4 reasons leaders are calling it quits on retirement and why that’s a good thing

4 reasons leaders are calling it quits on retirement

4 reasons leaders are calling it quits on retirement and why that’s a good thing

Many of us work very hard with the idea that someday we will retire and enjoy the rest of our lives traveling and taking care of ourselves. The truth is that for a lot of people nowadays are shifting their focus towards working even more, as a way to take better care of their families and fulfill their needs. In fact, more than 1.5 million retirees got back to the job market over the past year alone. Why is that? Let’s find out.

Work gives a sense of purpose

Many managers that retired chose to come back because work gives them a sense of purpose. They have the life balance they want, be productive, and help other people if possible. They want to make an impact, and hiring others, improving the company culture are things they can help with. In addition, they can also bring their perspective and expertise to deliver fresh, amazing results.

Experienced professionals are in high demand

The Great Resignation took place during the pandemic and at that time more than 4 million people quit their jobs. However, that also meant people with a lot of experience were and still are in very high demand. A CEO or manager with lots of experience are sought after, and they are receiving a much better paycheck than before. Which is why some leaders are contemplating with the idea of coming back to work.

The opportunity to learn new things

There are lots of leaders that thrive from learning and adapting, so retirement doesn’t really fit them. Instead, they choose to come back in order to enhance their knowledge and focus on learning new things. Not only that, but they also get to use their experience as a way to help others, which is extremely important.

Offering a different perspective

Companies appreciate and even rely on the experience of older professionals. They have a lot of expertise, knowledge, and ideas that many other people do not. That is why it’s extremely important to bring back retired professionals. In fact, many of them just do not think about retiring and continue to work over and over. It helps immensely because you still feel that there is so much more you can offer, regardless of your age. And that alone encourages professionals to not retire, and instead they continue working in the long run.


As you can see, many different managers and people in leadership positions do not want to retire anymore. They want to continue working, sharing their knowledge and providing a different perspective. Many of them thrive from learning and adapting to the market and dealing with challenges, so the idea of continuing their work and not retiring is very appealing to that. Which is why there is a shift in the company culture these days, with lots of people not focusing on retirement anymore. It goes to show that the society is indeed changing and many people will certainly continue to work well past their retirement date!

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

My New Book Is Here!

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be.

Are you ready to get more of what you want? To become who you want to be? To build confidence to make better decisions? If you want to get unstuck and move forward, this book is for you. The framework Gary Brunson leads readers through is one that has brought help, healing, and personal insights to hundreds of people throughout his career, first as a psychotherapist and for the past few decades as an in-demand executive consultant to business owners and entrepreneurs.

The model set forth here provides an avenue to becoming more aware of the filters we default to and the patterns of response we might not even realize we have. It is for those who want to better understand themselves as well as for leaders who want to create more emotionally healthy workplaces.

The overarching frame for this book is three things that we have control of in our lives:
1. How we are going to turn up each day
2. What we decide we are going to be, become, and try to accomplish with the life we have left.
3. How we view all experiences of our past, and what we choose to do with them in our present and future life.

Doing the first two things requires us to intentionally reconnect with ourselves to reclaim the power we already have to be the creator of the life we want from this moment forward to the end of our lives. Then and only then can we execute those first two things, jettison the role of a victim, and live out our power to be the self-determined creator of our own lives.

We have all scripted ourselves to manage our lives in hundreds of ways. We operate daily out of automatic patterns of behavior, and mostly we are unaware of the fullness of those patterns or where they have come from. It pays to examine them when something happens that puts us in a situation about which we feel a strong emotion such as sadness, anger, scare, happiness, excitement, or tenderness. Brunson provides what he calls Golden Questions to gently interrogate those emotions when we experience them, as a means to reveal the existence and source of those patterns.

You’ll appreciate Brunson’s practical wisdom and story-telling whether you are a young adult launching on your own, a CEO or owner of a company who wants to take your businesses to the next level, or you just think it’s time for life transformation.

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

In Uncertain Times, the Best Strategy Is Adaptability!

In Uncertain Times, the Best Strategy Is Adaptability!

In Uncertain Times, the Best Strategy Is Adaptability!

