Winning the War for Talent: The Best Companies Use Training

Winning the War for Talent: The Best Companies Use Training

If you haven’t invested in training your team in a while, then it is time to re-think your strategies. Companies are focusing more time and energy on advancing their employees education. Why is that?

People Want To Be Invested In

Just like you work hard to add value to your customer’s lives, you need to put focus on your staff as well. They are people, just like the ones you serve. Finding ways to add value to their lives will keep them loyal to you.

It is the same principles you would use for keeping your customers happy and coming back. There is so much that goes into brand loyalty. Getting your staff on board is just as important as getting customers on board.

It Benefits You to Have Highly Trained Staff

Not only is it valuable for the individuals but it benefits you as well.

If you want to keep up with your competition or bridge the gap between yourself and major corporations, you need to have solid training for your staff.

When your employees have the knowledge they need to take their performance to the next level, it benefits you. The more they know, the better your company can function.

What Types of Training Work Best?

Maybe you understand how valuable training your staff is, but you aren’t sure how to go about it. Here are a few methods that work well.

* Shadowing and Hands On Training- sure, digital training has its place, but hands on training is very valuable. Having one employee shadow another can provide great information. It allows the employee to ask real time questions and get more information from someone who knows a lot. After the employee feels comfortable, they can be shadowed by the stronger staff member.

* Find Qualified Experts to Teach- you need to find actual industry experts for training events. Be sure you aren’t bringing in self-proclaimed experts. Look for those that are authorities on the subject. You want to be sure that your staff is getting accurate information.

* Set up Individual Training Sessions- it may make sense to have certain parts of training done in groups. However, individual training sessions are important at times as well. When you get one on one with someone, they will be able to ask the questions they need to without feeling weird around the group. Find ways to invest in each person individually.

Investing in the education of your staff is very important. Education efforts should be a priority to ensure your staff is able to handle your industry and help the company succeed.

Need assistance winning the war on talent? Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

4 Ways To Keep Your Interviews Bias-Free

4 Ways To Keep Your Interviews Bias-Free

Even if we do not try to be, we can all be biased and partial to others. Some people connect with us right away while others we will struggle to make a connection. When it comes to holding a bias-free interview, there are some things you can do that will help you stay impartial to the candidates.

Ask The Same Questions of All Interviewees

It is easy to get sidetracked in conversation with someone that you connect with. Create a standard question list that you ask all interviewees and compare their answers. If you get off topic with them too much, it can cause you to lean one way or another based off of personal connection rather than other criteria.

Create a Rubric Ahead of Time

Prior to the interview stage, create a rubric of skills that you are looking for in a candidate. List specific skills, both soft and education based. You will want to add cultural fit to your criteria. Just because an individual has the right skill set does not mean they will fit in with the company.

After you are through with the interview, rate the candidate on each section of the rubric. This will help you stay impartial to other interviewees.

Note Take

It is important that you take good notes during the interview so that you are able to gather the information you need.

Jot down the notes as soon as you dismiss them from the meeting. Doing this while things are still fresh in your mind is vital to keeping facts straight.

This is especially important if you have interviews back to back for a position. What you learn about the person will be harder to recall if you see several people on the same day.

Ask Other People About the Decision

Run the candidates and data by other people in the company that you trust. Inviting a third party to look at the information will bring perspective to the situation. This person is not personally connected in any way with the interviewee and makes it harder for them to be biased.

When they ask you specific questions of why you want to hire one person over another, it will help you to justify your answers. If you are unable to come up with sufficient answers as to why you want one candidate over another, it will help you to determine if you are making a bias choice.

Let us find the right talent and keep you from hiring the wrong person in your next hiring process.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

The Fine Line between Internet Marketing and Spam

Savvy business owners who take advantage of Internet marketing realize there is a fine line between marketing and spam and orchestrate their marketing campaigns to gain the maximum amount of exposure without running the risk of being viewed as spam.

The definition of spam is open to interpretation but most people agree on the fact that spam is equivalent to the junk mail you receive. In general, spam is unsolicited emails which may be a part of an advertising campaign. The term spam can also apply to message board postings which may also be posted solely for advertising purposes. This article will examine the differences between effective Internet marketing and spam.

First, we will consider the use of message boards for the purpose of Internet marketing.

Message boards are essentially online meeting places for Internet users who share a particular interest to exchange ideas, ask or answer questions, or just to socialize. These message boards allow users to register and post messages. Most message boards have a set of guidelines which the users must follow when making posts. These guidelines may vary widely with some being very strict about acceptable content and others not being nearly as strict. It is important to follow these guidelines because failure to do so may result in the moderators deleting your account and other members not paying much attention to your posts.

