Unlearning Conformity – How to Overhaul Old Business Paradigms

Unlearning Conformity: How to Overhaul Old Business Paradigms

The business of doing business has changed dramatically over the last couple of years, and we all mostly know the reasons why. The pandemic, the economy, boom in technology, there are just so many factors that have shaped current business dynamics and altered forever the way we run and grow our companies. At least that is the case for most of us.

But what about those business owners who are mired down by the aging business norms of the twenty-tens or even the 90’s? Their reluctance or inability to embrace and leverage modern tools and technology can put them at a harsh disadvantage moving forward.

If you are a business owner, it is time to do a little soul-searching. Ask yourself, is your success today being stymied by your conformity and commitment to aging business practices? If your answer is yes, then it is time to read “Unlearning Conformity: How to Overhaul Old Business Paradigms” at The Alternative Board (TAB).


#tabboards #businesscoaching #leadershipdevelopment

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

The Art of Strategic Leadership in Modern Organizations

The Art of Strategic Leadership in Modern Organizations

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, achieving consistent success is a complex challenge. However, what if organizations possessed a roadmap to guide them through the intricacies of strategic leadership, enabling them to navigate toward high-level success? This article delves into the critical components of strategic leadership, exploring behaviors that drive success within companies. Drawing from various perspectives and backed by relevant statistics, we uncover the essence of strategic leadership and its impact on organizational prosperity.

The Foundation of Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership is not merely about creating a vision or setting long-term goals; it involves a comprehensive approach that aligns the organization’s internal dynamics with its external environment.

According to the insights shared on the TTISI Blog, bottom-up thinking is a crucial aspect of strategic leadership. It emphasizes the importance of involving employees at all levels in the strategy-making process, fostering alignment and commitment.

Leadership as a Key Driver

Effective leadership is the linchpin of strategic success. A good leader emphasizes the pivotal role of leadership in strategic initiatives. Leaders who embrace strategic thinking contribute to the development of robust business strategies and guide their teams toward successful execution. By fostering a culture that values strategic planning and embraces change, leaders lay the groundwork for sustained success.

Understanding Team Dynamics

Strategic leadership is not a solo endeavor; it thrives on collaborative efforts. The TTISI Blog sheds light on the importance of effective communication skills. Leaders who understand and leverage diverse communication styles within their teams can enhance collaboration and problem-solving, essential components of strategic success.

Assessments and Talent Management

Strategic leadership involves assessing both individual and collective strengths and weaknesses. Utilizing assessments is a valuable practice in talent management, aiding in the identification of key skills and areas for improvement. According to Verus Partners, a strategic approach to talent management ensures that the right people are in the right roles, enhancing overall organizational effectiveness.

Cultivating a Positive Workplace Culture

Workplace culture plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization. A positive and inclusive culture fosters employee engagement, innovation, and resilience in the face of challenges. Strategic leaders recognize the significance of cultivating a healthy workplace culture that aligns with the organization’s values and goals.


In the dynamic realm of business, strategic leadership emerges as a guiding force, steering organizations toward sustained success. By incorporating bottom-up thinking, embracing strategic leadership principles, understanding team dynamics, utilizing assessments, and fostering a positive workplace culture, leaders can create a roadmap to navigate the complexities of today’s business environment.


1. TTISI Blog – Bottom-Up Thinking Through Messy Strategy: Creating Alignment Within Organizations

2. Leaders.com – Strategic Leadership

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

TAB Member Case Study

TAB Member Case Study – Frank Beljo, ITM Global Services

Frank Beljo was a student of business long before he was ever even a student in college. The fact is, Frank is a life-long learner who had dreams of entrepreneurship from an exceptionally early age. Fresh out of college, after earning his degree in computer science, he made those dreams come true.

“In all my reading, one of the biggest things I learned was to find a mentor. I tried a few referral business groups and Chamber of Commerce type stuff. But those never really worked out well.”

Then he joined a TAB Board.

“TAB was never really about giving or getting referrals, but it just happened naturally because I am surrounded by a lot of great people.”

Learn more about Frank, his business, and his TAB Board experience in this Member Case Study from The Alternative Board (TAB).


#tabboards #businesscoaching #peeradvisoryboards

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Leading Your Business With Integrity

Leading Your Business with Integrity

When it comes to business leadership, there are few qualities as important as integrity and ethics. But those traits are hard to identify and almost impossible to quantify. Really, who decides whether you are an ethical business leader? How do you draw the lines? Or is the distinction completely subjective? Most would argue, and rightly so, that the most important job of a business leader is to ensure and drive the sustained success of the organization. But on the long and often bumpy business leadership journey, moral ambiguity is everywhere, tempting even the most ethical of us to maybe cut corners or unfairly stack the deck in our favor. But we are no longer operating in the ruthless world of Gordon Gecko, at least not most of us. Ethics and integrity matter and they reap massive rewards for business owners beyond their ability to sleep soundly at night.