Every business goes through uncertain times, and it can be very difficult to continue growing when profit margins are uncertain. That is why it can be a very good idea to take your time, figure out the right strategies, and adapt them properly. But what can you do when your business is facing uncertain times? Do you continue with your current marketing and sales tactics or should you change them? Let’s find out!

Adaptability is key to success in uncertain times

The best strategy you can use when you are facing dire issues like an economic downturn, war, or anything similar is to adapt. The pandemic has clearly shown us that adapting is the best way to survive, and sometimes even thrive as a business. In fact, the most successful businesses ended up adapting to the pandemic and offering services that would not be in high demand otherwise. And they managed to thrive, despite the situation being very challenging for a lot of people.

As a business, you always want to provide the best solutions to your customers. You need to listen to their feedback and adapt everything appropriately. If you maintain this sense of flexibility, your business will be able to grow and achieve success. Yes, there will be many issues that arise, but in the end, it all comes down to adapting and finding the best approach.

Course-correcting becomes very important 

You can still try and stick to a pre-built plan, but the truth is that you have to course-correct as needed. That might not seem like a huge thing at first, yet it is crucial to adapt your strategies as you go along. The reason is simple, not all strategies will work as expected, in fact you need to adapt and course-correct most of the time.

Yet at the end of the day, adaptability is what will help you achieve success. Successful companies had to deal with many issues over the years, and the reason why they are still alive is that they were willing to adapt. Listening to their customers, adapting to fulfill their needs, innovating to breach a new market, and assist other people is crucial whenever you want to get past uncertain times. When that happens, it is better to avoid taking risks, and instead you need to listen to feedback, improve, and retain your customers. Adaptability is the key to success, and it can lead to amazing results.

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

The Psychology of Quiet Quitting!

The Psychology of Quiet Quitting!

The Psychology of Quiet Quitting!

For a lot of people, the company culture and intense work schedules can have a negative impact not only on their health, but wellbeing as a whole. In fact, many employees are worried about their mental health these days. That is the reason why more and more people are embracing the concept of quiet quitting. But what is this, and should you consider it? Let’s find out.

What is quiet quitting?

Quiet quitting is a prevalent concept these days, especially considering the Great Resignation. The idea behind this concept is that employees stop going above and beyond for their employers. Instead, they just do the bare minimum required by their job. The reason why quiet quitting has become very popular is due to employees dealing with major mental health issues.

Is quiet quitting the right approach?

The alternative to quiet quitting would be to find a good work/life balance. The problem is that more often than not, this type of balance is very difficult to find. In fact, there is an overwhelming amount of work and employees need to work from home after hours just to fulfill everything.

The lockdowns caused by the pandemic blurred the lines between work and personal life even further than ever before. So while having a good work/life balance is the ideal option, that is close to impossible to achieve these days, and quiet quitting seems like the right thing to do.

What can you do to re-embrace your job and become more productive?

A good idea is to shift from quiet quitting to a proper plan. That means thinking about the job design and then trying to find some boundary management strategies. Having a set schedule for all your work and sticking to it is very important. In some cases, it might even be a good idea to quit if the job itself doesn’t align with your values and beliefs. What you want to do is to consider your relationships, find support in your loved ones, and re-adjust your workflow and life to avoid working outside the regular work hours.

Sure, the quiet quitting concept might sound great for some people, but it is not what will help you grow your career. It will just keep it stale, and that becomes a problem. Instead, you want to establish a plan and stick to it in the long run. Once you do that, you will be much happier, and you will find ways to boost your productivity. So, try to step away from quiet quitting and focus on a plan to help you advance in your career and fulfill the goals both personally and professionally.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

My New Book Is Here!

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be.

Are you ready to get more of what you want? To become who you want to be? To build confidence to make better decisions? If you want to get unstuck and move forward, this book is for you. The framework Gary Brunson leads readers through is one that has brought help, healing, and personal insights to hundreds of people throughout his career, first as a psychotherapist and for the past few decades as an in-demand executive consultant to business owners and entrepreneurs.

The model set forth here provides an avenue to becoming more aware of the filters we default to and the patterns of response we might not even realize we have. It is for those who want to better understand themselves as well as for leaders who want to create more emotionally healthy workplaces.

The overarching frame for this book is three things that we have control of in our lives:
1. How we are going to turn up each day
2. What we decide we are going to be, become, and try to accomplish with the life we have left.
3. How we view all experiences of our past, and what we choose to do with them in our present and future life.