Message boards are ideal for Internet marketing because they can provide a business owner with access to a specialized target audience. If you are in the business for finding jobs for employees who wish to telecommute, you might join a message board dedicated to working from home to find members who may be interested in your products.

Here you may learn a great deal about the concerns of your target audience. You can also take the opportunity to post links to your website when appropriate and in accordance with the message board guidelines. This is considered to be smart effective Internet marketing. However, if you opt to respond to each and every post with a link to your website, even when it is not relevant or you do not offer comments of value to other members, they are likely to view your posts as spam. This can be damaging because these members may opt to avoid your website even if they have a need for your services.

E-newsletters and email advertising are one area of Internet marketing which is most likely to be viewed as spam if not done properly.

Most Internet users do not appreciate unsolicited emails especially when these emails do not pertain to a subject that interests them. This is often the case when business owners buy email lists and send their advertisements to everyone on the list. This is not effective because you are not likely to reach a large population of your target audience. Additionally, recipients of the email may block your email address so future communications are automatically sent to a spam folder. Some recipients may even report you to their Internet service provider who may investigate the claim that you are a spammer.

A better way to approach the concept of email marketing is to only send e-newsletters and advertisements to past & current customers who have specifically asked to receive such emails and potential customers who have requested additional information.  Also, always give people a way to unsubscribe easily and whenever possible, let them know why you sent them your newsletter and how you know them. This will help to keep from being labeled a spammer.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Leaders: This Is The Secret To Preserving Top Talent

Securing and keeping top talent is essential to a company’s success. However, it is also extremely difficult to do. Employers need to try and preserve their best employees and these elite people must be strategic in order to stand out as top talent.

A Leader’s Requirement

If you’re in leadership, then you have to always put your best foot forward and give your best 100% of the time. The benefits of this approach will be seen in the results that follow in both your role and those that you supervise.

Leaders should stand back and be more:

  • Focused
  • Approachable
  • Strategic
  • Thorough

As a leader, take initiative to stay focused and help your team do the same.

Be sure to stick to your company’s vision and others will follow your lead. Also, be an example and take time out to get refreshed so that you can be more balanced in life and stay committed to the company without getting burnt out.

How does one pull this off as a leader? The goal is to have personal leadership and you’ll be set apart. This is just not the norm today.

Steps Toward Personal Leadership: 

Who do you plan to invest in?

As a leader, you must look around you and think about who you should invest in. You may see a need to focus on some growth for yourself too. Is there a course or seminar that would help grow you professionally? Consider yourself but be sure to think about who you need to focus on. Top talent is rare and you don’t want to let a talented individual get passed over or even get complacent. That includes you.

How can you empower someone else?

Once you’ve identified the person or people that you plan to invest in, you need to figure out how to empower them. Equip them to take on a leadership focus and switch their thinking in that direction.

One way to do this is to help them focus on their priorities. They may need help to define what those are, but stick close and they will figure it out in time.

How to consider both time and cost as you develop leaders?

The process of leader development is essential but a strategic approach should be taken. You must think of both the time and cost that it will take to grow talented individuals into leaders. One approach could be to give a large project to someone that is up and coming in their talent and rank in the company. Allow them the opportunity for growth and to let their potential really shine.

Often, the result is that the employee feels empowered and like they are adding value to the goals of the company. This is a win for all.

Growing and preserving top talent will allow for continued growth of your company. The effort is worth it and more.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Lower the Basket

In order to improve business operations, you’ll need to acquire the skill of concentration. Companies struggle to make improvements because they are not equipped to move forward as quickly as they’d like and see real growth in the area of operations.


Businesses strive to be more innovative and organized. They want to grow in their communication skills and styles. Often, they lack the one ability that enables them to focus your attention. Concentration is essential for entrepreneurs.

These days we are inundated with busy schedules, social media, and an overwhelming amount of stimulation from all directions. Concentration is what will help us remain focused and stick to our priorities.

This struggle to concentrate may lead us to fail in personal relationships too. Being present is what it takes to concentrate. We need to focus and not get so busy with random tasks and behaviors. People tend to spend their time daydreaming about the weekend, their upcoming vacation, or tonight’s dinner plans.

Lower the Basket to Increase Concentration

Businesses need to make changes in order to improve their operations and this calls for the need to “Lower the Basket.”

Imagine a young boy that cannot shoot a basketball to save his life. What would a parent do in order to assist him? The child is frustrated and the parent is at a loss. One tip that would help could be to lower the basket. Taking measures to allow growth and stretch the child in a different way could pull off big results.

