Dial It Back When You’re Burnt Out On Work

Dial It Back When You’re Burnt Out On Work

Our society does not set us up for understanding when to dial back to prevent burnout. We almost feel encouraged to give it all we have until we have no more to give. The flip side to being a hard worker is to know when to rest and take it easy so you always have enough to get the job done. Most people are aware of the health risks associated with burnout but continue anyhow.

There are many voices telling us to seek success at all cost but what is most important is the voice we will listen to.

Here are some ways to help you dial back when you are feeling burnt out at work:

Setting Healthy Work Boundaries

Setting healthy work boundaries is easier said than done. Most people work longer hours just to get out those last couple of emails before they arrive 20 minutes late to their daughter’s ballet recital.

Every opportunity is a chance to carry out your healthy work boundaries.

Addressing the Root Fear

When you are challenged on your boundaries, ask yourself, “What will happen if I just don’t?” You continue asking this same question until you get to the root of the fear of repercussion if you fail to do all these things. Once you have reached that point, then ask yourself if it is realistic. Acknowledging the fear allows you to determine if the fear is irrational.

Have Someone Keep You Accountable

By sharing your hopes in setting new boundaries with another person, they can help keep you accountable to your goals. This helps you stay dedicated and focus on these goals when you have someone in your corner believing you can do it.

Devote Yourself to Achieving Your Goal

When accomplishing our goals, many of us are too realistic for our own good. We weigh the odds and allow the negative to get in the way. Instead of feeling defeated, devote yourself to achieving your goal.

Devote yourself to the things at work that create the biggest achievements. Giving the most time and energy to these areas will allow you to dial back on areas that are not productive. You can leave work knowing you gave your best, which will help you make an easier transition daily to home life.

Consider the Future

What will your future self say if you fast forward a year, 10 years, 20 years from now? This allows you to see what you really should devote your time to in the grand scheme of things. Time is the one thing money can’t buy and none of us can get back. This exercise helps you to see beyond Monday meetings, deadlines, and stressful work situations.

Giving your body and mind the rest and recovery it needs helps you manage your stress and not feel overloaded. Mental health is crucial, and it’s high time we begin to prioritize it in the workplace.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Team Leadership and Team Dynamics

Team Leadership and Team Dynamics

The role of a leader cannot be undermined when it comes to setting up the direction of a team and it plays a focal role in the organization’s success to achieve its goals effectively. When we look at the literature, we realize that most of the literature is focused on the common features of leadership and how it affects and influences the organization but few works of literature focus on leadership and team dynamics.

There are some approaches and theories when it comes to leadership and team dynamics. There is a theory known as the path-goal theory in which a leader influences the organization in achieving its goals by setting goals for and with the subordinates. So, the involvement of the leader with individual members to set expectations is barely minimum. There are other models which emphasize leadership progression as a key driver for the success of the team.  

The general practice as to who will lead in a team depends on the seniority of individuals and their qualifications. Well-qualified people or senior people are often preferred over others and are appointed to lead the team. There are some cases in which this traditional criterion is not followed while appointing a leader. Several staff members are identified as team leaders although they fall behind in the seniority order. Research has been done to get an insight into such personalities. It is noted that being vocal and actively participating in team meetings and discussions at an early stage is a strong predictor of a team leader. Such that, individuals who actively participate in the initial team discussions mostly end up leading the team. The passive personalities rarely end up leading the team.

Team members usually look for two important characteristics in the team leader. First, they focus on the social and emotional competencies of the individual. Members who are good at social dealings because of being adept in communication skills, and members who take into consideration the opinions and views of other members such that they have high emotional intelligence. The second characteristic that members look for in a team leader is their willingness, intensity, and frequency to get themselves involved in the problem-solving process. Being a team leader highly supports the transformational leadership concept.

