7 Easy Habits That Help Successful People Maximize Their Time

7 Easy Habits That Help Successful People Maximize Their Time

These tips might be for you if you’re someone who consistently feels that there aren’t enough hours in the day. Maximize your productivity without losing sleep or increasing your stress levels.

Maximizing time throughout the day is a high-achiever’s specialty. Those who are most successful in life are able to maximize their days without adding undue stress, pressure, or chaos into their lives.

Here’s how you can use your 1440 minutes in a day to the best of their ability.

1) Work Smarter, Not Harder (Lazy Person Brain)
Applying processes and leveraging networks around you to drive efficiency is a major key to increasing your productivity. Successful people are “big picture” thinkers. They are most often reassessing and analyzing not only what they’re doing but HOW they’re doing it.

Create workflows, automations, and innovations that will allow you to do more but with less effort. This will help you divert some of your time to be used in other ways or to push other large tasks forward.

2) Outsource the Least Interesting Pieces (to You)
Successful people understand how to leverage talent around them to achieve collaborative goals.

Pieces of business, personal life, or other realms that don’t interest you can be easily outsourced.

Again, you can turn your time and focus to other things that you are more passionate about in the meantime. There are others who are passionate about the tasks that you are not – let them handle it!

3)  Appreciate and Reward True Talent

Part of outsourcing successfully means maintaining the team of people, friends, and family that you build around you. It only takes time and thought to appreciate those that have helped you get to where you are today. Treat others with patience, kindness, compassion, and understanding. When possible, reward those who are around you in the ways that they will appreciate (monetary, words of affirmation, experiences, etc.).

4)  Maximize your To-Do List Strategy

To-do lists can be easy to use as a way to feel productive. Successful people use a unique to-do list strategy that includes time estimations on each item (time blocking). They also will often start with the hardest or most time-consuming tasks first to ensure that the mental and physical energy is there to accomplish them. Don’t procrastinate your necessary tasks until the end of your list because it’s likely that you won’t get them done!

5)  Find Time through the Day for Efficiency

Is there time through the day where you can be more efficient? Do you commute on public transit? Do you spend time scrolling on social media? Do you have time in the morning that could be used in a better way? Whatever it may be – there is likely a way that you can structure your day to maximize time better. Successful people do a great job of filling their day but not overwhelming themselves.

6)  Prioritize Passions and Health

Being successful means that you’re also actively pursuing things that provide you joy and excitement. If you love to travel, ensure that you have a plan to work that into your short and long-term future. Successful people also take the time to prioritize their health by eating a balanced diet, moving their body as often as possible, and making time to take care of themselves. You only get one bill of health so it’s important to maintain it the best that you can over time!

7)  Live Authentically and Consider your own Needs

Finally, it’s imperative to live an authentic life. Consider your own needs outside of traditional “success” models. This is part of taking care of your mental health. Successful people understand that they’re in the journey for the long-haul so start to organize your life and habits around what makes you happy.

Will you incorporate any of these habits to boost your daily success and productivity? Are you going to do anything new to maximize your time?

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

My New Book Is Here!

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be

How to claim your power: Become who you want to be.

Are you ready to get more of what you want? To become who you want to be? To build confidence to make better decisions? If you want to get unstuck and move forward, this book is for you. The framework Gary Brunson leads readers through is one that has brought help, healing, and personal insights to hundreds of people throughout his career, first as a psychotherapist and for the past few decades as an in-demand executive consultant to business owners and entrepreneurs.

The model set forth here provides an avenue to becoming more aware of the filters we default to and the patterns of response we might not even realize we have. It is for those who want to better understand themselves as well as for leaders who want to create more emotionally healthy workplaces.

The overarching frame for this book is three things that we have control of in our lives:
1. How we are going to turn up each day
2. What we decide we are going to be, become, and try to accomplish with the life we have left.
3. How we view all experiences of our past, and what we choose to do with them in our present and future life.

Doing the first two things requires us to intentionally reconnect with ourselves to reclaim the power we already have to be the creator of the life we want from this moment forward to the end of our lives. Then and only then can we execute those first two things, jettison the role of a victim, and live out our power to be the self-determined creator of our own lives.