In other words, bring the basket down to his level and current skill set.  We can use this same approach in business. We must lower the basket for our team in a way that helps them to put their eye on the prize. They need encouragement and to be asked how it is working for them and how it made them feel. This is what concentration is all about.

An employee, like the child trying to shoot hoops, will feel the win and learn how to better hit the goals set before them. Training a new team member and helping them to concentrate will give them the skills they need to be successful within the company.

The basket and the stakes will increase; however, the concentrated efforts to train them and equip them with the tools they need will pay off continuously.

Please send us your comments, suggestions, and ideas today.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

A Lesson in Genius for this New School Year

I’ve spent so many years in school, this week doesn’t feel like the end of summer. If feels like a new year.

You know, the one that comes with sharpened pencils, new penny loafers, and a new notebook to signal a brand-new start.

This season also comes with a reminder about talent I believe applies to lots of people today. In fact, I know it does because when I talk about this in my speeches, people seek me out later – in tears.

It comes from a dissertation by a friend, John Radar. John selected six people known for the important contributions they made to the world. He gathered their elementary school records if any were available. Since some were historical figures and no actual records could be located, he created them using biographies and other accounts of their lives.

He included information about their physical health, intellectual ability, family relationships, genetics, social skills, emotional maturity and goals in life and labeled each record with a fictitious name.

Then, he assembled groups of school administrators, teachers and parents to review the records and select two for a special gifted and talented program. Each study participant made their selection and then the group arrived at a consensus. When the group decision was final, the records were “unblinded” and the real names revealed.

Eleanor Roosevelt was not among the two selected. Study participants viewed her as unsuitable because she was shy and withdrawn, her father was alcoholic and her stated life goal – to help people – was “soft.”

Abraham Lincoln was rejected because he lived in poverty with a single-parent and had a disease, Marfan’s Syndrome, known to shorten lifespan. The arts, generally, were not valued which is why Isadora Duncan didn’t make the cut.

The two selected children excelled at the traditional “three R’s.” One was a boy who completed a PhD in Math as a teenager and the other was Bill Bradley, who was not yet a Senator but at that point a Rhodes Scholar and professional basketball player.

Kinda breaks your heart, doesn’t it?

Each one of those rejected contributed a genius to the world:

  • Eleanor Roosevelt showed us the value of emotional intelligence.
  • Abraham Lincoln taught us the value of persistence in the face of loss and how to heal a nation.
  • Isadora Duncan demonstrated that the arts have an important place in our soul.

Might you – or one your children – be graced with genius like this?

If so, I hope it’s been recognized and is being nurtured by the connections in your networks today.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

By Glenna Crooks, Ph.D., noted executive, speaker, problem-solver (, SageMy™Life founder and author of The Network Sage: Realize Your Network Superpower,

Leaders Can Be Wrong and Still Be Right

Leaders Can Be Wrong and Still Be Right

People spend much of their time trying to be right and working to avoid being wrong at all costs. While this may be ok in some instances, leadership is not one of them. As early as our childhood, we learn that getting in trouble or doing things wrong is not acceptable. In business and leadership, we should switch our thought process and even embrace and grow from being wrong and accepting the blame when it applies to our situation.

If your team sees you as someone who is constantly right, then you may appear to be a know-it-all. Most likely, this is not pleasant for those around you and doesn’t help you with your leadership role either. Accepting the fact that you are just plain wrong at times will help you improve and allow others around you to see you as both more human and approachable. Try the following:

Embrace Mistakes

If you never make a mistake, then you are not taking enough risks. How will you grow as a leader if you never mess up? You can be wrong and still do well overall. If you want to grow personally, then you must be willing to fail and do it gracefully.

When you make a mistake and let your team see you handle it well, you build trust and buy-in amongst your staff. It is much harder to be transparent and people will respect that effort as you own up to a mistake or flaw of some kind. Embracing mistakes will enable you to be seen as real, approachable, and respected.

Focus on improvement

Your goal should be to constantly improve. If you can’t accept that you have areas where you need to grow, then improvement will be tough. As a leader, your team will follow suit as you seek to change, develop, and try new things. Working as an entire group, you can accomplish much more than on your own.

Cultivate strong team members

Work to grow your team’s strength. These individuals will, in turn, help you as a leader to become stronger with the goal to constantly improve. Be sure that everyone knows to avoid the blame game and set everyone up to grow and learn from each other instead.  Accept being wrong and your team will too. Everyone acknowledging a flaw, mistake, or issue will enable people to feel “human” and it will foster growth rather than squelch it.

Leaders can be wrong and still be right. Seriously? Yes, by accepting that you are wrong from time to time, you will actually be doing things just right. Your team will appreciate your transparency and you will be on the path of continued growth.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

8 steps to take toward a succession plan

8 steps to take toward a succession planClose knit organizations or multi-generational family businesses tend to have some similar problems along with benefits. One of the issues that rises to the top, yet is often ignored, is a succession plan.