A leader in a team is in a position of power and can impact others. A leader should persuade his followers through words and actions so that the followers can act accordingly to drive the organization towards its goals and to achieve the desired values. Transactional leadership is mainly driven by mutual political or economic reasons and as the name suggests it is simply a transaction between a leader and a follower. Transformational leadership is different. Because it requires the leader to be a role model and to bear enough emotional intelligence to listen to his members such that an environment of learning is developed and a positive feedback loop is created within the organization. Such an environment is healthy for the organization. Another type of leadership that can be seen is charismatic leadership. In this type of leadership, the charisma of the leader is the main thing because of which followers follow their leader, to the point that the leader is the conscience of the followers. Charismatic leadership can be constructive or destructive depending upon the leader. There are plenty of examples of both cases. 

Observe your staff and see if you can spot these characteristics and potential successful leaders. How are your leaders leading?

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

Building Digital Dexterity Into Your Workforce

Building Digital Dexterity Into Your Workforce

Building Digital Dexterity Into Your Workforce

Earlier than 2020, working remotely at home was almost unheard of unless you were a private business owner or worked overseas. Today the realities of the Covid-19 pandemic have changed the game. Many companies have transitioned into a work environment that supports remote work from home scenarios, hybrid office days, and digital meetings. During the beginning of the pandemic, many mid-sized companies found ways to cut spending on travel, training, promotions, marketing, hiring across the board with the expectation of digital technologies. This expense for employees significantly increased as work became more digital. This expense continues as companies continue to utilize a hybrid digital-work scenario.

Though companies will do their best to meet this growing need for technological collaboration, they will fail if they do not improve their digital dexterity. Using technology to grow the business in all aspects is every leader’s hope.

Why Is Digital Dexterity Important?

Technology advancement has skyrocketed since the invention of IBM PC in 1980. Companies have competed to showcase their latest technological advancement, which will aid in business and manufacturing across the globe. Technology certainly has advanced many different professions and taken business to new heights.

The progression led to the internet, then onto smartphone technology, and from there cloud servers.

Digital dexterity is now more important than ever. As each part of an organization functions separately, it is difficult to get everyone on the same page with advances in technology as it changes. The pandemic has taught us that having these technology systems in place like SaaS-based personal and team productivity applications helps flip-flop between remote settings and the workplace.

How To Build Digital Dexterity in the Workforce

The level of digital dexterity in an organization often determines the likelihood of success for a digital transformation. About 16% of all leaders and 9% of employees have a high level of digital dexterity. Below are ways to build a digital ambitious company:

  • Teach employees how digital dexterity can help them reach their career goals and grow as a person.
  • Replicate what works at other successful companies and model the practices through your teams.
  • Offer Broker development experiences to employees. Help employees build new skills in ways they find most interesting to them.
  • Identify employees who can act as “digital translators” and “skill disseminators” to help encourage the movement to digital dexterity and coach others.

The economy is unpredictable in many ways, but one thing is certain: the need for digital dexterity. Our society will continue to grow and technologically advance despite what setbacks our economy endures. The hybrid remote workforce is no longer taboo as many companies continue to make this the new normal. Using these techniques will help you to ease this transition and motivate your employees.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

Working Skills Needed For The Future

Working Skills Needed For The Future

Working Skills Needed For The Future

No matter how much you plan for the future, it is still an unknown. You never know exactly what will happen; you can assume and make plans for what you think might happen. When preparing your business and workers for what is to come, you must base it on a hypothesis.

Are You Prepared For The Future?

The last thing you want to do is be unprepared for the future. When you do not have a plan in place, you cannot expect things to play out very well. Especially, when it comes to workers. Times have changed, and so has the work ethic and abilities of future workers.

Many companies have turned to technology for replacing many employed jobs. For example, self-check-out lanes at stores and movie rental boxes instead of stores. In bigger companies, there are machines and conveyer belts that to the manual work.

What Skills Will Be The Most Beneficial For the Future?

Where do you begin in training your workers for the upcoming years? With the unknown at stake, you may be confused about what skills your workers need to obtain. The best way to prepare your current workers for what is to come is to strengthen their foundational skills.

