Being A Compassionate Leader With Constructive Leadership Skills

Being A Compassionate Leader With Constructive Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are a very important aspect for an employee to possess, even more, important for someone who is in a leadership position. When you are able to control and instruct a group of people with great success, it can benefit your business greatly. A leader has a fine line they can straddle for constructive criticism and encouragement.

Be A Good Leader Without Being Ran Over

When you possess a kind and generous attitude to employees, sometimes employees can in return try to overstep their boundaries. They take your empathic personality as a sign that they can take control. Some will try and get you to do them favors that are a little more manipulative than an actual favor.

Being in a leadership position you have to play on equal grounds. Rules have to stay the same for everyone and favoritism can’t be shown. Another negative aspect that some employees can have is to not take responsibility when wrong. This is where a good leader can step in and get to the bottom of the situation.

Qualities Of A Good Leader

It is not an easy task to be a leader. You have to deal with a lot of people and their different personalities. Some that are hard to deal with in the realm of things. When you are in this position, you have to handle all sorts of different scenarios, such as conflict, trouble, rewards, and more.

Some of the good qualities that someone has when they are a good leader are:

  • Ability To Give Constructive Criticism
  • Ability To Take Charge Of A Situation
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Handle Conflict With Employees
  • Keep Employees On Task
  • And More

Jerks Are Everywhere

There is no doubt that at some point in your career as a leader you will deal with an employee who is a jerk. You need to have the ability to not let it get the best of you. When these employees are allowed to continue their behavior, it can really change the performance of the other employees.

Other employees will describe these jerks as:

  • Fatiguing
  • Demoralizing
  • Intimidating

This will all in all result in a loss of workers. No one wants to be surrounded by that behavior day in and day out. No matter how good the money is. A good leader can help to silence many issues that are going on within the business. Making it to where the environment and running of the company are going smoothly.

Do you have constructive leadership skills? We would love to hear from you today.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

How To Be a Successful Remote Worker

How To Be a Successful Remote Worker

The pandemic has changed the way many businesses functioned. Remote work was a completely new concept to many companies. Some had to navigate into it blindly, while others had a little bit of experience. It was still a new environment and way of working for many people, which initially made it a little stressful. This article will discuss some of the efforts you can put in place to be a successful remote worker.

Time Management

Managing your time wisely is one of the most significant factors in success in a work-from-home job. It is so easy to get distracted by the chores and other happenings of your home. No one is there as a supervisor to make sure you are working. It is up to you to manage your time wisely to get all of your work done.

Time management can be different for everyone. If your work allows it, you can set your working times as it is convenient for you.

Set strict hours of when you will be working and make it uninterrupted. If you have set hours from your work, stick to it. Don’t get caught up in chores, entertainment, and other household distractions.

Manage Stress Levels

When you get stressed and overwhelmed, it can be hard to complete your tasks. It becomes hard to focus, accomplish, and follow through with tasks that you have. Implementing healthy habits to help manage your stress levels can help to avoid this from happening.

A job that has you working remotely is bound to make you feel stressed at some point. You are alone at work, working through tasks without face-to-face interactions, and it can get the best of you at times. Take the necessary steps to help you stay stress-free. Talk with a therapist, do yoga, exercise, breathing techniques, or whatever helps you manage your state of mind.

Communication Is Vital

Technology allows you to stay connected with your fellow work employees at all times. You can have face-to-face meetings for work with facetime, zoom, skype, and other video platforms. This can help break up the loneliness a little bit.

Even though it is not the same as being physically in front of the person, regularly communicating with your work is a vital part of working a remote job. This is even a great way to communicate with customers if your job calls for it.

How has your business life changed due to the pandemic? We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

How the Pandemic is Shaping Employee Experience

How the Pandemic is Shaping Employee Experience

The workplace throughout the pandemic has experienced various changes that have left many employees uncertain of the future. McKinsey research shows that hybrid work-from-home and return to the office situations have established a divide between employees and employers.

Mckinsey surveyed almost 1,000 workers to study their viewpoints on how the pandemic has changed their work environment. Many employees shared similar opinions regarding a desire for trust, community, and a united purpose. Every employee wants to feel valued and set up for success. Many companies have endured higher than normal turnover rates, and organizations can curve this trend by offering an excellent employee experience by listening to the desires of their employees. Most companies operate based on what is best for the company, not what is best for the employee. Reshaping these fundamentals to consider the employee will help establish higher levels of employee satisfaction, productivity, and performance.

How Employee Experience Shape New Possibilities

The pandemic has changed the game regarding traditional workplaces and has made many aware of the growing need for digital dexterity. As the future to a new digital age unfolds, people need to accommodate and adapt quickly to prevent a skills gap of challenges. More jobs are becoming fluid, and the pandemic enhances the need for a more authentic employee experience. Contrary to popular belief, employees do not value money the most at the workplace. Rather, employees want to feel like they matter, that they belong, and that their work is valued. Prioritizing employee experiences will help you develop your team, decrease turnover rate, and improve employee satisfaction.

A Systematic Take On The Employee Experience

Seeing things from your employee’s perspective is a helpful place to start. At one point, many companies were encouraged to see things from their customer’s point of view and this is very similar. To transform your employee’s experience you may consider the following things:

  • Commit to understanding current employee issues and ways in which they want to grow and develop their talents. As well as consider the emotional context of life and work.
  • Using digital tools that make work easier to allow employees to focus on more creative and engaging assignments.
  • Work hand and hand with employees to gain insight into personas and employee journeys. Companies can create “moments that matter” to recognize and highlight employees for all their hard work. These significant moments can shape an employees outlook on their job greatly.
  • Implement a system that allows the organization to scale employee experience. Leadership partnering with Human Resources to change the way the company operates

Now is the time to make changes to traditional company models. Focusing on building great employees will help you build a better company that withstands the test of time. Employee experience uses key moments in an employee’s journey and surrounds them with positivity, encouragement, and gratitude. These experiences motivate performance growth and create long-lasting employees who are committed. By seizing this opportunity you pour into happy employees you in turn create satisfied customers and happy shareholders.

Please share with your colleagues & staff.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.