We have all scripted ourselves to manage our lives in hundreds of ways. We operate daily out of automatic patterns of behavior, and mostly we are unaware of the fullness of those patterns or where they have come from. It pays to examine them when something happens that puts us in a situation about which we feel a strong emotion such as sadness, anger, scare, happiness, excitement, or tenderness. Brunson provides what he calls Golden Questions to gently interrogate those emotions when we experience them, as a means to reveal the existence and source of those patterns.

You’ll appreciate Brunson’s practical wisdom and story-telling whether you are a young adult launching on your own, a CEO or owner of a company who wants to take your businesses to the next level, or you just think it’s time for life transformation.

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

The Misconception of a New Normal

The Misconception of a New Normal

The Misconception of a New Normal

The New Normal. The term has become a bit of a catchphrase since the early months of 2020. So much so, in fact, that the concept feels to many almost cliché. “New Normal” implies that current business dynamics are stationary, but business owners know that is far from accurate. Nearly every aspect of today’s marketplace looks and feels different than it did just a few short years ago. And it will look and feel even more different tomorrow than it does today. Yes, the rate of change in the post-pandemic business world is simply astonishing.

There are so many innovations that are altering the way businesses do business. November 2022 saw the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. The artificial intelligence chatbot is already shaking things up throughout the business and education sectors and is expected to wield widespread impact for years to come. Maybe even forever.

Many businesses are still struggling with a sluggish supply chain. For some, it is probably better than it was a year ago, but a Gartner survey found that 76% of supply chain executives say their company is facing more frequent disruptions than three years ago. The slow supply chain recovery is due in part to continuing global political unrest and issues in China. The causes are almost irrelevant for most business owners; what is important to them are the continuous ups and downs in their ability to secure the raw materials and goods to run and grow their businesses. Look at lumber. It has been on a crazy rollercoaster ride since 2020, propelled by the pandemic, but also exacerbated by weather and other factors out of the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Lumber costs soared then plummeted (then soared and plummeted again). And there is nothing normal about that.

The point is that the explosion of innovation and the impact of ongoing market stressors will continue to thwart any semblance of a New Normal. And in a way, that’s okay. Business owners who survived pandemic slowdowns, lockdowns, and shutdowns have learned firsthand how to accept – and almost embrace – change.

What Should Business Owners Expect?

Again, business owners are perpetually in the midst of significant change right now. However, there are evolving trends that appear to be establishing their footing in most businesses today.

  1. Artificial Intelligence. As we mentioned above, ChatGPT is poised to change the way we run our operations. Business owners can easily apply the technology to enhance their customer service capabilities, incorporate it into their recruiting and hiring processes, and leverage it throughout their marketing.
  1. A Focus on Hiring & Retention. Employee acquisition and retention are very challenging. Added to the mix is an influx of workers due to mass layoffs in big tech. By concentrating on your people and your company culture, your business will be better equipped to find and keep the people you need to successfully run and grow your organization. 
  1. Commitment to Cybersecurity. The current threat environment in technology is expanding, even for small businesses. Data breaches, malware, ransomware attacks, and other cybercrimes are expected to cost $8 trillion in 2023. Small businesses are a hacker’s favorite target. Make sure to carve out money in your budget to secure a strong cybersecurity posture.

So much is in flux in today’s world, so let’s not call it the New Normal. Let’s just call it progress.

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Tips and tricks to help you become a better change leader

Tips and tricks to help you become a better change leader

Leadership can be challenging, since many times you are forced to make risky decisions. However, effective leadership is important when it comes to making a change. And, many times, change is needed within a company if you want to make it grow. That’s why it’s imperative to become a change leader. But how can you do so, and what should you focus on? Let’s find out!

Focus on improving your communication

A good change leader needs to learn how to communicate his wishes and requirements. That’s why you need to be good at sharing what needs to be improved, while offering guidelines to everyone. If you want to make a change, then you have to communicate properly. Improper communication might not give you the results that you are waiting for.

Learn how to strategize (and improve all the time)

Strategizing is crucial for any change leader. When you want to make a change, your first focus is on creating a plan. However, you also need to strategize and find the ideal way to implement your plan. Once you start doing that, it becomes easier to make that strategy a success. A great change leader will always have a clear action plan, which is adequately structured with timelines and any specific priorities.

Make yourself more vulnerable

It might seem counter-intuitive, but yes, it’s a good idea for a change leader to step a bit outside the regular CEO or leader mold. By trying out new things, experimenting you will be able to show everyone needs to be open to change, and that can make a huge difference. You should be firm and with a vision, but also open to many new ideas.