Integrity-driven leadership is not just about being a good person. High ethical standards positively shape company culture, build trust and loyalty in employees, and attract customers who are increasingly seeking to align themselves with those organizations that share their same values.

In short, integrity and ethics are just smart business.

The great news is that if you as a business leader want to better embody and model the true spirit of integrity throughout your organization, the changes can start almost immediately. It is about walking the walk every day, even when tempted to do otherwise.

The following are five ways to foster a culture of integrity and ethics in your business:

1. Know It Starts at the Top: Understand that you and your actions are constantly under the microscope. Your leadership team is watching, your employees are watching, everyone is watching what you do and how you do it. It is important that business leaders realize that the respect and loyalty of all key stakeholders are affected by their actions, interactions, and decisions. By committing and adhering to ethical principles, business owners help create an appealing and compelling culture of integrity.

2. Inspire Trust: Employees are more likely to follow leaders who they perceive as trustworthy and honorable. Morality inspires trust throughout your team, so make sure your default approach to leadership includes transparency, openness, and approachability. Openly share with your team how your ethical standards relate to your decision-making process.

3. Enhance Employee Engagement: Ethical leadership fosters a culture in which employees feel valued, respected, and motivated to contribute their best, because those values are modeled for them every day. Recognize and reward ethical behavior, even when it doesn’t necessarily produce a profit or help the business hit a goal. The power and purpose of integrity lies beyond what it monetarily represents; it improves employee engagement and loyalty.

4. Navigate Challenges with Integrity: It is easy to be ethical when devoid of any challenges. It is when the going gets tough that ethics are more likely to slide. Truly ethical leaders demonstrate their integrity while in the throes of a crisis or moral challenge. The “just this once we are going to stray from our moral compass” is a poor excuse for doing the wrong thing. It is essential that business leaders, even when challenged to the max, make decisions based on their ethical principles. By doing so, they reinforce the organization’s commitment to doing what is right, even when the decision is difficult or unpopular.

5. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Even the most ethical business leader is going to fall short sometimes, as will their teams. Again, there is no yardstick or absolute when it comes to integrity; instead, it is important to create a culture of continuous learning, improvement, and accountability. Make integrity a central tenet of your leadership development program and provide training and resources throughout the organization that underscore the importance of ethical business practices.

Now take some time to think about your leadership style and the decisions you have made in the last five years. How did they affect your relationships with the key stakeholders in your business? Would you do anything differently?

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

The Alternative Board (TAB)® Available Territories

TAB Available Territories

The Alternative Board (TAB)® first started revolutionizing the business advisory and coaching landscape over 30 years ago. Today, our franchisees have helped almost 30,000 businesses grow in more than 20 countries.

Our proven business model makes owning a TAB franchise simple. With low-cost entry and minimal operational investment, TAB Franchisees are given the flexibility to design small, medium, or large territories to fit their vision for their market.  Combined with a substantial cash flow, rapid ROI, and an over 5-year client retention now is the best time to invest in a TAB franchise opportunity.

For territory checks or to learn more about TAB, please email us at: tabfran@thealternativeboard.com or visit our website: http://www.tabfranchise.com

#tabboards #franchiseopportunity #franchising #franchisee

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Invest in a Business Advisory Franchise

Invest in a Business Advisory Franchise

Assisting over 30,000 businesses in their growth journey, TAB® franchisees have consistently transformed the landscapes of both business coaching and peer advisory boards. Our franchisees’ success doesn’t happen by chance.  It comes from having the right skills and mindset.  At TAB, we seek dedicated individuals who are eager to leverage their leadership expertise, and who are ready to venture into entrepreneurship as a dedicated TAB franchisee.

Could you be an ideal fit for TAB? Discover the path of owning your business and making a positive impact in your community.  Take our match assessment today and find out!


#TABboards #franchiseopportunities #entrepreneur #businessservices

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Adaptability Is Critical Component of Business Success

Adaptability Is Critical Component of Business Success

Business owners have a shocking number of responsibilities on their plates in their day-to-day journeys to success. There are just so many moving parts in the hustle and bustle of running and growing a successful company. Particularly in small business ownership, key accountabilities are vast and vital, including operational oversight, financial management, hiring and HR, sales and marketing, customer relations, strategic planning, compliance and legal issues, networking and customer development, technology, and risk management. Whew. And this exhaustive list is just the tip of the iceberg. Business owners must master such a diverse set of essential skills, accountabilities, and oversights, that once they establish a viable rhythm, it can be challenging to look beyond the here-and-now to ever consider changing course. But even the best businesses need to adapt, or they risk becoming obsolete.