For Example:

  • Have The Abilities That It Takes To Work and Thrive In A Digital Environment
  • Be A Valuable Asset To Your Company By Adding Additional Value That Exceeds The Automated Systems
  • Be Teachable and Adaptable To Changes That Are Being Made

There are many different categories that these skills can fall under. Cognitive skills, self-leadership skills, and interpersonal skills are all valuable to the jobs of the future. Foundational skills can carry you through the many changes that are ahead.

Change Is Difficult

Not everyone is open and willing to take on changes. It is a complex concept for many people to wrap their heads around. If you are not available to changes being made in your business, then your business may find someone who is. You want to accept changes being made and do your best to learn new techniques.

This way, you will be valuable to the company as the future creates more and more changes in the business world. Everyone has gotten a taste of these changes with the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies who never thought they would go virtual have, and some have remained virtual as things open back up.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

No Negative You

No Negative You

No Negative You

When you think about it, it’s obvious: negative is the opposite of positive, so in order to instill a positive mindset you need to get rid of negative thoughts. Sounds simple enough, right? The process is an easy one, but it takes practice to make it stick.

The first step in clearing negativity from your mind is to really pay attention to your thoughts. Whenever the words can’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, won’t, not, or never enter your mind, concentrate on what you’re thinking and turn it around to eliminate the negative wording. For example:

Your spouse and children are gone for a few hours, and you have the place to yourself. You’re indulging in one of your favorite activities. In the midst of your enjoyment, you start to feel guilty. You think: I really shouldn’t be doing this. I could be getting started on the project I promised someone else I’d take care of. Your enjoyment starts to fade, and you stop what you’re doing, resentful that you have to tackle this boring project when you have so little time to yourself…

Does this sound familiar? The moment you hear yourself think shouldn’t, stop right there and change direction. In this scenario, you might instead think I really should be doing this. Taking time for me is important, and when I’m relaxed and satisfied I will be able to do a better job on that project I promised someone else. I’m so glad I got the opportunity to do something I enjoy.

Try to do this every time a negative thought creeps in. The more often you banish negative ideas from your mind, the easier positive thinking will become. You will be more relaxed and receptive to positive solutions.

Please share your comments with us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Why CEO’s Need To Take Up A Hobby

Why CEO’s Need To Take Up A Hobby

Why CEO’s Need To Take Up A Hobby

When you have a hobby, it is more than something to take up time in your life. Typically, it is something that you enjoy and learn about. As a CEO, you lead a hectic life. That may have you believe that you don’t have time to have a hobby.

What Having A Hobby Can Do For A Person

Your mind needs a way to distract itself from the hustle, bustle, and stress of the day. Whether from home life, work-life, or something else, a hobby can help distract your mind and allow you to let loose now and then.

It has been proven that when a company CEO has a hobby that they participate in, they are overall happier. It doesn’t have to be a major involvement or activity. It could be something as simple as a card game. Either way, it can help you to feel more fulfilled and experience less burnout.

Ways A Hobby Helps CEO’s

If you are a CEO, you may be thinking that this is not something that will work for you. You never know the answer to that until you try. Here are some ways that hobbies have been found to lighten the load you are carrying.

Stress Relief

Stress, anxiety, and depression are all symptoms that people can feel in a high-level position at their job. It is important to find ways to release those emotions and feelings. Not everyone is comfortable talking things out, and in some instances, information is restricted from being shared.

That is where you need to invest yourself in a hobby, something to exert that energy. Something that distracts your mind and brings you peace and joy. Some things such as:

  • A Dance Class
  • A Martial Arts Class
  • A Yoga Class

Gets Creative Juices Flowing

It is so easy to get stuck in a rut. Unable to think outside the box or come up with new ideas? If your job requires that, a hobby that expresses your inner personality and passions can help stir things up again. Such as:

  • Playing An Instrument
  • Taking A Painting Class
  • Taking Up Pottery
  • Photography

Improved Communications

Do you need better strategies to communicate with your staff. As a CEO, you are the leader of meetings and many conversations. If you are not comfortable with how they have been playing out, an improvement of communication skills may be needed.