Doing the first two things requires us to intentionally reconnect with ourselves to reclaim the power we already have to be the creator of the life we want from this moment forward to the end of our lives. Then and only then can we execute those first two things, jettison the role of a victim, and live out our power to be the self-determined creator of our own lives.

We have all scripted ourselves to manage our lives in hundreds of ways. We operate daily out of automatic patterns of behavior, and mostly we are unaware of the fullness of those patterns or where they have come from. It pays to examine them when something happens that puts us in a situation about which we feel a strong emotion such as sadness, anger, scare, happiness, excitement, or tenderness. Brunson provides what he calls Golden Questions to gently interrogate those emotions when we experience them, as a means to reveal the existence and source of those patterns.

You’ll appreciate Brunson’s practical wisdom and story-telling whether you are a young adult launching on your own, a CEO or owner of a company who wants to take your businesses to the next level, or you just think it’s time for life transformation.

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Are you gambling with your family’s security?

ExitMap Assessment with Arrow

Did you know that 67% of business owners have no plan for running the company if they are in an accident?


You don’t have to be planning your exit to see your company hobbled by illness, surgery or something else that is recoverable, but takes you out of action for a while.


Why gamble with your family’s security?

Take our assessment today and we can discuss how prepared your company is to function without you. Click here >>>


Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Why integrity in leadership is so important.

Why integrity in leadership is so important.

Why integrity in leadership is so important.

One of the most important traits you need to have as a leader is integrity. You want to ensure that you always stick to your word and people trust you. Once you gain the trust of your customers, it becomes a lot easier to generate sales, because those people know who you are, what you represent, and that you will never fail them. However, if you lack integrity as a CEO or manager, then it becomes a lot harder for you to inspire trust and professionalism.

Defining integrity

It can be very difficult to find a specific definition for integrity, due to its distinct nature. In general, though, integrity can be seen as the adherence to a specific standard or code. You always want to make the right choices (from a moral standpoint), those choices that are the ideal thing and which show people they can trust you.

When a leader is known for having integrity, everyone knows he will stick to his word and chosen standards. That’s why people and companies with integrity are highly revered, because it’s very hard to find people that always stay true to their beliefs, and these are the people you can trust the most.

Is integrity important in the world of leadership?

Absolutely, because you always want to lead by example. If you maintain a high level of integrity, then the other people will follow your ideas and beliefs. On top of that, you get to establish a system of trust and you know you can rely on the people you work with. If you’re not deliberately focused on integrity, then that can be problematic.

How can a leader show integrity? 

There are different methods you can use to show integrity as a leader. A good idea is to show you are committed to the projects and ideas you are working on. In addition, you always want to consider the other people you are working with, other companies, and their beliefs. And yes, you also want to be sincere and fair, but also professional.

Listening to your employees is important for every manager. You always want to push the boundaries and take your time to help others the best way that you can. Listening, adapting, not lying, and sticking to your word is another way to show integrity in any situation.

It’s a very good idea to maintain these beliefs and never give up, no matter the situation. Integrity is a crucial part of leadership, and you need to show it and live it. With its help you can build trust with everyone, and that will lead to personal and business growth in the long run!

Please share with your colleagues & staff.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

My New Book Is Here!

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be.

Are you ready to get more of what you want? To become who you want to be? To build confidence to make better decisions? If you want to get unstuck and move forward, this book is for you. The framework Gary Brunson leads readers through is one that has brought help, healing, and personal insights to hundreds of people throughout his career, first as a psychotherapist and for the past few decades as an in-demand executive consultant to business owners and entrepreneurs.

The model set forth here provides an avenue to becoming more aware of the filters we default to and the patterns of response we might not even realize we have. It is for those who want to better understand themselves as well as for leaders who want to create more emotionally healthy workplaces.

The overarching frame for this book is three things that we have control of in our lives:
1. How we are going to turn up each day
2. What we decide we are going to be, become, and try to accomplish with the life we have left.
3. How we view all experiences of our past, and what we choose to do with them in our present and future life.

