Your Exit Readiness Assessment

Your Exit Readiness Assessment

The transfer of your business may be the biggest financial transaction of your life. At Clear Focus, LLC, we utilize ExitMap® to help clients understand their current level of preparedness so that they can begin the succession planning process.

    • It consists of 22 questions, produces a 12-page report, and only takes 15 minutes.
    • It’s easy to decide which of the multiple-choice responses best fits your company.
    • It requires no financial or other confidential information.
    • It takes a broader view of your business than just the numbers.

To begin, click the link: Assessment, simply enter your email address. You will receive your Exit Readiness report in approximately one business day. The report ranks your overall preparedness and provides a breakdown of your readiness by category: Finance, Planning, Profit/Revenue, and Operations.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Positive Thinking Produces Positive Results

Positive Thinking Produces Positive Results

Just as someone can affect your attitude, you can influence your attitude as well as the attitudes of those around you. How? With affirmations! An affirmation is telling yourself that “you can” instead of “can’t.”  An affirmation is a positive statement that describes the “you” you want to become.

Affirmations should have the following criteria:

      1. Affirmations should be positive.
      2. Affirmations should be statements in the first person, present tense.
      3. Affirmations should be related to your goals.
      4. Affirmations should be within the realm of possibility. (realistic)

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Exceptional Leaders Have A Sense Of Humor

Exceptional Leaders Have A Sense Of Humor

You all know that none of us are getting out of this alive; so why take things so seriously? Many great leaders have had a terrific sense of humor in good times and bad. These include Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, and Ronald Reagan.

Not taking yourself or external events so seriously, even in dire situations, releases stress. Others around you are more at ease. Scientific studies have shown that moods are contagious and can be motivational. Seeing the humor in situations creates positive feelings. Positive moods generate positive action. Negative moods generate negative action or inaction.

Exceptional Leaders know that others take their cue from them and act accordingly. They can be funny on occasion.

Thought Provoker

      • Are you able to inject humor into tense situations?
      • Can you be self-deprecating; seeing the humor in your actions when needed?
      • Can you see how having humor in what appears to be important or ominous situations can actually improve others’ abilities to address difficulties?
      • As a leader, are you continually aware of your mood?
      • Can you see how your mood impacts others?

For Exceptional Leaders, when things get tough, the tough lighten up and then get going.

~ Copyright protected by author Bruce M. Anderson. Reprinted with permission. Thinking Partners Inc.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Four Things To Avoid In Your Work Email

Four Things To Avoid In Your Work Email

While some things are just understood and best left unspoken, there are times when email is forgotten in this model. Sure you don’t want to bash your boss when they can hear you or let a coworker hear you whine about the performance. However, are you careful with your email correspondence?

Often, employees forget to be cautious with their work email. This has gotten people in trouble because emails last longer than the spoken word. Email is a written record and can come back to bite you if are not considerate of what you say and how you say it.

Be sure to avoid these four types of conversations in your work email:

    1. The Quality of One’s Work — Make it a habit to never talk about the performance and work quality of anyone at the office in an email. You miss the inflection of someone’s voice and can’t tell whether they are joking or being serious when you email. It is better to avoid talking about how someone is performing because it can be misinterpreted and once it’s written, it is out there forever.
    2. The Rumor Mill—Nip all gossip when it comes to your work email. The rumor mill is an ugly place to be, and with email, the information is out there and can’t be changed or edited. Gossiping in an email will likely haunt you in the future. Maybe you trust the person you are emailing completely. While that is fine, the person looking over your shoulder or theirs when the email is read could be an issue for you. Also, the email could get sent to someone by accident, forwarded, or used as something to hurt you in the future.
    3. The Critical Eye — Don’t be overly critical in email. People get offended easily and remember the way an email comes off is in the “eye of the beholder.” You can’t be sure that they will take the criticism well. Try to keep those conversations out of email and in person instead.
    4. The Touchy Topics – Leave the touchy issues and sensitive topics out of email and discuss them in person instead. This can include discussions about pay, annual reviews, opinions about someone’s recent work, and work schedule.

