The Power of Connection: How Healthy Relationships Make You a Better Business Leader

The Power of Connection: How Healthy Relationships Make You a Better Business Leader

As business owners, nearly every aspect of running and growing our organizations is dependent upon building strong relationships. We create a team, we work with suppliers, and we develop our customer base. We nurture those connections that are meaningful impactful and hopefully healthy. Ideally, we also foster a culture in which others are inclined to connect and collaborate as well. And while the term may sometimes feel like a catchphrase or buzzword, a connection is an extraordinarily powerful motivator for your business, your team, and everyone you touch.

As we hustle through our daily lives and perpetual journeys as active business owners, it is easy to become shortsighted on the value of connection. It is also common, particularly when stressed over time or workload, that we isolate ourselves under the pretense that we are too busy to interact in a meaningful way with the people around us. Entrepreneur isolation is a very real, very harmful dynamic. In a study by Julie Deane, CEO of Cambridge Satchel Company, she reported that business owners claim isolation is one of the biggest challenges they face, with nearly 30 percent responding it was either “a big problem” or “something of a problem.”

The case for connection is irrefutable. Fostering authentic connections with customers, employees, and other key stakeholders unleashes some pretty wonderful, intangible business assets like trust, loyalty, collaboration, productivity, and innovation.

Connection to Customers

By nurturing meaningful relationships with customers, business owners can increase brand loyalty, which reaps so many rewards including increased revenue, decreased advertising costs, and better word-of-mouth marketing, to name a few.

There are actions you can take to improve your connection with your customers. Work on your active listening skills and be as transparent as possible when communicating with them, whether it be in person, by phone, or in marketing pieces. Ask your customers their opinions and preferences on your goods and services. Be accessible and visible them as many as possible.

Connection to Suppliers

With the continued challenges in the supply chain, it is in your best interest as a business owner to build a strong, diverse network of vendors. But just because you have purchasing options, doesn’t mean you don’t need to nurture those relationships. Be open with your suppliers regarding the unique needs of your business. Treat your suppliers with fairness and respect. And while cost per unit is always important, look beyond pricing when it comes to the value of your vendors. It is hard to put a dollar amount on a supplier who is attentive and engaged, and who you know is looking out for your best interests.

Connection Within the Team:

Fostering a culture of connection and collaboration can be a huge game-changer. Don’t just assume that because everyone on your team seems to get along your job as Chief Connection Officer is done. Consider implementing mentorship and leadership programs. Reward interdepartmental cooperation and employee collaboration. Build an environment in which your team feels validated, ideas are freely exchanged, and goals are collectively pursued.

Owner-to-Owner Connection

 As the leader of your business, perhaps the most important and impactful relationships are those with other business leaders who can offer you support, guidance, and insights derived from their own experiences. Whether you’re facing challenges or seeking opportunities for growth, a group of your peers challenges you and emboldens you to do better and be better. These mastermind groups, also known as peer advisory boards, are invaluable for business owners in numerous ways. Peer board members support and elevate you by:

        • Speaking honestly and openly in a confidential environment.
        • Asking tough questions and challenging you to stay accountable.
        • Pushing you to act on things you might normally put off.
        • Encouraging you to outperform your goals.
        • Offering diverse perspectives that you won’t get anywhere else.
        • Connecting you with valuable resources.

Peer advisory boards offer a powerful platform for business owners to connect, collaborate, and grow, collectively enhancing the success and fulfillment of each of its members.

Remember, connection is the lifeblood of business success. As the leader of your organization, fostering a connection with your customers, team, suppliers, and fellow business owners doesn’t just feel good, it also propels you to greatness.

TAB Advisory Boards offer business owners a local, close-knit group of experienced peers from a range of non-competing industries. Together, you’ll share knowledge, expertise, and accountability — exactly the insight, feedback, and inspiration you need to take your business to the next level.

