Unlocking Potential: No-Cost Employee Development Ideas For 2024


In today’s dynamic business landscape, investing in employee development is crucial for organizational growth. However, not every business has a hefty budget for training programs. Fear not! Here are four effective and cost-free employee development ideas to help business leaders foster a culture of continuous learning and growth in 2024.

    1. Mentorship Programs: Cultivating Internal Talent

One of the most impactful and cost-effective ways to develop employees is through mentorship programs. Pairing seasoned employees with those seeking guidance creates a knowledge-sharing ecosystem within the organization. Encourage employees to share their expertise and experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie and professional development.

This not only enhances skills but also strengthens internal relationships, contributing to a more collaborative work environment. Consider using assessment tools to connect mentors and mentees. By using a tool like DISC, you can help create pairs with complementing behavioral styles. They can then learn from one another! Contact us for access to the DISC assessment.

Source: Forbes – “How Mentorship Can Benefit Your Business”

    1. Cross-Functional Projects: Breaking Silos, Building Skills

Encourage employees to engage in cross-functional projects that go beyond their usual job responsibilities. This not only breaks down departmental silos but also provides employees with opportunities to acquire new skills. By collaborating with colleagues from different areas, employees gain a broader understanding of the business, fostering adaptability and a more holistic approach to problem-solving.

Source: Harvard Business Review – “The Benefits of Cross-Functional Teams”

    1. Lunch and Learn Sessions: Knowledge Sharing on a Budget

Organize informal “Lunch and Learn” sessions where employees can share their expertise, experiences, or insights on various topics. These sessions provide a platform for continuous learning in a relaxed setting. Encourage employees to present subjects they are passionate about, creating a culture of knowledge-sharing and skill development.

Source: Training Industry – “Lunch and Learn Programs That Work”

    1. Online Learning Platforms: Tapping into Digital Resources

Leverage free online learning platforms to provide employees with access to a vast array of courses and resources. Platforms like Coursera, Khan Academy, and LinkedIn Learning offer free courses on diverse subjects. Encourage employees to explore these resources to enhance their skills and stay updated on industry trends.

Source: Coursera, Khan Academy, LinkedIn Learning

In conclusion, employee development doesn’t always require a substantial budget. By implementing these no-cost strategies, business leaders can foster a culture of continuous learning, empower their workforce, and position their organizations for success in 2024 and beyond.

Need help implementing or designing an employee development plan?

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson – gary@myclearfocus.com

Debra Rider – debra@myclearfocus.com


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Positive Thinking Produces Positive Results

Positive Thinking Produces Positive Results

Just as someone can affect your attitude, you can influence your attitude as well as the attitudes of those around you. How? With affirmations! An affirmation is telling yourself that “you can” instead of “can’t.” An affirmation is a positive statement that describes the “you” you want to become.

Affirmations should have the following criteria:

      • Affirmations should be positive.
      • Affirmations should be statements in the first person, present tense.
      • Affirmations should be related to your goals.
      • Affirmations should be within the realm of possibility (realistic) .

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

The Transformative Power Of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

The Transformative Power Of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) plays a pivotal role in effective leadership, shaping leaders into empathetic and influential individuals. According to a blog post on TTISI’s website, “3 Ways EQ Makes You a Better Leader,” the impact of EQ on leadership is profound.

First, EQ enhances self-awareness, a cornerstone of effective leadership. Leaders with high EQ are attuned to their own emotions, allowing them to manage stress, make informed decisions, and maintain composure in challenging situations. This self-awareness fosters a positive work environment and inspires confidence among team members.

Second, EQ contributes to better interpersonal relationships. Leaders who understand and empathize with the emotions of others can build stronger connections with their team. This leads to improved communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution within the workplace. Team members are more likely to be motivated and engaged when they feel heard and valued.

Lastly, EQ enhances decision-making skills. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can consider not only logical factors but also the emotional impact of their decisions on individuals and the team. This holistic approach results in well-rounded and thoughtful choices, contributing to the overall success of the organization.

In conclusion, EQ helps transform leaders into more self-aware, empathetic, and effective decision-makers, ultimately fostering a positive and productive work environment

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

FREE On-Demand Webinar: Creating A Business Plan

Webinar: Creating A Business Plan

Creating a business plan can be a challenge for many business owners and managers. Finding the time, the right stakeholders, and the resources needed to create an effective business plan can be overwhelming.

