Preparing a Company for Transition?

The ExitMap® Assessment questionnaire consists of 22 questions and produces a high-quality 12-page summary report which will be emailed to you. The report ranks the overall preparedness of a company for transition and provides a breakdown of the four major categories of readiness; Finance, Planning, Profit/Revenue, and Operations.

ExitMap Assessment Widget

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Strategic Coaching graduate! Gary Brunson, of My Clear Focus has completed all the requirements. Gary was already a great coach and now he has NetworkSage insights to add to his repertoire!

Gary’s book “How to get more of what you want” is available on Amazon. Click here

A Leader’s Ability to Think and Judge Critically

A Leader’s Ability to Think and Judge Critically

Believe it or not, a leader that has the ability to think and judge critically is more important than a resume full of accolades. If you want to hire a dynamic individual, then you need to focus on selecting a high-level thinker.

While looking for the next top talent for your company, be sure to place the capacity for judgment and critical thinking as part of the criteria as you make your hiring decision. You’ll make a better and better-rounded hire.

Good, Sound Judgment

One that has good judgment is able to be strategic in their thought processes. They are able to use critical thinking skills in order to make sound decisions as a leader. An individual that has good judgment is equipped to do the following:

* Plan ahead and have forethought

* Organize information and provide it clearly to others

* Understand the power of cause and effect

Critical Thinking

As a critical thinker, you want to be able to foresee the outcome, think about potential consequences and be able to change as needed. Emotions don’t need to get involved here. The truth, facts, and matter at hand must be addressed and thought through. Strong leaders are able to curb emotion and act strategically.

Another skill set that goes along with a critical thinker is that they can compare the past and current situations in a way that provides experience and impact to improve the current matter. With this, a leader should be able to set aside their own pride to bring up things that would help the given situation, even if it reveals past mistakes or room for improvement.

Critical thinking requires the following:

* The skill to take on a problem with an organized approach

* The ability to know what information is needed to be obtained

* The foresight to consider alternative options and ways to think about situations

Leadership Roles

Leaders must be self-aware and must work to focus on critical thinking and sound judgment. If they miss this, they are not able to lead their team and be as sharp and ready to tackle projects.

These two skills, critical thinking, and judgment are skills that set people apart. They are advanced and often a rare find.

When times are difficult and stress is high, leaders will revert to a lower cognitive functioning because they are just human after all. The ability to have this higher level of thinking means that you will be an asset to your team, superiors, and company as a whole.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

We are pleased to announce our first Strategic Coaching graduate!

We are pleased to announce our first Strategic Coaching graduate!

Gary Brunson, of My Clear Focus has completed all the requirements. Gary was already a great coach and now he has NetworkSage insights to add to his repertoire! You can learn more about him at his website and on LinkedIn and can reach out to him directly through email or at 1-574-361-2674.

SageMy™Life Strategic Coaching is a personalized training program offered by Glenna Crooks, Ph.D., noted executive, speaker, problem-solver (, SageMy™Life founder and author of The Network Sage: Realize Your Network Superpower, and the soon-to-be-published The Senior Sage: Networks for Longevity Pioneers. This training program allows coaches to use our proprietary materials with their coaching clients and those who complete the program will be advertised as credentialed coaches in the company’s promotional materials.

Congratulations to Gary for this incredible accomplishment!

Check out Gary’s book “How to get more of what you want” –  available on Amazon. Click here

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Leaders Excel With These Different Leadership Styles

Leaders Excel With These Different Leadership Styles

Leaders Excel With These Different Leadership StylesDrive, along with effective leadership, allows you to develop a strong robust team and grow your business.  Make sure your decisions meet challenges head-on with these 6 effective leadership styles:


This leadership style will feel very comfortable to high potentials on your team. “Getting the job done” is critical for action focus team members facing tight deadlines and specific project guidelines. Quick decision making is imperative and often there is no time to test and tweak to deliver results needed in your organization.


Encourage transformative style team members to bring new ideas to the table frequently. As a leader, you need to ask qualifying questions and give time to process and offer options.  When transformative style leaders feel their ideas affect the team positively, it encourages them to keep pushing forward.


Giving your team the confidence to produce ideas will help take the organization to the next level.  Providing them with constructive feedback and reflecting on past successes, will encourage them toward future success.  Often team members lack the confidence to speak up even though they have the right information. Provide an encouraging environment and keep everyone focused.


Build your team’s authority by allowing them to make decisions and execute their ideas. A team that has the ability to make effective decisions will reduce turnover and increase engagement and ultimately can contribute to bottom-line effectiveness.