When businesses have a family like management team, then rivalries and personal agendas can often come into play. Also, the situations can be strained because no one wants to hurt feelings or offend.

Open communication must happen in order to have a good succession plan. There are legal and tax issues to be considered. If you put a plan in place, then succession can go smoothly.

Think ahead and follow these 8 steps if you have a family-owned business:

1. Set Clear Goals

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to sit as a team and set clear, specific long (and short) term goals.

When it comes to the future, you should leave no stone unturned. Iron out the details and get the goals and vision in writing.

2. Come Up with Managerial Competencies

Establish agreed upon managerial competencies that showcase what’s important to your operation.

3. Evaluate the Team

Create a system to evaluate your managerial team. Consider the skills of each team member and figure out which managerial competencies are their strengths.

4. Review the Assessment

Be sure to review the findings of the assessment to learn more about each person’s strengths. Then work to tailor an individual development plan for each team member’s career.

5. Legal and Tax Advice

When it comes to family business, there are transfers of ownership and tax implications that must be considered. Seek out counsel and get proper legal advice.

6. Performance Management

Teach your managers how to hold their team accountable for their performance. They should be trained to seek specific outcomes which will help when it comes to a succession plan.

7. Talk with Successors

Talk with your top team members about their career goals and the path they are on. Find ways to provide more training and help them develop even further.

8. Hold on Tight

Do whatever it takes to hold onto your best people. Offer incentives and a great benefits package in order to keep your top talent.

When it comes to proper succession, timing is extremely important. Be wise when it comes to starting a transition. Move your managers up at a slow pace and give them the proper training that they need. With a close-knit group of people, be sure to communicate the promotion and ensure that everyone is clear on the role change.

In order to have a sustainable company, you need to have a strategic plan and a thorough execution of the set goals.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Leadership Advice From Chevron CEO John Watson

Leadership advice is passed around, but it is often not well thought out or useful. It seems that there are so many resources but they don’t seem to focus on servanthood in the leadership role. John Watson, the CEO of Chevron, recently shared some excellent tips when it comes to leadership.

Watson shared that there are three things that will make the best leaders that lead in service. He said that you should learn how to read others, listen to people, and build relationships. While this seems simple, it will take some work to pull off.

Learning to Read Others

If you want to read others, you need to be self-aware first. Be familiar with yourself and learn how to evaluate others by asking questions. You must pay close attention to how you act and how others perceive you and act themselves. Consider the following questions as you seek to learn how to read people:

  • How can I maximize my employee’s skills and strengths?
  • What makes my employees behave the way they do?
  • What makes my team get going each day and motivated to do what they do?

It is quite possible that self-awareness will enable you to see the potential as a leader in someone else.

Work to understand your team in order to find top candidates for future leadership roles.

Learn to Listen to People

Likely, you won’t be able to learn how to read people if you can’t listen. Try to listen to others and develop the skills that are required to be a good listener.

Listening skills can be developed, but one way to really improve the skill is to think through how you can help the other person while you listen. Those that listen well can find the depth and meaning behind the conversation and how the other person truly feels about the situation and topic at hand.

Build Relationships

If you want to build a relationship, you need to spend time with the other person and truly get to know them. Let them feel how much you value them. Get to know the people that work for you. It’s ok to know more about their personal life, professional life, and really understand what makes them tick.

Working to know someone means that you are trying to build a relationship. It is a two-way street but you can begin the process.  A strong leader realizes that getting to know someone on a personal and professional level will produce much profit for a relationship.

As a leader, make it your business to read those around you, listen well, and build relationships. Be self-aware and critique the important part you play in this process of leading others. Their success and yours can often lie within your leadership.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

How to Get More of What You Want

How to Get More of What You Want by Gary BrunsonHow to Get More of What You Want was born from Gary Brunson’s three decades as a business consultant to entrepreneurs. He realized that while his clients came to him with all kinds of situations, a common denominator for many was that getting what they wanted seemed to elude them. With the processes described in this book, Gary has been able to help them get back on track and achieve the satisfaction of actually getting more of what they want. By reading this book, you’ll gain the benefit of the questions he uses to guide clients to re-evaluate and reset their thought processes as well as their habitual patterns of relating to others. Then you can make your own action plan to get more of what is most important to you.

Gary’s book “How to get more of what you want” is available on Amazon. Click here

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Strategic Coaching graduate! Gary Brunson, of My Clear Focus has completed all the requirements. Gary was already a great coach and now he has NetworkSage insights to add to his repertoire!