Expect initiative

Yes, you want to expect initiative and not encourage it. The best change leaders are the ones that expect their team to be proactive and take action. Encouraging them means you’re doing half the job yourself. You want to let them push their limits and expect initiative from their side. It’s totally worth it, and the potential can be second to none.


It’s always going to be tricky to become a change leader, but these tips and ideas can be a great starting point. As you can see, you need to be the initiator of change, yet at the same time it makes sense to expect some signs of change from employees too. Avoid any rush, establish the right change-focused strategy, and results will be amazing!

What have you done to become a better leader? Please send us your tips today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

Making Time For Success

Are you an individual who knows how to make good use of your time?  If you are not, you may want to learn ways to make improvements.  This is because time management can have a negative impact on your personal life.  Unfortunately, many individuals only believe that poor time management hurts those in the workplace, but this isn’t the case.  In fact, there are a number of ways that your personal life can suffer from poor time management.

If you do not know how to manage your time, there is a good chance that you will be stressed out.  You may also feel a wide range of other emotions, including anger, frustration, and fear.  With that said, if you know how to properly manage time you are more likely to live a happy, healthy, productive, and stress-free life.

Although we often associate poor time management with missed deadlines and showing up late to work, it is important to remember that the same can be said about your social life.  Do you have friends?  How much do you stay in contact with them?  How often do you get together for coffee or lunch?  If you do, do you show up for your meetings with friends late or do you forget to make regular contact with them?  If you do, you may end up putting your friendships at risk.

In addition to having a negative impact on your friendships, poor time management may also have an impact on your relationship.  To have a healthy and happy relationship, time management is important. You need to know how much time you should devote to your spouse, as opposed to spending it working, watching television, or hanging out with friends.  Time management is also important as you want to make sure that you arrive home or at dates on time.

If you are a parent, having poor time management may also impact the relationship that you have with your children.  When you are a parent, you have responsibilities to your children.  The most common of these responsibilities is to feed and clothe your children.  Depending on their ages, you may also be reasonable for getting them ready and sent off to school or daycare.  If you do not have a proper sense of time or if you do just choose not to use your time wisely, you can end up hurting your children, like by making them late to school or other important events.  All individuals are encouraged to have a good sense of time, but it is vital for parents.

In keeping with being a parent, if you are a parent, poor use of your time also sets bad examples for your children.  Whether your children are teenagers, toddlers, or elementary school-aged, they will likely make note of your behaviors.  If you want your children to get good grades at school and later get good jobs, it is important that you teach them all about time management and its importance.  One of the best ways to do so is by setting a good example for your children.  The good news is that this is a lot easier than it sounds.  You can set a good example for your children by getting ready for work in the morning on time or by arriving at scheduled events on time.

Another one of the many ways that having a poor sense of time management can hurt you is with your credit.  Those who have poor time management also often have poor credit.  This is because those who are unable to properly manage their time often pay their bills late.  With credit cards, this can result in expensive minimum payments that just cannot be paid.  By knowing when all of your bills are due, you are likely to have better credit, but time management is important.

As you can see, there are a number of ways that poor time management can negatively impact your personal life.  For that reason, take steps to make sure it doesn’t impact yours.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

4 Crucial Things Leaders Must Know About Their Employees

Each employee finds value in the differing actions of their leaders. Here are some of the crucial things that you should consider about your employees to become a highly successful C-suite manager. 

Simply put, not all leadership styles resonate with every employee. It can be a challenge to translate technical talent as an employee into great management style and behavior. However, a CEO or C-Suite management position can tremendously benefit from having someone who is highly skilled, with a strong vision, and with technical talent.

So, how can you translate all of that into a single leadership role? It starts with working on the capability to understand those who work around you. It’s crucial to know specific things about your employees and about your team’s dynamic.

Here’s where to get started…

Provide Recognition when Earned

Providing proper recognition is one of the most priceless things that a manager can do for their employees. This is especially true when it comes to team or solo wins by employees.

Many people are motivated by the recognition of those whom they both respect or idolize. It’s important to recognize the accomplishments of a team that may have helped you to achieve success in your career as well.

Beyond verbal recognition, establishing a fair monetary incentive or system that will help your employees feel recognized can also be a major stepping stone. Unfortunately, positive feedback doesn’t pay the bills of the employees that you appreciate. Try to remember that most are motivated to be loyal when they’re taken care of and their needs are met.