Self-reflection is the key for this leadership style. Analyzing past events, actions, and results will help generate new ideas & solutions.  This allows you to experience insights that may result in better opportunities for the future. This style is powerful, but it can be difficult at time as it requires you to put aside your vision and inspirations to let the team discover its own path forward.


For some, this style comes naturally and for others, it takes work. As an idealistic thinker, it is important to demonstrate the desired outcomes.  Paint a detailed and vivid picture of the desired results. While this style is highly persuasive, use it sparingly; as its power comes in with infrequent and strategic use.

Great leaders know how to leverage natural skills and work on developing individual weaknesses.

It is essential to know which approach is best to use in specific circumstances and know when to avoid overusing one just because you excel at it.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Artificial Intelligence Threat

Artificial Intelligence Threat

Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses a threat to eliminate a variety of jobs today through automation. To define, AI makes it possible for machines to learn human-like tasks through experience. Computers can now handle many tasks and process large amounts of information and patterns in data. This is a serious concern to society and how we run business and livelihoods.

The Threat of Mass Unemployment 

If computers replace employees, what would that look like? Research shows that we could have a mass unemployment on our hands. The top positions that could disappear are real estate brokers, sports referees, and insurance claims adjusters because AI would be able to handle these roles well and it would be cheaper.

People would act out in fear if this happened. Lawyers, managers, writers, and other white-collar workers would perhaps be in rebellion out of frustration, fear, and lack of work. They could be replaced by AI.

AI Capabilities

People have thought for years that computers would never be able to replace people for different reasons. A few of them include the ability to: 

* Show empathy

* Be emotional

* Creativity

However, as time passes, these are becoming more and more part of the AI capabilities. Two decades ago, this was unfathomable but it’s clearly possible today. Those that work on the continued development of AI have even begun to show signs of concern for the future and what the capabilities look like.

Potential Revolution

A revolution of white-collar workers could be a potential result of AI taking their jobs in the future. White-collar workers have a sphere of influential people. They are organized. They understand the larger problem and can gain sympathy from others who could potentially lose their jobs too.

The underlying problem of a potential revolt would be a politico-economic system that does not separate wealth and state and focuses on wealth above all else.

AI is something to pay attention to since it is a threat and one that only continues to grow. The job market as we know it today is changing and will look quite different as the years go by.

What should we do as a society to improve this situation?

AI appears to be here to stay and we need to think through what that looks like and how to handle it for the future.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

4 Things To Avoid in Your Work Email

4 Things To Avoid in Your Work Email

While some things are just understood and best to leave unspoken, there are times where email is forgotten in this model. Sure you don’t want to bash your boss when they can hear you or let a coworker hear you whine about the performance. However, do you remember to be careful with your email correspondence?

Often, employees forget to be cautious with their work email. This has gotten people in trouble because emails last longer than the spoken word. In fact, they are a written record and can come back to bite you if are not considerate of what you say and how you say it.

Be sure to avoid these four types of conversations in your work email:

1. The Quality of One’s Work

Make it a habit to never talk about the performance and work quality of anyone at the office in an email. The only time this would be appropriate is if you are emailing Human Resources and it includes a personal review.

You miss the inflection of someone’s voice and can’t tell whether they are joking or being serious when you email. It is better to just avoid talking about how someone is performing because it can be misinterpreted and once it’s written, it is out there forever.

2. The Rumor Mill

Nip all gossip when it comes to your work email. The rumor mill is an ugly place to be and with email, the info is out there and can’t be changed or edited. Gossiping in an email will likely haunt you in the future.

Maybe you trust the person you are emailing completely. While that is fine, the person looking over your shoulder or theirs when the email is read could be an issue for you. Also, the email could get sent to someone by accident, forwarded, or used as something to hurt you in the future. Be safe and just avoid gossiping in your work email.

3. The Critical Eye

Don’t be overly critical by email. People get offended easily and remember the way an email comes off is in the “eye of the beholder.” You can’t be sure that they will take the criticism well. Try to keep those conversations out of email and on an in-person basis instead.

4. The Touchy Topics

Leave the touchy issues and sensitive topics out of email and discuss them in person instead. This can include discussions about pay, annual reviews, opinions about someone’s recent work, and work schedule.

You’ll be glad you avoided these four types of conversations in your work email and so will your superiors and coworkers. There is wisdom in keeping appropriate conversations on an in-person basis rather in a written record like email.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Science Discovers Why Some People Are Motivated to Succeed While Others Aren’t

Science Discovers Why Some People Are Motivated to Succeed While Others Aren’t

Why are some people motivated, focused, and successful, while others seem to get distracted, and have little to no motivation to get things done? Is it due to their upbringing? Maybe something about their personality?