One activity that can help improve your communication skills is through an improv class. Another is to use some profiles & assessments and utilize a professional coach.

Please share your comments with us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Your Personality Matters in Leadership

Your Personality Matters in Leadership

The type of people that we surround ourselves with is important. Some personality types can help you flourish, and some can bring you down. It is essential to know yourself and what, or who, you need in your inner circle to be the best that you can be.

Personal or Business Related

The people that you choose to spend time with each day are critical in your development. Not only in your friendships or marriage, but in your work-life as well. The personality that someone exhibits can either benefit you or hurt you.

In your personal life, you want people who make you happy and people with who you can be yourself. The business world is a little different; while you still want to be happy with your surroundings, you also need people who will keep you motivated and progressing. The personality traits that you surround yourself with are important in many different aspects of your life.

Social Distancing Has Made This Difficult

Covid-19 hit, and everyone was told to social distance and stay home. This made mingling with people and working side-by-side with someone a bit difficult. Everything went virtual and people were working from home. This can make it challenging to stay motivated and on top of things.

The personalities that are within your home life are what you have created and chosen to be around. They fill the need for the personal relationships that you have. But, what about the business needs that you have? Your family will not be in tune with the personality traits that you are used to having at work.

Different Personality Traits

Amongst all the people that you meet, everyone is their own unique personality. The different types of characteristics are endless. Although, you can categorize them into four different types overall. Such as:

  • The Cheerleader

The person that will help you feel confident and will encourage you along the way.

  • The Collaborator

This is someone who’s going to help you expand your idea and improve your delivery.

  • The Cheddar

The person that will deliberately challenge your ideas and ask tough questions.

  • The Coach

A coach will help you understand if an idea is right for you.

All of these personality traits may exhibit themselves differently in everyone. But, they are all needed to make the business world, and home life, go round. When personalities match too closely to one another, it can make for some difficult situations.

Virtual Meetings Can Help

In the times of distancing ourselves and not being in a physical work building, the need for video conferencing is intensely important. It is a way to stay connected with other people and their abilities to challenge you. That is highly needed in the workforce from time to time.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Rehire Former Employees: Invest In What Matters

Rehire Former Employees: Invest In What Matters

Rehire Former Employees: Invest In What Matters

All businesses are still regaining their grounds after the past year of Covid-19. Whether you could remain open or had to close, there were still hardships through the process. Some of your employees had to be let go, some had to work remotely, and others did their best to work through the madness. Now that things are opening back up and starting to look up, the positions you had to put on hold can now be filled again. Where do you start?

Ready To Hire More Employees?

Are you ready to hire employees to fill the spots that were let go during the pandemic? Not only is it stressful to hire new employees, but it is also a gambling game. There are some things that you should consider before hiring someone new.

When you hire a new employee, there is a lot that you need to think about.

Not only is it going to cost you money in time and training, but you also don’t know how it is all going to work out. It is a trial period of observing their work ethic.

It will cost you on average $40,000 or more in recruit money to replace a high-earning employee.

What About Previous Employees?

Did you have a good work crew that kept business flowing before shut down? Why change things up? Many of the employees you let go have had to find new means of making money. They may have a new job, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t want to come back given a chance.

During the pandemic, work situations were complicated and slim. Several people took significant pay cuts with new jobs that they found, but they needed an income. If your previous employee was a hard worker that you would want back, call them. Not only are you going to get an employee you know has a good work ethic, but you are saving your company thousands of dollars.

Where To Start?

When you are getting ready to fill needed positions within your company, review precious employees first. Whether they were let go due to the pandemic or left due to personal or medical reasons. People recover, and schedules change.

If they were a valuable asset to your company, call them and make that known. Not only are you financially protecting your business, but you are getting an employee that you value and respect. Everyone, including the rehired employee, need financial security. This past year and a half have abruptly made everyone a little more conscious about their futures.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

Focus More On Productivity Than Hours Worked

Focus More On Productivity Than Hours Worked

Focus More On Productivity Than Hours Worked

Do you have set working hours for your employees? Regular business hours look something like 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or could be 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Many times though, employees are needed past those regular business hours. This can become stressful and overwhelming for them. Here are some ways to focus more on the productivity of your employees rather than the number of hours they are working.