Focus on Internal Staff Development

Employees who want to develop their skills, learn more about the industry, and to continually grow are the ones that you want to have around long-term. Providing resources, funding, and opportunities to your employees for professional development can help motivate the best talent in your organization.

Particularly, offering internal staff development opportunities at a challenging time (such as a global pandemic) can be a great way to shake up the routine and keep morale high. Internal staff development opportunities can also help employees understand their purpose and future direction which can lead to increased productivity, ambition, and total work quality.

Finally, attracting new talent with internal staff development opportunities is a great strategy. Ensure that your HR, hiring managers, and recruiters advertise the professional development opportunities that are available to employees. Actively leveraging this “work perk” during hiring seasons can lead to long-term talent recruitment and talent retention benefits.

Create an Environment to Thrive

Leaders must build a culture that’s designed for growth and for employees to thrive. If the C-Suite is recognizing that there’s a disconnect with employees and their morale or overall attitude – it’s time to reassess.

Creating a workplace where people feel they have shared values is so incredibly important. Not only for the short-term but also for the long-term vision in terms of hiring and maintaining the right workforce.

Always Maintain Trust

Finally, managers must continue to foster an atmosphere of trust. The key to doing this is to follow through on your word with actions. Don’t reveal people’s personal opinions or “throw them under the bus”. Leaders only have one shot to maintain trust and integrity. If the trust is broken over time, it will not be long until employees head for the door to find a different opportunity.

What else should leaders know about their employees?

Communication through all channels is a major key to keeping employees satisfied in the workplace. Actively hear the needs of your staff not as a personal failing but as them placing their trust in you to make change when you can. Explain how you’re resolving problems, working on their criticisms, or moving the needle forward in whatever way you have the power to. Being a great leader comes down to absolute communications in as many situations as possible.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

7 Tips for Business Owners to Successfully Increase Focus Every Day

Focus is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “the center of interest or activity”. When business owners feel focused, their time can be used much more productively. Taking time to increase focus as a business leader produces more long-term results. But – in a world full of distractions, how can a business owner stay focused? Here are some tips.

Tip #1: Establish a Daily Routine
Typical day-to-day as an entrepreneur and business owner can be chaotic. Most successful entrepreneurs start the day with the same routine. This allows for the ability to mindfully set intentions and start with an “easy win”. Whether it’s coffee on your porch while reading a book, a regimented workout, or a sunrise walk – build something into your schedule that’s always there on working days before you start your day in the office.

Tip #2: Time Block your Days

Do you feel like you always have an endless to-do list? Research suggests that around 41% of tasks on a to-do list are never actually completed. Take 10 minutes in the morning to time block your calendar in a minimum of 15-minute increments. This method helps to break the work down into realistic chunks of time and can help you to prioritize what matters.

Tip #3: Tackle the Scary Tasks First

It can be oh so tempting to schedule all of your meetings and complete administrative tasks first thing in the morning. However, data shows that most people experience an increase in focus in the first few hours at work. This is when you should be tackling those big, creative, or lengthy tasks that you’ve been putting off. Don’t open your email inbox the moment that you get into the office. Cleaning out your inbox is the illusion of productivity. Instead, focus on one large task that will move the dial forward that day!

Tip #4: Determine your Goals and Reprioritize (as needed)

Your goals for the next week, month, and year of your business can be a major way to increase focus as a business owner. Be sure to display those goals prominently to yourself (and your team) so that you can be reminded of your “why”. If you find that your focus has been on tasks or projects that don’t push those goals forward – it may be time to reprioritize. Every task and idea that you’re working on as an entrepreneur should have a connection to your short-term or long-term goals.

Tip #5: Be Efficient with Meetings and Calls

Meetings and phone calls can be the ultimate time wasters if they’re not properly structured. Increase the efficiency of your meeting schedule by prioritizing your time. Communicate clearly with those who are asking for your time to ensure that there is a focus for each meeting that’s scheduled on your calendar. If possible, ask for an agenda for longer meetings to ensure that things stay on track. Every meeting or call should end with action items and clear goals for staff, business clients, or other parties. As a business owner, you should never leave a meeting or call feeling like you did not give or receive direction.