In this educational webinar, we will show you the strategy for completing this very important and foundational business task.

This webinar will:

        • Provide a step-by-step process for writing a business plan.
        • Cover guidelines for information to include in specific sections.
        • Layout rules for financial projections and assumptions.

Watch free and on-demand now at The Alternative Boards (TAB): Creating A Business Plan

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Leading by Example: A Guide for Business Leaders

Leading by Example: A Guide for Business Leaders

In the dynamic landscape of business, effective leadership is crucial for organizational success. One powerful approach is leading by example, where leaders inspire and motivate their teams through their actions. This not only fosters a positive work culture but also establishes credibility and trust. Here are some practical tips for business leaders on how to lead by example.

1. Embody Core Values

Clearly define and communicate your company’s core values. Then, live them out in your daily actions. Employees are more likely to follow suit when they see their leaders consistently upholding the values they preach. This builds a foundation for a shared commitment to the organization’s principles.

2. Transparent Communication

Foster open and honest communication within your team. Share both successes and failures, demonstrating that transparency is a valued trait. By being open about challenges and setbacks, you create an environment where mistakes are growth opportunities rather than causes for reprimand.

3. Work Ethic

Demonstrate a strong work ethic to inspire your team. Show dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence. By being proactive and diligent, you set a standard that encourages your employees to invest their best efforts into their work.

4. Adaptability

Embrace change and demonstrate adaptability. In the fast-paced business world, leaders need to navigate uncertainties with resilience. Show your team how to approach challenges with a positive mindset, encouraging a culture of flexibility and innovation.

5. Empathy and Respect

Display empathy towards your team members and treat everyone with respect. Understand the unique challenges each faces and provide support when needed. A leader who values the well-being of their team members fosters a positive and collaborative work environment.

Leading by example is a powerful leadership strategy that creates a positive and productive workplace culture. By embodying core values, practicing transparent communication, maintaining a strong work ethic, adapting to change, and demonstrating empathy and respect, business leaders can inspire their teams to reach new heights. As a leader, your actions speak louder than words, and by setting a positive example, you pave the way for your team’s success.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Unlocking Success: The Transformative Benefits of Business Coaching

Benefits of Business Coaching

In the ever-evolving landscape of the corporate world, businesses are increasingly turning to coaching as a powerful tool to drive success. From enhancing leadership skills to fostering a collaborative team culture, the benefits of business coaching are multifaceted and extend across various dimensions of organizational development. This article explores the tangible advantages of business coaching, drawing on relevant statistics and diverse perspectives to underscore its impact.

  1. Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness

Quality leadership is fundamental to organizational success. According to a study by the International Coach Federation (ICF), 86% of companies reported that they recouped their investment in coaching and more, with enhanced leadership being a primary driver 1.

Business coaching provides leaders with a confidential and constructive space to refine their skills, resulting in more effective decision-making, improved communication, and increased overall leadership competence.

  1. Improving Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is the bedrock upon which a company’s values and identity are built. A survey by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found that 79% of employees believe a positive workplace culture is crucial for their success 2. Business coaching plays a pivotal role in shaping and reinforcing a positive culture by promoting open communication, trust, and a shared vision.

  1. Optimizing Team Dynamics

Effective teamwork is the cornerstone of high-performing organizations. A report by ClearCompany revealed that companies with collaborative teams achieve five times the revenue growth of their less collaborative counterparts 3. Business coaching facilitates the development of cohesive and motivated teams by addressing interpersonal dynamics, and conflict resolution, and fostering a sense of shared purpose.

  1. Strategic Planning and Execution

Success in today’s competitive market requires not only strategic planning but also effective execution. The Harvard Business Review found that companies with a formalized coaching process in place had a 52% higher chance of achieving organizational goals 4. Business coaching aids in aligning strategic objectives, ensuring a clear path forward and enhancing adaptability to change.

  1. Executive Coaching for Peak Performance

Executive coaching, a specialized form of business coaching, focuses on top-tier leadership. Research by the Stanford Graduate School of Business revealed that nearly two-thirds of CEOs do not receive outside leadership advice but would be open to it 5. Executive coaching provides a confidential space for top executives to navigate complex challenges, enhance their leadership capabilities, and make critical decisions with clarity.