There are many cautionary tales of big, successful businesses that failed to adapt to changes in the market and paid the price. Of course, Blockbuster first comes to mind. For years, the video rental company was a behemoth in the industry with its familiar blue and yellow signage bordering on ubiquitous. Blockbuster’s business model was tried and true – that is until more innovative competitors like Redbox and Netflix came along. Let’s be clear. It wasn’t the competition that led to Blockbuster’s demise, but rather the company’s inability or unwillingness to adapt its business model to address the evolving market, technology, and customer preferences.

Similar fates befell other industry giants like Borders, Tower Records, and Toys R Us. And these are just some of the big brands you are familiar with. Now consider all the SMBs you have never heard of and never will. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of small businesses shutter within 10 years of launch. Almost certainly, every one of those business owners believed they had a viable company with desired goods or services and an opportunity to thrive. However, the marketplace is a constantly evolving arena that requires a willingness to embrace innovation and adapt to competitive challenges.

Five Strategies to Enhance Adaptability in Your Business

Adaptability is truly the secret sauce of every organization, big or small, that enjoys long-term success. Looking back on the Covid years, the number of permanent business closures due to the pandemic was shocking, though not surprising. The general advice at the time was to urge struggling companies to pivot their business model or services. Easier said than done, particularly for those organizations that never had the desire or the need to do things differently.

As a business owner, you can’t just snap your fingers and expect to run a more innovative, agile, and adaptable business. It takes insight. It takes creativity. It takes work.

The following are five hands-on strategies to embrace adaptability and become a more resilient, forward-thinking business:

    1. Commit to Continuous Learning: Find and implement educational opportunities for you and your employees. Invest in training programs, and encourage your team to be knowledge-seekers and insight-sharers. Also, research your competitors to learn how their approaches and services might differ from your own.
    1. Foster Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses to identify and leverage complementary strengths. These strategic alliances can drastically increase your company’s ability to creatively adapt to market changes. 
    1. Develop Future Leaders: Leadership development programs don’t just teach managerial skills and foster alignment, but also infuse the business with new voices and fresh ideas. Cultivating these future leaders also provides an advanced opportunity for business owners to strategize at a more innovative level, thanks to leadership task delegation and better-distributed accountabilities.
    1. Talk to Your Customers: Engage with your customers and regularly request feedback on how your goods or services are meeting, exceeding, or falling short of expectations. What do they want now and how might their preferences change moving forward? Leverage these customer insights for new product development, marketing initiatives, and growth strategies.
    1. Build a Culture of Innovation: Foster an environment that celebrates new ideas, experimentation, and creativity within your team. Encourage curiosity and innovative problem-solving. Maintain an open-door policy or other hands-on opportunities for your team to share their fresh perspectives with you.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Mastering Leadership: The 7 Fundamental Laws Every CEO Should Know

Mastering Leadership

As a CEO, the responsibility of steering the ship, setting the course and ensuring the success of the enterprise falls squarely on your shoulders. In this dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, the role of a leader is both challenging and rewarding. To navigate this complex journey, it’s essential to understand and apply the fundamental laws of leadership. These seven principles are not just strategies; they are the bedrock upon which world-class leaders build their success.

    1. Law of Vision: See the Future and Communicate It

Great leaders possess a keen vision that extends beyond the horizon. They anticipate industry trends, technological advancements, and market shifts. Articulating this vision is equally crucial, as it aligns the team towards common goals. Effective communication of the company’s future direction inspires confidence, fosters innovation, and cultivates a shared sense of purpose among team members.

    1. Law of Influence: Lead from the Front

Leadership is not about titles or positions; it’s about influence. To lead effectively, one must earn the trust and respect of the team.

Leading from the front means setting an example, demonstrating integrity, and being actively involved. By earning the trust of your team, you can inspire them to exceed their expectations and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

    1. Law of Priorities: Focus on What Matters Most

In a world filled with distractions, effective leaders prioritize tasks and focus on what truly matters. The ability to discern between urgent and important tasks is crucial. By concentrating on high-priority activities, leaders ensure that their time and resources are invested where they will have the most significant impact, driving the organization towards its strategic objectives.

    1. Law of Empowerment: Empower Others to Lead

A true leader does not hoard power; instead, they empower others to lead. By developing the skills and capabilities of team members, leaders create a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Delegating responsibilities fosters a sense of ownership among employees, unleashing their potential and contributing to the overall success of the organization.