#tabboards #businesscoaching #accountability

We would love to hear your comments. Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Enhancing Leadership Communication: Avoid These Phrases To Connect Effectively With Your Team

Enhancing Leadership Communication: Avoid These Phrases To Connect Effectively With Your Team

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership. Leaders who can convey their ideas clearly and inspire their teams are more likely to achieve their goals. However, certain phrases commonly used by leaders can hinder communication and create barriers between them and their teams. In this article, we will explore why leaders need to stop using these phrases if they want to communicate effectively with their teams and provide alternative solutions for better connections.

“Because I said so”

Using this phrase dismisses the need for explanation or understanding, creating a hierarchical communication style that can lead to resentment and disengagement. Team members appreciate transparency and want to comprehend the reasoning behind decisions.

Solution: Instead of relying on authority alone, leaders should offer context and rationale for their decisions. This fosters an environment of trust and encourages team members to align their efforts with organizational goals.

“It’s not my fault”

Refusing accountability can erode trust and damage the leader-team relationship. Leaders must take responsibility for their actions and decisions, even when faced with challenges or mistakes.

Solution: Embrace accountability by acknowledging mistakes and openly discussing solutions. This demonstrates humility and sets a positive example for the team, fostering a culture of shared responsibility.

“This is how we’ve always done it”

Resisting change and clinging to outdated methods can stifle innovation and hinder progress. Effective leaders recognize the need for adaptation in today’s dynamic work environment.

Solution: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by fostering an open dialogue about new ideas. Acknowledge that change is inevitable and that exploring innovative approaches can lead to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.

“I’m too busy”

Leaders who constantly convey busyness may appear unapproachable, discouraging open communication. Team members need to feel comfortable approaching their leaders with concerns or ideas.

Solution: Prioritize communication and make time for team members. Demonstrating accessibility and a willingness to listen fosters a collaborative environment, where team members feel valued and heard.

“This is easy”

Downplaying the challenges of a task can diminish the efforts of the team and create unrealistic expectations. It may also discourage team members from seeking help when needed.

Solution: Acknowledge the complexity of tasks and challenges while expressing confidence in the team’s ability to overcome them. This approach instills a sense of realism and encourages collaboration to address difficulties collectively.

Conclusion – Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping organizational culture and fostering effective communication. By avoiding these common phrases and embracing alternative solutions, leaders can build stronger connections with their teams, enhance trust, and create an environment conducive to collaboration and success.


    1. Daskal, L. (2017). “Why Leaders Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Accountability.” Inc.
    2. Robertson, K. (2019). “5 Phrases Leaders Should Never Use.” Forbes.
    3. Watkins, M. (2020). “The 5 Most Destructive Things Leaders Say.” Harvard Business Review.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Business Success – Accountability Is A Top Driver

Business Success - Accountability Is A Top Driver

Did you know that ACCOUNTABILITY is one of the top drivers of BUSINESS SUCCESS? But what does that entail? For many, that means having an Accountability Partner – someone with whom you can share your goals and challenges, and who will provide motivation and support in return.

Accountability partners also help instill a sense of responsibility; after all, “reporting” to someone helps you maintain transparency and deliver results how and when you say you will.

Do you have an accountability partner in your role as a business leader? If not, is there someone in your organization who you trust to hold you accountable?

To learn more about the importance of having an accountability partner (for yourself and your entire team) read “Business Success: Why Having an Accountability Partner Is Key” at The Alternative Board (TAB) using the link below:

#tabboards #businesscoaching #accountability

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Crafting a Seamless Hiring Journey: A Guide on How to Create a Better Candidate Experience

Crafting a Seamless Hiring Journey: A Guide on How to Create a Better Candidate Experience

In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition, fostering a positive candidate experience is paramount. Not only does it contribute to attracting top-tier talent, but it also enhances your employer brand. To ensure a seamless and positive hiring journey for candidates, follow these key steps.

Clear and Transparent Communication: Open and honest communication is the foundation of a positive candidate experience. Clearly articulate the job requirements, responsibilities, and expectations from the outset. Provide a detailed job description and be transparent about the stages of the hiring process. This not only sets expectations but also demonstrates your commitment to transparency, building trust right from the start.

