the things that come across their desk, then your employees will stay on longer.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

3 Questions You Should Ask In A Job Interview About Covid-19

3 Questions You Should Ask In A Job Interview About Covid-19

This is a crazy time in the world. Many people are out of jobs and on the hunt for a new one. You have put in the time to apply to all the jobs that are within your job skills, and you finally see that email or phone call pop up asking for you to come in for an interview. You will instantly be excited and think of all the things you need to do to impress the interviewer.

There are many things that you should keep in mind when you go to your interview. So many things have changed and have new requirements due to Covid-19. Take note of all the rules and regulations that they have and that you are informed of everything about the company before you accept the job. Here are some things that you should ask the employer before your interview.

  1. What safety precautions are you as a company taking during this time?

You want to ensure your safety and the safety of others is being put high on the list of importance. Find out what they are doing to make sure you are safe and what their procedures are if someone tests positive.

You will want to get the information needed for if you test positive for COVID-19 and what the steps are that will need to be taken. Even in the case of a family member contracting COVID-19 and needing you to care for them. If they offer sick pay or if you will need to apply for unemployment.

  1. Has your company had to lay employees off due to the pandemic?

Finding out what they did or do to help the employees during this pandemic says a lot about a company. A place of employment that truly values its employees will provide the information and tools this person needs to get help.

  1. Is there an option to work remotely during the pandemic of Covid-19?

Right now everyone is uncertain of the way things are going to go. Businesses all over were shut down and had employees, who could, working remotely from home. Finding out if your employer will allow you to continue working if a shut down were to occur again.

It is important to get any information about communication and requirements that go along with working from home. Sometimes it is easy to get distracted when you work remotely, having an idea of what the employer expects will help you stay on track.

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We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

3 Communication Habits Good Leaders Practice Daily

3 Communication Habits Good Leaders Practice Daily

Communication is probably one of the most important qualities that a leader can possess. It shows that you not only can be in charge, but you also care about what others feel and think. When there is lack of communication, it leaves room for people to get confused. This can lead to unfortunate rumors and misinformation.

The people in your workplace will thrive on good communication. The business can run more efficiently and effectively when their communication with one another is strong. When people feel as though there isn’t an open line to do so, they may be afraid to speak up and voice what they are feeling or thinking.

Ways to Communicate In The Workplace

Communicating isn’t just about you talking, it is also about listening. A good leader must show respect and interest in what people are telling them. Listening to what your coworkers have to say can make them feel heard and understood.

The reason that we communicate is to inform one another, express how you are feeling, to encourage, to impact each other, and to meet expectations. Without it, things would not play out very well. Here are some ways that you as a leader can do better with this and encourage your team as well.

1. Eye Contact

Eye contact is a very important thing when you are communicating. Body language is perceived in either a good or a bad way. Your eyes surprisingly can play a big role in your body language. Eye contact lets the person know that you are listening and care about what they are telling you.

2. Don’t Zone Out

Spacing out during a conversation can sometimes be easy to do. When you do that you have a look on your face that happens, this look is very obvious that you are no longer paying attention to the person talking to you. When you catch yourself zoning out of a conversation, make a conscious effort to bring yourself back in.

3. Tell Your Story

This is a way the people you work with can connect with you on a different level, it will help them to also open up. It can improve the workflow that happens. This will also give them the opportunity to open up about themselves, and help everyone one learn how to better work with one another.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.