You’ll be glad you avoided these types of conversations in your work email and so will your superiors and coworkers. There is wisdom in keeping appropriate conversations in person rather than in a written record.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Define Success

Define Success

Make it clear to your employees what constitutes success and how they should measure their achievements. Goals must be realistic. Project schedules, for example, must be set by the people who do the work. People will accept a ‘bottom-up’ deadline they helped set but they’ll be cynical about a schedule imposed from the top that doesn’t map to reality.

Unachievable goals weaken an organization. At my company, in addition to regular team meetings and one-on-one sessions between managers and employees, we use mass gatherings periodically and e-mail routinely to communicate what we expect from employees.

If a reviewer or customer chooses another company’s product over ours, we analyze the situation carefully. We say to our people: “The next time around we’ve got to win. What will it take? What’s needed?’ The answers to these questions help us define success.”

~  Bill Gates, Microsoft

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Discover Your Unique Leadership Style: A Guide For CEOs, Owners, Presidents

Discover Your Unique Leadership Style

Finding the right leadership style as a CEO can significantly impact your company’s success, workplace culture, and overall vision execution. But with so many leadership models out there, how do you find one that truly fits? Here’s a step-by-step guide to uncovering and honing your authentic leadership style.

    1. Know Yourself: Self-Assessment Is Key

Before developing your leadership style, take a deep dive into understanding your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Consider tools like Myers-Briggs or DISC assessments to give you a foundational understanding of how you naturally operate. Once you know how you think and react in various situations, you can better align your leadership to those traits.

How-to tip:

      • Reflect on moments when you’ve felt most empowered or successful as a leader. What traits or behaviors contributed to that feeling?
      • Gather feedback from peers, colleagues, or a trusted mentor. They can provide insights into your leadership tendencies.
    1. Understand the Needs of Your Organization

Leadership isn’t one-size-fits-all. The needs of a startup CEO differ greatly from those of a multinational corporation. Assess your organization’s culture, its goals, and the team dynamics. A CEO of a fast-paced tech company may need to adopt a more transformational leadership style, while a CEO of a stable, traditional company may benefit from a more transactional or servant leadership approach.

How-to tip:

      • Talk to your management team and employees about their needs and expectations from leadership.
      • Adapt your style to the demands of your company’s growth stage. For example, during a crisis, a more authoritative or decisive approach may be required.
    1. Experiment and Adapt

Leadership is an evolving skill. What worked in the past might not serve the future. Flexibility is key. Try different approaches—maybe blend styles like transformational leadership, where you inspire and motivate, with a bit of democratic leadership, which encourages feedback from your team.

How-to tip:

      • Keep a leadership journal where you record different strategies you’ve employed and how your team responds.
      • Regularly review the effectiveness of your leadership methods and make adjustments as necessary.
    1. Seek Continuous Learning

Leadership development doesn’t stop once you become a CEO. Stay ahead by continually refining your skills. Attend seminars, read leadership books, or engage with a coach. Being open to feedback and learning helps you evolve with your organization’s changing needs.

How-to tip:

      • Make reading a habit—start with books like “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek or “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries.
      • Attend leadership workshops or join CEO forums where you can share insights with peers.
    1. Embrace Authenticity

Authentic leadership is a critical component in building trust. A leader who stays true to their values and communicates openly will create a more engaged and motivated team. Your leadership style should feel natural to you—don’t try to fit into a mold simply because it’s trendy or highly regarded in the business world.

How-to tip:

      • Be transparent with your team about your leadership journey. Show them you’re committed to growth and learning.
      • Align your values with your company’s mission to create consistency in your leadership approach.

Ultimately, the best leadership style is one that fits both who you are and what your company needs. By reflecting on your strengths, adapting to your environment, and committing to continuous learning, you’ll discover the leadership approach that will lead your company to new heights.

 We would love to hear your comments or questions. Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Start With The End In Mind: Crafting A Strategy For Future Success

Start With The End In Mind: Crafting A Strategy For Future Success

Building an effective business strategy begins with a clear vision of the future. Instead of focusing solely on present challenges, it’s critical to imagine the future your organization wants to create and then work backward. This approach, emphasized by strategy expert Mark Johnson, can drive transformative outcomes.