Doing the first two things requires us to intentionally reconnect with ourselves to reclaim the power we already have to be the creator of the life we want from this moment forward to the end of our lives. Then and only then can we execute those first two things, jettison the role of a victim, and live out our power to be the self-determined creator of our own lives.

We have all scripted ourselves to manage our lives in hundreds of ways. We operate daily out of automatic patterns of behavior, and mostly we are unaware of the fullness of those patterns or where they have come from. It pays to examine them when something happens that puts us in a situation about which we feel a strong emotion such as sadness, anger, scare, happiness, excitement, or tenderness. Brunson provides what he calls Golden Questions to gently interrogate those emotions when we experience them, as a means to reveal the existence and source of those patterns.

You’ll appreciate Brunson’s practical wisdom and story-telling whether you are a young adult launching on your own, a CEO or owner of a company who wants to take your businesses to the next level, or you just think it’s time for life transformation.

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

My New Book Is Here!

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be.

Are you ready to get more of what you want? To become who you want to be? To build confidence to make better decisions? If you want to get unstuck and move forward, this book is for you. The framework Gary Brunson leads readers through is one that has brought help, healing, and personal insights to hundreds of people throughout his career, first as a psychotherapist and for the past few decades as an in-demand executive consultant to business owners and entrepreneurs.

The model set forth here provides an avenue to becoming more aware of the filters we default to and the patterns of response we might not even realize we have. It is for those who want to better understand themselves as well as for leaders who want to create more emotionally healthy workplaces.

The overarching frame for this book is three things that we have control of in our lives:
1. How we are going to turn up each day
2. What we decide we are going to be, become, and try to accomplish with the life we have left.
3. How we view all experiences of our past, and what we choose to do with them in our present and future life.

Doing the first two things requires us to intentionally reconnect with ourselves to reclaim the power we already have to be the creator of the life we want from this moment forward to the end of our lives. Then and only then can we execute those first two things, jettison the role of a victim, and live out our power to be the self-determined creator of our own lives.

We have all scripted ourselves to manage our lives in hundreds of ways. We operate daily out of automatic patterns of behavior, and mostly we are unaware of the fullness of those patterns or where they have come from. It pays to examine them when something happens that puts us in a situation about which we feel a strong emotion such as sadness, anger, scare, happiness, excitement, or tenderness. Brunson provides what he calls Golden Questions to gently interrogate those emotions when we experience them, as a means to reveal the existence and source of those patterns.

You’ll appreciate Brunson’s practical wisdom and story-telling whether you are a young adult launching on your own, a CEO or owner of a company who wants to take your businesses to the next level, or you just think it’s time for life transformation.

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

My New Book Is Here!

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be.

Are you ready to get more of what you want? To become who you want to be? To build confidence to make better decisions? If you want to get unstuck and move forward, this book is for you. The framework Gary Brunson leads readers through is one that has brought help, healing, and personal insights to hundreds of people throughout his career, first as a psychotherapist and for the past few decades as an in-demand executive consultant to business owners and entrepreneurs.

The model set forth here provides an avenue to becoming more aware of the filters we default to and the patterns of response we might not even realize we have. It is for those who want to better understand themselves as well as for leaders who want to create more emotionally healthy workplaces.

The overarching frame for this book is three things that we have control of in our lives:
1. How we are going to turn up each day
2. What we decide we are going to be, become, and try to accomplish with the life we have left.
3. How we view all experiences of our past, and what we choose to do with them in our present and future life.

Doing the first two things requires us to intentionally reconnect with ourselves to reclaim the power we already have to be the creator of the life we want from this moment forward to the end of our lives. Then and only then can we execute those first two things, jettison the role of a victim, and live out our power to be the self-determined creator of our own lives.

We have all scripted ourselves to manage our lives in hundreds of ways. We operate daily out of automatic patterns of behavior, and mostly we are unaware of the fullness of those patterns or where they have come from. It pays to examine them when something happens that puts us in a situation about which we feel a strong emotion such as sadness, anger, scare, happiness, excitement, or tenderness. Brunson provides what he calls Golden Questions to gently interrogate those emotions when we experience them, as a means to reveal the existence and source of those patterns.

You’ll appreciate Brunson’s practical wisdom and story-telling whether you are a young adult launching on your own, a CEO or owner of a company who wants to take your businesses to the next level, or you just think it’s time for life transformation.

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.