  1. Assessments and Succession Planning

Business coaching often integrates assessments to identify strengths, areas for development, and leadership potential within an organization. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 76% of organizations with a strong coaching culture report above-average revenue growth 6. These assessments contribute to informed succession planning, ensuring a pipeline of skilled leaders ready to take on key roles.

In conclusion, the benefits of business coaching are undeniable and extend across various aspects of organizational development. From leadership effectiveness to team dynamics and strategic planning, the impact of coaching is backed by compelling statistics. As businesses navigate the complexities of the modern business environment, investing in coaching proves to be a strategic decision with a tangible return on investment.

Are you ready to take your company and leadership team to the next level? Contact us today!


      1. International Coach Federation (ICF) – 2017 Executive Coaching for Results
      2. PwC – PwC’s NextGen: A global generational study
      3. Sorrell Associates – Professional Coaching
      4. Harvard Business Review – The Realities of Executive Coaching
      5. Stanford Graduate School of Business – Executive Coaching Survey
      6. Society for Human Resource Management 2019 HR Professional Development Survey

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson – gary@myclearfocus.com

Debra Rider – debra@myclearfocus.com


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Strategy and Planning in 2024

Strategy and Planning in 2024

Time sure flies. It was less than four years ago when the pandemic ravaged people and businesses around the world. Beyond what feels like a shocking time warp, it is amazing to consider just how far the industry has come since the closing days of 2019. So many facets of running and growing a business have evolved in this modern age of artificial intelligence, eCommerce and so many other technological advancements. But even in this whirlwind of innovation, the basic foundations of business ownership remain unchanged.

No amount of new technology is going to alter the fact that, to achieve success, business owners must roll up their sleeves, put on their thinking caps, and map their journeys forward. This means building strategies and creating smart, executable plans that are fundamental to every facet of even the most complex business.

If you don’t currently have a strategic plan for 2024, let’s be honest, you are a little late to the game. The good news is that there is still a tremendous amount of planning benefit, even if you don’t start implementing any of it until Q2. Nine months of execution is far better than 12 months of swinging blindly.

So, invest the time and energy now in strategy and planning for 2024. Here are three tips to help you get started:

Always Start with Vision

When strategic planning, all roads should lead back to the vision of your organization. Your company vision should act as the guide for every decision you make and the goal you set throughout your business. A strategic plan that is rooted in vision ensures that each initiative contributes to the realization of the broader vision. A well-defined vision also helps to attract and retain top talent and improve overall company culture.

Another key component of vision is the ability it offers a business to adapt. Whether you suspect good times or challenges in 2024, there will almost certainly be an obstacle for every business to overcome. By having a clear vision, you make your business more resilient to change due to a strong foundation and guiding principles for making decisions.

Need to learn more about creating a compelling vision for your business? Click here to read “Unlocking Success: The Power of a Clear Vision in Business” at The Alternative Board (TAB).

Prioritization Is Key

Understanding what you need to do to improve your business and knowing what you need to do FIRST are two entirely different things. During the planning process, it is critical to spend time and effort identifying the actions that need to take place and the ideal sequencing of those events.

Prioritization helps to better manage time, materials, budget, and manpower. It also helps to build and implement an executable map by streamlining processes, adding clarity, defining expectations, and managing time on both micro and macro levels.

So, as you build your strategy and map out your plans for 2024, make sure that you don’t fall into the “everything all at once” trap. By prioritizing your initiatives and goals, and even mapping them out on the calendar, you are far more likely to achieve the success you seek.

Be as Transparent as Possible

Your ability as a business owner to openly communicate with your leadership team is essential, and perhaps never more so than throughout the planning process. Transparency fosters the free flow of information and insight that are essential to building a thoughtful and successful strategy. Think of all the wasted time if your team is collaborating and planning with only a partial sense of reality. Now consider how much better that strategy and plan would be if you provided them with the insight and tools they needed to make it sing.

Throughout the planning process, commit to being as transparent as possible with your team. This openness will almost certainly result in a better, more comprehensive plan – and a lot more trust built along the way.

We would love to hear your comments. Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Strategies for Success in the Emerging Global Economy

Strategies for Success in the Emerging Global Economy

As we enter 2024, there is no doubt that many challenges and opportunities await us. Even top experts disagree on what they expect the economy to do in the coming year. On one hand, Goldman Sachs predicts the global economy will outperform expectations. Other insiders are not so sure. And this difference in opinion is not even allotting for any game-changing events or innovations that are bound to occur.