How to Create a Future-Focused Strategy:

    1. Define Your Vision: Identify where you want your organization to be in 5-10 years. What impact do you want to make? By clarifying this long-term vision, you’ll set a clear direction that guides all strategic decisions.
    2. Work Backward to Bridge the Gap: Once your future is imagined, assess what gaps exist between today and that vision. Ask yourself, “What capabilities, resources, and structures are missing?” For example, if your vision involves significant innovation, consider what R&D investments are needed now.
    3. Adapt to Shifting Landscapes: Building a strategy that considers future shifts in technology, market trends, and consumer behavior ensures that your business remains agile. Incorporating strategic foresight tools can help your team anticipate future challenges and opportunities.
    4. Engage Your Team: A strategy is only as strong as the people who implement it. Ensure your leadership team understands and shares the vision, empowering them to contribute insights and build momentum. Effective communication and alignment are key.
    5. Measure and Adjust: The strategy should be flexible. Set milestones to measure progress and make adjustments as the business environment evolves. Consistently check whether your steps are bringing you closer to the envisioned future, and course correct as needed.

Starting with the future you want to create allows for greater innovation and purposeful growth, rather than just reacting to short-term pressures (Apple Podcasts).

By anchoring your strategy in a long-term vision, businesses can navigate complexity and uncertainty with greater confidence, ensuring they not only survive but thrive.

 We would love to hear your comments or questions. Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Science Discovers Why Some People Are Motivated To Succeed While Others Aren’t

Why are some people motivated, focused, and successful, while others seem to get distracted, and have little to no motivation to get things done? Is it due to their upbringing? Maybe something about their personality?

Believe it or not, science has discovered as to why some are motivated while others aren’t.

Here’s what studies have shown:

Motivation Is All In Your Head

Everyone talks about having the right mindset to get things done in life. To be truly successful, it starts with self-talk and what’s in your head. Well, it turns out that part of that is true. Motivation is all in your head.

Studies have shown that motivation comes from the nucleus accumbens which is a small section in the brain that sends chemical messages to your body. This is the area of your brain that keeps you focused.

Dopamine Is the Key Ingredient to Motivation

Dopamine is one of the 4 happiness hormones, listed among serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. When this chemical is released into the body, it passes information from neuron to neuron.

As it moves around in your brain, it comes in contact with other receptors. The way dopamine plays a role in motivation has to do with the mesolimbic pathway it takes in the brain to communicate. This pathway lies in the middle of your brain and leads to the cerebral cortex. When dopamine goes through this pathway, it provides your brain with the ultimate reward.

Dopamine Encourages Us to Act So We Can Reach The Reward

The main job of this chemical is to get you to move on with your thoughts. While it is present when we are happy, it also helps us through pain, loss, or stressful situations. Its job is to get us to do something while avoiding bad things.

Motivated People Have More Of This Chemical

Scientists at Vanderbilt conducted a study between those who were highly motivated and those who were considered lazy. They found that the more motivated group had higher levels of dopamine in their system.

Ways to Increase Dopamine

Since you know that this chemical is responsible for more motivation, there are things you can do to increase this in your body. Here are a few things you should implement in your life:

      • Focus on one task at a time to keep from depleting your brain’s energy
      • Be an endgame thinker
      • Eat foods high in L-tyrosine which include vegetables, avocados, bananas, green tea, and apples to name a few
      • Tell others what you’ve accomplished
      • Lend a helping hand to others
      • Take note of the things you have accomplished

These are a few things you should add to your daily routine so that you increase the dopamine in your system. The greater this chemical, the more motivated you will be to get things done.

 We would love to hear your comments or questions. Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

7 Ways CEOs Are Boosting Productivity

7 Ways CEOs Are Boosting Productivity

In today’s competitive environment, CEOs are constantly seeking innovative strategies to drive productivity. Here are seven proven approaches that top executives are implementing to enhance performance and maximize efficiency.

    1. Aligning Everyone on a Common Vision

One of the most impactful ways CEOs boost productivity is by ensuring that employees are aligned with the company’s goals. When everyone works toward shared objectives, collaboration becomes seamless. Frequent communication of company goals and the sharing of relevant data empower employees to make informed decisions and operate efficiently (OpenView).

