How To Hire For Skills And Less For Industry Experience

How To Hire For Skills And Less For Industry Experience

How To Hire For Skills And Less For Industry Experience

Hiring someone to work in your company is a big decision. You want to make sure that you are getting the right person for the job. Just because someone has previously done a job or has experience in certain areas, doesn’t mean that they are the right fit for that area of your business.

There are some things that you can look for and do to help make sure you are fitting the right person to the right area of your business. That way you are hiring someone for the skills that they are good at instead of just their experience in the industry. Let’s dive into some of the benefits of hiring in this manner.

Don’t Hire On Bias Standards

It is easy to believe that a man specifically or a woman specifically will fit a certain job best. While you should be hiring on the skills that the individual has and not by the sex that they are. When you hire an individual this way, you are going to get someone who can accomplish the job better.

Don’t Focus So Much On Degrees 

Hiring someone to fill a position that you have available is stressful at times. You are nervous to make the wrong choice in a person.

When you are advertising for a job position, but more of the focus on their abilities and training. Not so much on their degrees in college. Many people have the right qualifications and certifications, without a bachelor’s degree.

Look Beyond Job Titles

The job that people are hired for sometimes fits them well and sometimes it doesn’t. That’s because many people hire without thinking about their true skills and just based on their experiences. With recent experience with the pandemic, people are far more capable of more jobs.

You Will Benefit More

Focusing more on the skills that an individual has is going to benefit your business more in the long run. People are going to enjoy what they do on a whole new level as well. You will see that your business will flourish more and it is also going to save you money.

Many people lost their jobs over the past year during the pandemic of Covid-19, forcing businesses to expand their employees’ job titles. Having to move to smaller amounts of staff. This gave the paternity to expand people’s experience and skills.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Top Executive Challenges

Top Executive Challenges

Top Executive Challenges

There have been a number of difficult challenges that businesses all over have had to face through the pandemic of 2020. It has not been an easy process for people or business owners. They have had to make some very hard decisions and choices that made big impacts on people’s livelihoods. Now decisions have to be made as we move through this year on how to move forward with the many additional challenges.

Step into their shoes for just a moment, and think about all the big choices that they have had to make. No matter the need to do something, when it is something that is going to possibly hurt someone, it is hard to do. Many businesses had to make the very hard decision to lay a good portion of their employees off. Putting those people and their families in some hardships.

Making Hard Decisions

CEO’s have had to make some life-changing decisions over this past year. Laying off employees, furloughing, and possibly even closing the doors altogether. This has put them in some pretty tough situations and ones that don’t sit easily on the conscious.

Making decisions for a company is a lot of pressure and sometimes comes with a lot of stress. Even the ones outside of the pandemic. Many times you have to veto ideas and sometimes you can take the risk and take action. Making big decisions is a hard job either way it goes.

Taking The Heat

One reason that it can be so hard to make some of the difficult decisions that go along with being in charge of a business, is that you have to take the heat. If the idea fails or doesn’t flourish, it is you that is looked back on. That is a lot to carry.

Working Together

Running a company is not only the job of the CEO but also the employees who are working there as well. Yes, someone has to be in charge and make the final decisions, but it also can’t run properly without those who are working there alongside.

Teamwork is the best way to run a business and have it be successful. When people are not focused on the big picture and working together, things aren’t going to flourish as well. There are so many challenges that you can face as the top executive, but working as a whole company is the only way to see true success.

Please share your comments with us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

How to Implement Organizational Changes During The Pandemic

How to Implement Organizational Changes During The Pandemic

How to Implement Organizational Changes During The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on everyone. So much changed and didn’t go the way it was planned. Many businesses closed, and the lucky ones went to remote working. There are so many areas of everyone’s lives that drastically shifted to an unfamiliar place. That is why implementing organizational and behavior changes is so important.

Drive Organizational Changes In The Workplace

Remote working is not as easy as it sounds. Especially, in times of a pandemic. The whole family is home and there are the normal distractions of the home around at all times. Change is a standard part of life, but sometimes it can be hard to accept.

As the individual in charge, it is worth your time to pour into your employees. In ways to help them cope during these times. Change is not always a bad thing; it can cause you to experience new things. It can help your employees to branch out and realize what they are capable of.

Encourage Behavior Change In The Workplace

Communication with your staff means being understanding. Show them that you care and understand what they are going through. They are more likely to listen that way. The behavior that comes with change may not always be positive. Change is a big thing in many people’s lives, and not everyone handles it in the same way.

There are ways that you can help your employees accept these changes that are occurring. Find ways to boost their confidence and introduce skill-building exercises. Help your employees find ways to be productive in these times. When change is accepted, it is much easier to handle. Behaviors will begin to change when you encourage them to be more positive.

How To Implement These Changes

There are ways that you can help your business be more acceptable to change. There are exercises and skill-building sessions that you can supply to them for help with this. The pandemic has been a crazy and stressful time for many, implementing ways to better cope with change can only benefit employees.

If you want to shift your business’s functioning, don’t wait any longer. Here are a few things that you can do:

  • Help Your Employees To Understand
  • Give Your Employees The Confidence They Need
  • Listen To Their Thoughts and Give Accountability
  • Be The Example
  • Offer Skill-Building Opportunities
  • Provide New Opportunities
  • Be Their Cheerleader

Putting these changes in place can help you survive the pandemic for no matter how long it lasts.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.