Communicate With Your Employees Regularly

One of the most important aspects of someone’s personal life and business life is communication. No matter what you are trying to accomplish, it will be done more effectively when there is communication. You don’t want to put stress and anxiety on one of your employees, as this can lead to lessening the effectiveness of their job.

Simply checking in with your employees regularly to see where they are can help. This also gives them the chance to ask any questions they may have or if they need help. To be more proactive and start the conversation, think about asking questions such as:

  • Are You Comfortable With This Assignment?
  • Do You Have Any Concerns About Your Work?
  • Do You Need Help With Completing Your Assignment?
  • Can I Help In Any Way?
  • Do You Need More Resources?

Have A Rotations System

The nature of the job that your employees are performing is important to keep in mind. If you have employees performing high-demand jobs that’ll eventually take a toll on their mental health, you need to rotate them. Allow them a period of time that they can perform a less taxing job.

Help Your Employees Prioritize Their Time

Sometimes, it can be hard to figure out where to start. Employees can benefit from a bit of help prioritizing their workload. A little insight from you can help them know what needs to be done first and how to get it done on time. Try and use a system that shows them in what order you want the work done. Label the assignments with:

  • Urgent
  • Pivotal
  • Moderate
  • Low

Disperse Work Evenly To Avoid Overload

It is so easy to overwork a reliable employee unmeaningfully. You have some employees who you now will perform effectively and thoroughly. This happening time in and time out can make a negative impact on that employee. It is always important to disperse work evenly to avoid overloading your employees.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

All articles, quotes, and material in this newsletter are copyrighted by our associate Gary Sorrell, Sorrell Associates, LLC ©. No part can be reproduced in any form without specific written consent. All rights reserved worldwide. Thank you!

Better Your Company With Continuing and Advanced Learning

Better Your Company With Continuing and Advanced Learning

It is challenging to learn new skills within your job sometimes. Primarily, you are conditioned and trained to do things a certain way. To keep up with the ever-changing times, you need to be open to change. When you can learn new skills and tasks, you can go further in life.

The Pandemic Put Things On Hold

For many people, the pandemic put learning and jobs on hold. Others were able to take advantage of businesses being closed and brush up on their training. There were also several who took this time to learn new skills to further their education.

It is always good to be prepared for the future, no matter what it may hold.

Precautions are starting to lift for many people regarding the pandemic, and things are getting back to full swing.

That means that this time that was spent on hold will accelerate forward. Are you ready?

Be Opened Minded and Eager To Learn

Companies will offer advanced learning opportunities to their employees at various times. Take advantage of these chances and further your education. Don’t be stuck in a rut of what you are used to; you never know what tomorrow will bring. This could be the opportunity that you needed to become a better person.

Experience is only good when it falls in line with what you are good at. With the way everything is changing and moving, you need to be versatile. Some of the many ways that companies will go about preparing their employees for the future are:

  1. Allowing You Opportunities To Further Your Education
  2. Chances For On-The-Job Training
  3. Opportunities To Build Bonds With Other Employees
  4. Encourage Learning and Communication With Coworkers
  5. Opportunities For Change At All Levels
  6. Allowing Expression Of New Ideas
  7. Making Room For Failure and Encouraging To Keep Trying

Be Future Ready

As times change, businesses change. The way things operate changes and evolve. If you are stuck in your tracks and unwilling to make the needed changes, you won’t succeed. As a business, you need to be open to these changes and encourage an open-minded attitude to your employees.

When your employees are willing and eager to learn new skills and techniques, you will grow as a business. Advanced learning is an excellent opportunity to supply to your business employees. Shape your company to what you want it to be in the future.

We would love to hear your comments on this article or any of our latest articles.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.