Roadmap for leaders on building a Successful Upskilling Program

Roadmap for leaders on building a Successful Upskilling Program

Upskilling is a longer-term approach to employee development of skills, knowledge, and competencies to further advance career goals. Upskilling will give your company an edge by developing your in-house team’s skills as per the business needs. This will enable you to fill open roles quicker and at a lower cost than hiring new employees.

Assess the problem and formulate a plan of action

Start by holding open discussions with important stakeholders including senior executives, HR leaders, and employee reps. How optimistic are business executives about their company’s future and their employees’ prospective mobility? What sorts of talents are required – simple technical abilities, general digital-savvy skills, or soft skills such as team leadership and good communication?

Create a skill development strategy

Many previous reskilling programs provided insufficient training and short term results. Analytic workforce planning tools may help you forecast the influence of new technologies on your organization, as well as the cost savings that automation will bring, the types of new skills that will be required, and the number of months or years it will take for these changes to occur.

Individual employees are counselled

Employees’ concerns can be alleviated by a thoughtful evaluation program that includes personal coaching and counselling, which will ultimately help them advance their professional growth. Assess potential workers’ abilities, track their progress, and inquire about their personal and professional goals. Individual workers need to feel in control of their own career trajectory.

Thus, every component of the strategic upskilling project, from expenses (which climbs substantially if employees are unable to satisfy their new job requirements) to employee perspective and motivation, is influenced by the quality, value, and efficiency of the training experience. When training incorporates modern technologies such as robotic processes, artificial intelligence, smart warehouses, or digital manufacturing, the quality of the curriculum is very crucial. Ensure clarity about the upskilling initiative’s goal and objectives, as well as the specific skills that will need to be cultivated and your upskilling program will be successful.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Time Is Money

Time Is Money

Are you carrying the weight of many jobs as a CEO? Did you know that taking time to answer all emails, calls, and more that’s received is wasting your time? It takes up a lot of working hours to complete this task. In this article, we will point out a few ways to stop wasting valuable time and money.

Have An Assistant

Do you have an assistant? If not, get one. It can help you to get far more tasks completed and be more successful in your day.

Simple tasks like answering phone calls, returning calls, replying to emails, and checking emails can all be done by an assistant. They can also cut down on any interruptions that may come up while you are busy. You can let them know that you want to be uninterrupted till a specific time, and they can filter anything that comes up during that time.

Use Automated Services

If your assistant is already super busy or you don’t want to hire one, you can use automated services. This is a simple system that you can set up to help save you time. When you receive an email or a phone call, an automotive response is given to let the person know you will get back to them at your earliest convenience.

Delegate Jobs That Need To Be Done

It is so easy to feel like you have to get everything done. As your company grows and takes on more work, that will become harder and harder for you to do. Many CEOs get bogged down and don’t recognize when to delegate.

Trust the employees that you have hired. Inform them of what you want them to do, train them, or whatever else you need them to understand before taking on the task. Delegate jobs out to people you feel are responsible and capable of accomplishing them.

Make Sure You Prepare For Meetings

Have you ever had a meeting with your employees and felt like after it was over, nothing was accomplished? Don’t let it happen again. Prepare for meetings thoroughly. Take the time to plan out the point of the meeting, the discussions, and what you want out of it.

Create a PowerPoint to show your employees

Visual presentations are more interesting and will keep the focus of your employees more. Don’t go overboard; get straight to the point. Allow time in the end for questions and comments to be made to clarify any confusion. Proper preparation can prevent you from spending valuable time and wasting it.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

The Post COVID Changes For Businesses

The Post COVID Changes For Businesses

Businesses have had to make some major changes over the course of the couple of years. The way that they run, do business, and what they look for in new employees. Some are still working remotely, with little plans to return to the main office full time. Many are back in the office but still working with limited amounts of people. But, what does this mean for businesses post COVID?

Changes That Were Made

When the pandemic first began, everyone was trying to make fast decisions. There wasn’t a lot of warning and preparation businesses were able to make. The notice to shut down came on quickly, and businesses had to decide in a moment’s notice what to do.

For some, that was to gather your computers and belongings to continue work from home. Many companies had already had this in place, while it was a completely new concept to others. Businesses that couldn’t work from home had to either shut down completely or become creative to continue to stay afloat financially.

How To Adapt To Changes

There are many techniques and skills that people had to pull out in order to come up with the right plan to keep their business running. Some of the suggestions that can help you are:

  • Center Strategy On Sustainability – To center strategy on sustainability is simply looking at the whole picture and being more considerate of your atmosphere.
  • Transform In The Cloud – The cloud is a valuable area for you to take advantage of for your business.
  • Cultivate Your Talent – Your search for new employees may need to switch, and hiring based on true talent is more important than ever.
  • Press The Need For Speed – Keeping up with everything that is going on is vital to success; that is why speed is a big factor in your business.
  • Operate With Purpose – The amount of purpose that your businesses possess will factor into the amount of success that you receive.

Business Is Changing

In order for your business to remain successful, you have to be open and accepting of changes. No one knows what the future holds, but the best option is to be as prepared as possible. Plan for the future and have a set direction that you want to go in.

There will be some struggles that are faced due to the pandemic and lack of training. Factor that into your long-term business plan. That way, you are prepared and know what you need to do.

Please share with your colleagues & staff.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.