How-to tip: Schedule regular all-hands meetings and make KPIs visible across departments to reinforce goal alignment.

    1. Fostering Team Collaboration

Encouraging teamwork is a key driver of productivity. By creating an environment that promotes collaboration, CEOs can enable teams to share ideas, problem-solve together, and execute projects more effectively (Vistage).

How-to tip: Use collaboration tools like Slack or Asana to facilitate easy communication across teams and incorporate brainstorming sessions to foster creativity.

    1. Focusing on Effectiveness Over Efficiency

Many CEOs emphasize the importance of effectiveness rather than just efficiency. This means focusing on activities that deliver the most value to the organization, rather than just completing tasks quickly. By prioritizing effectiveness, CEOs ensure their teams are working on high-impact initiatives (Vistage).

How-to tip: Regularly review and refine processes to eliminate tasks that don’t contribute to business goals.

    1. Empowering Employees to Make Decisions

Rather than micromanaging, successful CEOs delegate decision-making to employees who are closest to the issue at hand. This empowerment not only lightens the CEO’s workload but also boosts employee engagement and ownership, resulting in higher productivity(OpenView) (CEO Today Magazine).

How-to tip: Clearly define roles and responsibilities so that employees feel confident in making decisions without constant oversight.

    1. Leveraging Technology

CEOs are increasingly turning to technology to streamline operations and automate routine tasks. From AI-driven tools to project management platforms, technology allows organizations to operate more efficiently and empowers employees to focus on strategic work (Vistage).

How-to tip: Invest in software solutions that automate repetitive tasks and use data analytics to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

    1. Maintaining Regular Check-ins

CEOs who prioritize productivity often implement weekly or monthly check-ins to ensure teams stay on track with their goals. These check-ins provide opportunities to address bottlenecks and adjust priorities, helping teams remain focused on what matters most (Vistage).

How-to tip: Establish a structured framework for progress reviews, incorporating both short-term goals and long-term objectives.

    1. Creating a Healthy Work Environment

A productive workforce needs a supportive environment. CEOs who prioritize mental and physical well-being—by promoting work-life balance and reducing workplace stress—tend to see higher levels of productivity. Offering flexibility, such as remote work options or wellness programs, can improve overall employee morale (CEO Today Magazine).

How-to tip: Encourage short breaks during work hours and promote mental health resources or fitness programs to keep employees energized.

By adopting these strategies, CEOs can enhance productivity, improve employee satisfaction, and ultimately drive sustainable business success.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Got Executive Presence? (Hint: It’s Important)

Got Executive Presence? (Hint: It’s Important)

Do you feel like no matter what you have accomplished, you’re not getting ahead in your career? Have you stopped to consider whether or not you have an executive presence? It is more important than you realize and could be why you are not advancing.

Here’s what you need to do to develop the executive presence that keeps you from your high-level position.

    1. Be Seen

There’s no hiding in the back of the room if you want to be a leader. Speak up during meetings when you have something of value to share. Show up to meetings early. Shake hands with people and introduce yourself.

    1. Think Before You Speak and Answer Strategically

Before you share your ideas, really think them through. Then, give others a strategic answer. Talk about the big picture without getting bogged down in the smaller details. If you are a strategic thinker, people will recognize that and want to hear you out.

    1. Dress Like a Professional

Even if your office has a casual Friday or out-of-work event, you should still dress the part. Never be too casual in your workplace, no matter what day it is. If you want to be an executive, you should dress like one.

    1. Listen To Your Voice

As weird as it may be to listen to your voice, you should hear what others are hearing. Record a video and listen to how you sound. You might be shocked by what you hear. Use those recordings to train yourself to speak in a way that is clear and distinct.

    1. Get Honest Feedback From People You Trust

Find a few people who can be honest with you about your presence. These need to be people that you trust, and that will share with you openly a few things you can change. Ask them to give you 2-3 specific things they suggest to increase your executive presence.

After you hear what those advisors say, you should make the changes. Listen to them without becoming defensive. Go back to those individuals after a few months and check in on how you are progressing.

If you are ready to move to the next level, you must develop the right presence. Start separating the way you do things from those that are lower level. Pay attention to what executives are doing and then follow suit.

 We would love to hear your comments or questions. Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.