This article dives into some of those worldwide economic predictions, as well as the effect that the increase in globalization will continue to have on even the most localized SMBs.

This is both fascinating and important information for every business owner!

Read “Strategies for Success in the Emerging Global Economy” at The Alternative Board (TAB).

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Emotionally Fueled Behavior Affects Working Relationships

Emotionally Fueled Behavior Affects Working Relationships

You have worked hard to be in the position you are in today. Along the way, you have created a network of relationships. Whether you realize it or not, these relationships are emotionally fueled. Not only can workplace relationships be created on emotion, but they are often enhanced, defined, and destroyed as a result of the way we handle our emotions.

Being seen as unprofessional, unstable, and untrustworthy can lead to a downward spiral in your work relationships and put an end to your hard-earned career. To keep your emotions and relationships in check, you and your coworkers must realize there is a place for emotion in the workplace. How you use your emotions and how they are displayed contributes to the way your coworkers view you and what level of respect they hold for you.

Where Emotions Fit In

      • Emotions affect the formation of relationships
      • Emotions fuel motivation and performance
      • Emotions affect the quality of decision-making
      • Emotions affect the formation of relationships
      • Emotions fuel motivation & performance
      • Emotions make creativity & innovation possible

Reversing Job Dissatisfaction

Overall satisfaction in the workplace has been in decline recently. Some attribute this unpleasant fact to the unstable and faltering ability of people to prioritize engagement with others. Too much time and effort is being spent on the bottom line, creating results, and turning out a profit. Where does this leave the employee when it comes to feeling valued, appreciated, and respected for a job well done? As a leader, it is time to step up and say enough is enough. It is time to reengage with employees and motivate them through positive reinforcement. Doing so will improve what has been your number one goal the entire time, generating a substantial and worthwhile profit.

Emotional Inspiration vs. Rational Inspiration

Inspiration, when derived from emotion rather than rational factors, produces better, longer-lasting results. Employees who feel an emotional connection to their coworkers and supervisors are more likely to experience a higher sense of self-worth and produce better results on the job. Leaders who take the time to establish these connections are respected more by those around them, create better teams, and are more likely to succeed.

As a leader, it’s easy to think rationally when it comes to executing a plan of action to get the job done. You need player A to do this and player B to do that to get the work in on time. Instead of conducting a meeting where you sit and disperse orders, have you ever taken the time to stop and ask the opinion of your coworkers? What do they think? What are their ideas? A little acknowledgment and inquiring can go a long way toward establishing your role as both a leader and an emotional counterpart. Beginning at the top, conversation, and communication need to cascade throughout the entire team.

Turning Bad Days into Good

If you are a human being, then it is inevitable that you are going to experience a bad day or two. More than likely, those bad days will carry over into the workplace. Does your entire day have to be ruined? Do performance, productivity, and morale have to suffer because you’re having a bad day? The answer is no. The next time you are facing a bad day incorporate these steps into your routine.

      • Recognize your mood
      • Say you’re having a bad day
      • Identify and control your emotions
      • Remember what makes you happy
      • Your bad mood won’t last forever
      • Take some time for yourself

Remind yourself that it is okay to have a bad day once in a while. It’s a natural part of life and it’s bound to happen from time to time. Recognize your feelings and learn to manage them constructively.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Is This the Year? Are You Planning Your Exit?


Why should Business Owners plan their “exits”?

Sooner or later, every owner leaves his or her business. Whether you anticipate selling the company to a third party, transitioning to employee ownership, or a family succession, every strategy results in your eventual exit. The complexities of tax law, combined with the expectations of buyers of any type, lend themselves to the careful structuring of a transfer.

The first step in a journey is to decide how you will get there. For that, you need a map. The map doesn’t tell you how to go. It quantifies your options. How long will it take? What roads should you use? If you take a side trip, how far out of your way must you go? Can you get there in the time you anticipated, or do you need to plan for contingencies? Clear Focus LLC utilizes ExitMap® Express™ to help owners examine their options.

The ExitMap® helps clients understand their current level of preparedness so that they can begin the succession planning process.

To take the first step by reviewing the ExitMap® Process and completing the Free Assessment here.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today! Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.