Tip #6: Build in Mental / Physical Breaks

Neuroscience shows that burnout rates are higher in people who don’t take mental and physical breaks throughout the day. While it may be easier to skip lunch (or eat at your desk while working) – make a point to take the breaks that you need throughout the day to feel rested and recharged. Your brain and vascular system require movement during the day to stay alert, increase focus, and feel energized. Even a 2-minute walk on a set of office stairs can improve overall mental clarity and function! If you can, get outside during the day for a walk – your body and mind will reward you for it.

Tip #7: Leverage your Team and Talent!

Finally, you’re the boss for a reason! Remember that as a business owner your greatest talent is leadership and vision. Be sure that you’re leveraging your team and their talent to accomplish all of the goals ahead of you. Entrepreneurs can be reluctant to hand over the reins to projects – but it’s worth it to free up more time and mental capacity. Finally, for those staff members who are doing a great job be sure to give credit where it’s due. Compensation, benefits, and time off can be a great way for a business owner to retain talent and ensure that you’re able to be as focused as possible!

Please share with your colleagues & staff.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Organize By Priority

Organize By Priority

A time management skill to help you be more productive

Start the new New Year off on the right foot and get in the habit of organizing and prioritizing your day. You will become more productive. This is a proven simple way to save time, be organized, and increase productivity.

Before leaving the office for the day, or first thing the next morning, make a list of everything that needs to be done. Next, prioritize your list.

Give each one an A, B, C, D, or E priority mark.

A – Must be done first – very important. Serious consequences if you do not get it done. Often this is a task you don’t want to do and have procrastinated to get done. Think about the sense of accomplishment you will have once it is complete. In addition, you get to check it off your list.

B – A ‘should do’ task with mild consequences. (Never do a B task before A tasks are done)

C – Nice to do, but no consequences whether you do it or not. Has little or no effect on your work life. (Most people spend half of their time here)

D – Something you can delegate. This frees up your time to work on the A tasks.

E – Eliminate all together and it makes absolutely no difference. It may have been a higher priority task previously but is no longer important.

Remember, not everything has to be done today. However, if you have several A tasks, give them a priority too. A1, A2, A3, etc… A1 being the most important and the task you should tackle first.

Practice discipline and start working on your A tasks right away.

We would love to hear your comments. Please contact us today!

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

How to Find Your Focus as a New CEO

How to Find Your Focus as a New CEO

Stepping into your new role as a CEO can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Focus can be one of the hardest things to come by in your early days in the C-suite.

It’s true for a lot of new CEOs that focus is one of the last things that you’re worried about in the initial stages of your role. With a new job title comes new responsibilities, new worries, new management styles, and new teams to manage. But a new CEO role without a lack of focus can cause additional chaos as you try to find your footing.

Here’s how to find your focus as a new CEO.

Manage Internal Distractions

First and foremost, part of finding focus as a new CEO is to set boundaries for yourself. This includes managing internal distractions and things that may hinder your leadership.

Some easy strategies: 

  • Reduce tech interruptions by setting boundaries around your usage, alerts, and expected responsiveness over various tools like IM, email, or the phone.
  • Express boundaries to your team around respectful use of your time – especially for staff meetings. If you find mornings are most productive for you to work on big-picture projects then kindly ask your staff to approach you for assistance or guidance after a certain time of the day (unless it’s an emergency). The pandemic has made this easier by allowing for hybrid work-from-home structures where CEOs can accomplish work or add focus with an alternate office location.
    • Set boundaries for your time off and out of the office. If you have a more effective management style when you can disconnect every day – express your availability preferences to your team. Trust us, your employees will not be disappointed to know that their boss won’t be contacting them from the hours of 5 p.m. onward.


    Remind Yourself of your Unique Value            

    A new role can often bring new fears or a new feeling of imposter syndrome. The role of the CEO at most companies never feels as secure as those below it. You’re at the top – which means you are often the first to go if performance isn’t meeting expectations.

    It’s key to remind yourself consistently why you are in the position that you find yourself in. There’s a reason and it’s important to value yourself along with your team.

    Some easy strategies:

    • Practice mindfulness and gratitude throughout the day – many leaders find it powerful to carve out some time at the start of the day to help with intention-setting.
    • Make room to celebrate your team’s wins over time. Create a safe space to walk down memory lane for achievements by placing memories of those moments into a folder on your desktop. Anytime you’re feeling the imposter syndrome kick in – open up the folder and check out some of the amazing things that you and your team have accomplished.
    • Consider therapy or an unbiased third party for your mental health. Being at the top in C-suite leadership can be lonely and can often exacerbate feelings of isolation. Therapists or business coaches can be a great way to stay connected to your reality and to remain accountable to yourself and your health. The stigma around therapy is lessening — and many employees may even see it as a strength if they hear that you’re actively working on your mental health.