Streamlined Application Process: Lengthy and cumbersome application processes can deter qualified candidates. Simplify and streamline your application process by leveraging user-friendly interfaces and reducing the number of steps. Ensure that your online application platform is mobile-friendly, as many candidates prefer applying on the go.

Personalized Interaction: Treat candidates as individuals, not just potential hires. Personalize your interactions by addressing them by name and tailoring your communications to their specific skills and experiences. Incorporate personalized touches in emails, interview processes, and follow-ups. This demonstrates that you value each candidate and appreciate the unique strengths they bring.

Efficient Interview Process: Respect candidates’ time by optimizing the interview process. Schedule interviews efficiently, provide clear instructions, and communicate any necessary preparation. Use technology to conduct virtual interviews when appropriate, reducing the need for candidates to travel. Additionally, ensure timely feedback after interviews to keep candidates informed and engaged.

Feedback and Closure: Constructive feedback, whether positive or constructive, is invaluable for candidates. Provide timely and detailed feedback after interviews, helping candidates understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Even in cases where a candidate is not selected, maintain a positive and respectful tone, leaving the door open for potential future opportunities.

By incorporating these strategies into your hiring process, you can create a positive and memorable candidate experience. Remember, a well-crafted experience not only attracts top talent but also contributes to a positive employer brand, making your organization an employer of choice in the competitive job market.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Do You Have An Exit Strategy?


Why should Business Owners plan their “exits”?

Sooner or later, every owner leaves his or her business. Whether you anticipate selling the company to a third party, transitioning to employee ownership, or a family succession, every strategy results in your eventual exit. The complexities of tax law, combined with the expectations of buyers of any type, lend themselves to the careful structuring of a transfer.

The first step in a journey is to decide how you will get there. For that, you need a map. The map doesn’t tell you how to go. It quantifies your options. How long will it take? What roads should you use? If you take a side trip, how far out of your way must you go? Can you get there in the time you anticipated, or do you need to plan for contingencies? Clear Focus LLC utilizes ExitMap® Express™ to help owners examine their options.

The ExitMap® helps clients understand their current level of preparedness so that they can begin the succession planning process.

To take the first step by reviewing the ExitMap® Process and completing the Free Assessment here.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today! Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Navigating Success in 2024 – 5 Strategies for CEOs to Thrive

Navigating Success in 2024 – 5 Strategies for CEOs to Thrive

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, CEOs face unprecedented challenges and opportunities in 2024. Staying ahead requires a strategic mindset and a willingness to adapt.

Here are five key strategies for CEO success this year:

1. Embrace Technological Innovation: In the digital age, CEOs must leverage technology to drive innovation and efficiency. Embrace emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data analytics to gain a competitive edge. A report by McKinsey highlights the transformative impact of technology on business operations 1.

2. Prioritize Sustainability: Sustainability is no longer a trend but a business imperative. CEOs need to integrate sustainability into their corporate strategy.

The Harvard Business Review emphasizes the positive correlation between sustainability and financial performance 2. Embracing eco-friendly practices not only aligns with societal expectations but also attracts environmentally conscious consumers.

3. Cultivate a Remote-Friendly Culture: The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way we work. CEOs should foster a culture that supports remote and hybrid work models. A study by PwC reveals that 83% of employees want the option to work remotely at least one day a week 3. Providing flexibility enhances employee satisfaction and productivity.

4. Invest in Employee Well-being: The well-being of employees directly impacts organizational success. Prioritize mental health initiatives, offer wellness programs, and create a positive work environment. According to a Gallup report, companies with engaged employees outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share 4.

5. Adopt Agile Leadership: The ability to adapt quickly is crucial in a rapidly changing business landscape. CEOs should embrace agile leadership principles, allowing for flexibility and responsiveness. The Forbes Business Council emphasizes the importance of agility in navigating uncertainties 4.