    1. Law of Connection: Build Strong Relationships

Leadership is not a solitary journey; it’s about building and nurturing relationships. The ability to connect with individuals at all levels of the organization fosters a positive work environment and enhances team cohesion. Leaders who genuinely care about their team members create a culture of loyalty and commitment, where everyone feels valued and motivated to give their best.

    1. Law of Respect: Earn It Every Day

Respect is not automatic; it must be earned consistently. Leaders who demonstrate respect for their team members, clients, and stakeholders create a positive and inclusive organizational culture. By acknowledging the contributions of others and valuing diversity of thought, leaders foster an environment where everyone feels heard and respected, leading to increased collaboration and innovation.

    1. Law of Legacy: Leave a Lasting Impact

True leaders think beyond the immediate and consider the legacy they leave behind. Building a lasting impact involves developing successors, creating a sustainable business model, and contributing positively to the community. By focusing on the long-term implications of their decisions, leaders ensure the continued success and relevance of the organization even after their tenure.


In the fast-paced world of business, mastering the art of leadership is essential for sustained success. By embracing these seven fundamental laws of leadership, CEOs and aspiring leaders can navigate challenges, inspire their teams, and leave a lasting legacy. In the pursuit of excellence, remember that leadership is not just about what you accomplish personally, but how you empower and inspire others to achieve greatness collectively.

“Navigating the corporate landscape requires mastery of the 7 Fundamental Laws: Vision fuels direction, Leadership empowers growth, Innovation sparks evolution, Adaptability ensures resilience, Integrity builds trust, Collaboration drives synergy, and Perseverance paves the path to enduring success for every CEO.”

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Where Do You See Yourself in 2024?

Where Do You See Yourself in 2024?

Invest in your business expertise and discover financial freedom with a TAB® franchise opportunity.


    • Minimal operational investment
    • Comprehensive training
    • Continuous cross-functional support


    • Substantial cash flow
    • Multiple revenue streams
    • Impressive over 5-year client retention

For further information and inquiries, please contact us via email at: tabfran@thealternativeboard.com or visit our website  www.tabfranchise.com, for more insights into this exciting journey of entrepreneurship and leadership transformation.

#TABBoards #Leadership #FranchisingOpportunities

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Unlocking Potential: No-Cost Employee Development Ideas For 2024


In today’s dynamic business landscape, investing in employee development is crucial for organizational growth. However, not every business has a hefty budget for training programs. Fear not! Here are four effective and cost-free employee development ideas to help business leaders foster a culture of continuous learning and growth in 2024.

    1. Mentorship Programs: Cultivating Internal Talent

One of the most impactful and cost-effective ways to develop employees is through mentorship programs. Pairing seasoned employees with those seeking guidance creates a knowledge-sharing ecosystem within the organization. Encourage employees to share their expertise and experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie and professional development.

This not only enhances skills but also strengthens internal relationships, contributing to a more collaborative work environment. Consider using assessment tools to connect mentors and mentees. By using a tool like DISC, you can help create pairs with complementing behavioral styles. They can then learn from one another! Contact us for access to the DISC assessment.

Source: Forbes – “How Mentorship Can Benefit Your Business”

    1. Cross-Functional Projects: Breaking Silos, Building Skills

Encourage employees to engage in cross-functional projects that go beyond their usual job responsibilities. This not only breaks down departmental silos but also provides employees with opportunities to acquire new skills. By collaborating with colleagues from different areas, employees gain a broader understanding of the business, fostering adaptability and a more holistic approach to problem-solving.

Source: Harvard Business Review – “The Benefits of Cross-Functional Teams”

    1. Lunch and Learn Sessions: Knowledge Sharing on a Budget

Organize informal “Lunch and Learn” sessions where employees can share their expertise, experiences, or insights on various topics. These sessions provide a platform for continuous learning in a relaxed setting. Encourage employees to present subjects they are passionate about, creating a culture of knowledge-sharing and skill development.

Source: Training Industry – “Lunch and Learn Programs That Work”

    1. Online Learning Platforms: Tapping into Digital Resources

Leverage free online learning platforms to provide employees with access to a vast array of courses and resources. Platforms like Coursera, Khan Academy, and LinkedIn Learning offer free courses on diverse subjects. Encourage employees to explore these resources to enhance their skills and stay updated on industry trends.

Source: Coursera, Khan Academy, LinkedIn Learning

In conclusion, employee development doesn’t always require a substantial budget. By implementing these no-cost strategies, business leaders can foster a culture of continuous learning, empower their workforce, and position their organizations for success in 2024 and beyond.

Need help implementing or designing an employee development plan?

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson – gary@myclearfocus.com

Debra Rider – debra@myclearfocus.com


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.