    Foster Independence and Innovation

    Behind every successful CEO is a talented team that has helped them get to (and stay) where they are. Fostering independence, creativity, autonomy, and engagement with your staff is one of the best ways to help you increase your focus as a new CEO. If your team is ready and willing to tackle challenging situations and execute day-to-day then it is one less anxiety on your plate in a C-suite leadership position.

    Some easy strategies:

    • Communicate clearly with your team regarding expectations. Strive to be fair, open, and transparent with well-communicated boundaries as a manager.
    • Consider new management styles and which will work best with your existing team and business model. Research effective management strategies and techniques to continue to show up for your team daily.
    • Ensure that adequate reward systems and compensation structures are in place for your employees. Listen to their feedback during challenging times of inflation, economic recession, or in a job market that’s red hot. The burden of employee turnover as a CEO can lead to a higher burnout rate and stress levels over time.


    Are you ready for C-suite Leadership?

    Do you have any other ways to increase focus as a new CEO? These are just a few strategies and techniques to keep your head in the game and continue to improve over time as a leader. CEOs are some of the most ambitious, innovative, and fiercely engaged people within an organization – remind yourself often of your “why” and consistently strive to be a better leader every day for your new team.

Please share with your colleagues & staff.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Nowadays, Remote work has become Commonplace. Are employers better off?

Meta Description: Remote work has been an increasing trend over the past couple of years. Employees who work at their own pace are more satisfied and are more likely to stay with the company. The growth of work from home is predominantly concentrated in knowledge workers who are generally higher educated and more prosperous.

How Managers/Owners Take Benefits from Remote Workers

The ability of your employees to work remotely could boost their productivity while reducing operating expenses. However, to assist your employees in transitioning into working from home, you’ll have to develop and implement a remote working policy. In addition, managing remote employees requires communication frequently, trusting your employees, and treating them as individuals.

Owners should consider instructing leadership on working with remote teams, focusing on active communication, translating the company culture to remote team members, and scheduling in-person meetings whenever possible.

Impacts of Telecommuting on Work Performance

As new research shows, working at home isn’t an exclusive extra benefit for just a few employees; remote workers increase rapidly worldwide.

Indeed, telecommuting is unremarkable in today’s technology-laden work atmosphere. Yet, as per the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics before the coronavirus outbreak, about 25 percent of U.S. employees worked remotely.

This includes those who regularly worked remotely and people who worked from home but only occasionally.

The increase in telecommuting may be due to the growing conviction that remote workers are greater productive than those working in offices. For example, in the 2021 McKinsey & Co. study, 41percent of those surveyed believed they had more productivity at home than working in an office. The study also revealed that many workers have become more confident about their abilities to work from home after the beginning with the outbreak of the coronavirus.

How Repeatedly do Employees like to Work Remotely?


Many employees would like to work from home on a limited basis. As per the 2015 Gallup study, of those currently telecommuting, 60% would prefer working from their homes for up to five days a week. 30% of telecommuters prefer working at home every day. Just 10% would like to work from a workplace constantly.

How to Execute a Valuable policy for Remote Work

To assist your remote employees in keeping or even increasing their Competencies while telecommuting to work from home, implementing an effective policy for working from home is crucial.

When establishing your policy, it is best to start with a plan of the frequency you would like staff to telecommute. This will allow you to manage their schedules while ensuring adequate staffing levels and ensure that your team meets its objectives effectively. It is also essential to discuss with your staff members to ensure that they have the proper facilities and resources to work free of distractions.

Benefit Your Company in Some Big Ways

Working with your employees remotely can benefit your business in various ways:

  • Costs reduced: With workers away from the office, every day running expenses in the office will likely decrease.
  • Lower rate of absenteeism: Employees could have a lower chance of being absent if they can take care of their family members or themselves while working.
  • More productive: Employees who work at home typically have higher productivity, leading to greater efficiency throughout your business.


Working from anywhere provides workers the flexibility and could assist workers in moving to their preferred places. Remote workers could also benefit from relocating to a lower-cost area, closer to their family members or reducing immigration or dual-career frictions.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

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