Success in 2024 requires CEOs to be forward-thinking, adaptable, and socially responsible. By embracing these strategies, leaders can position their organizations for sustained success in a dynamic business environment. t


      1. McKinsey – “Unlocking Success in the Digital Age”
      2. Harvard Business Review – “The Comprehensive Business Case for Sustainability”
      3. PwC – “Remote Work: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity”
      4. Gallup – “The Relationship Between Engagement at Work and Organizational Outcomes”

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

5 Surprisingly Critical Employee Skill Sets in Demand for 2024

5 Surprisingly Critical Employee Skill Sets in Demand for 2024

When it comes to hiring your next superstar, do you even know what GREAT POTENTIAL looks like? The fact is, you probably can’t glean that from a job candidate’s resume, current skill set, or probably even their past jobs.

While experience and hard skills are certainly important, there are far more powerful indicators of long-term employee success.

Find out what those characteristics are and how to recognize them by reading The Alternative Board President & CEO Jason Zickerman’s Entrepreneur article titled “5 Surprisingly Critical Employee Skill Sets in Demand for 2024″ by clicking the link below:

#tabboards #businesscoaching #entrepreneur

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Why Your Employees Pose Your Biggest Cybersecurity Risk

Why Your Employees Pose Your Biggest Cybersecurity Risk

Your employees are the heart of your business. They work hard and keep everything moving forward. The problem is, that employees are also your biggest risk when it comes to data security and cyber safety.

Even with a strong cybersecurity posture in place, many businesses fail to recognize the cyber threat from within. For the most part, employees are not purposefully sabotaging their employer. Instead, lax protocols and insufficient training make workers the ideal target of cybercriminals. Just a click on a phishing email or an infected attachment by an unassuming or careless employee – and voila – your business’s data and entire network might find itself under siege. And that is a frightening scenario.

Experts estimate that approximately 25% of employees are unable to identify the tell-tale characteristics of a phishing email. This, combined with advances in artificial intelligence that allow hackers to appear more legit than ever, poses massive challenges to your business’s safety and security.

Your employees must understand some of the cyber dangers that lie in wait:

Third-Party Apps

Third-party applications are a common entry point for malware. A good example of this is the SolarWinds cyberattack a few years ago that spread like wildfire and affected more than 18,000 of its customers. Other big-name brands like Target and Volkswagen have had their data compromised by third-party hacks, usually due to inadequate security measures. App stores may also lack basic privacy protections, which may result in data being shared or stolen.

Be sure to properly vet all third-party apps before they are loaded to your systems and continue to install all suggested updates.

The Challenges of WFH

While the Work-from-home employment model can provide a business and its employees numerous benefits, it also increases cyber risks.

Some remote employees choose to work from libraries or coffee shops and thus connect to the internet via a public Wi-Fi network. This can pose a danger to your systems due to the network being unsecured and accessible to strangers.

If your employees are working remotely, make sure your security policies match the risk they pose. This might include specifying firewall protection, limiting locations, and other necessary measures.

Strong Password Policy

It might be surprising, but the number one defense against hacks and malware is the implementation of a strong password policy. Require that your employees use unique passwords and that they change them regularly. Forbid any sharing of passwords (except perhaps with your IT department) and consider third-party authentication applications.

Just Say No to Social Media at Work

It might seem like a no-brainer, but you would likely be shocked by how many employees access their social media accounts on company computers. And make no mistake, this should be a big no-no. Besides the fact that hopping on their social accounts likely serves no legitimate business purpose, social media sites like Facebook can be rife with data miners actively seeking to prey upon unsuspecting users. While most of these bad actors are targeting personal data, they may also seek work-related information.

Forbid your employees from accessing social media at work and educate them on potential red flags, like seemingly innocent posts that ask them their grandmother’s first name or the street that they grew up on.

Security Awareness Training Is a Must

Even with all the information and cautionary news stories, many employees are unaware of the cyber risks they pose to your business.

Consider Security Awareness Training (SAT) as a key component of your cybersecurity strategy. SAT generally includes courses on phishing awareness, password protection, best practices, and other key cybersecurity topics. There are several capable and cost-effective SAT providers to choose from.

Remember, small businesses are a hacker’s favorite target. So, regardless of your company size, ensure your employees understand the multitude of cyber risks and how their actions can help or hinder the security of your company and its data.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.