Believe it or not, science has made a discovery as to why some are motivated while others aren’t.

Here’s what studies have shown:

Motivation Really Is All In Your Head

Everyone talks about having the right mindset to get things done in life. To be truly successful, it starts with self-talk and what’s in your head. Well, it turns out that part of that is true. Motivation really is all in your head.

Studies have shown that motivation comes from the nucleus accumbens which is a small section in the brain that sends chemical messages to your body. This is the area of your brain that keeps you focused.

Dopamine Is the Key Ingredient to Motivation

Dopamine is one of the 4 happiness hormones, listed among serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. When this chemical is released into the body, it passes information from neuron to neuron.

As it moves around in your brain, it comes in contact with other receptors.

The way dopamine plays a role in motivation has to do with the mesolimbic pathway it takes in the brain to communicate. This pathway lies in the middle of your brain and leads to the cerebral cortex. When dopamine goes through this pathway, it provides your brain with the ultimate reward.

Dopamine Encourages Us to Act So We Can Reach The Reward

The main job of this chemical is to get you to move on your thoughts. While it is present when we are happy, it also helps us through pain, loss, or stressful situations. Its job is to get us to do something while avoiding things that are bad.

Motivated People Have More Of This Chemical

Scientists at Vanderbilt conducted a study between those that were highly motivated and those that were considered lazy. They found that the more motivated group had higher levels of dopamine in their system.

Ways to Increase Dopamine

Since you know that this chemical is responsible for more motivation, there are things you can do to increase this in your body. Here are a few things you should implement in your life:

  • Focus on one task at a time to keep from depleting your brain’s energy
  • Be an endgame thinker
  • Eat foods high in L-tyrosine which include vegetables, avocados, bananas, green tea, and apples to name a few
  • Tell others what you’ve accomplished
  • Lend a helping hand to others
  • Take note of the things you have accomplished

These are a few things you should add to your daily routine so that you increase the dopamine in your system. The greater this chemical, the more motivated you will be to get things done.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Got Executive Presence? (Hint: It’s Important)

Got Executive Presence? (Hint: It’s Important)

Do you feel like no matter what you have accomplished, you’re not getting ahead in your career? Have you stopped to consider whether or not you have executive presence? It is more important than you realize and could be the very reason you are not advancing.

Here’s what you need to do to develop the executive presence that is keeping you from your high-level position.

1. Be Seen

There’s no hiding in the back of the room if you want to be a leader. Speak up during meetings when you have something of value to share. Show up to meetings early. Shake hands with people and introduce yourself.

2. Think Before You Speak and Answer Strategically

Before you share your ideas, really think them through. Then, give others a strategic answer.

Talk about the big picture and don’t get bogged down in the smaller details. If you are a strategic thinker, people will recognize that and want to hear you out.

3. Dress Like a Professional

Even if your office has a casual Friday or out of work event, you should still dress the part. Never be too casual in your workplace, no matter what day it is. If you want to be an executive, you should dress like one.

4. Listen To Your Own Voice

As weird as it may be to listen to your own voice, you should hear what others are hearing. Record a video and listen to how you sound. You might be shocked by what you hear. Use those recordings to train yourself to speak in a way that is clear and distinct.

5. Get Honest Feedback From People You Trust

Find a few people that can be honest with you about your presence. These need to be people that you trust, and that will share with you openly a few things you can change. Ask them to give you 2-3 specific things they suggest to increase your executive presence.

After you hear what those advisors say, you should make the changes. Really listen to them without becoming defensive. Go back to those individuals after a few months and check in on how you are progressing.

If you are ready to move to the next level, you must develop the right presence. Start separating the way you do things from those that are lower level. Pay attention to what executives are doing and then follow suit.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

5 Bad Habits Millennials Need To Avoid

5 Bad Habits Millennials Need To Avoid

5 Bad Habits Millennials Need To Avoid
5 Bad Habits Millennials Need To Stop Making

Millennials are often viewed as a generation of self-centered, entitled, and demanding individuals. While that may be an overreaction to the truth, there are some things that millennials in the workforce should be mindful of today.

Stereotypes can be difficult to overcome, but it’s worth it for millennials to avoid these habits that are seen as typical for their generation:

1. Limiting their forms of communication

Millennials are most content sending a text or email rather than engaging in a conversation by phone or in person. In the workforce, it should be understood that this mindset is not always seen in a positive light. Be open to a variety of communication forms and embrace a phone call over an email in order to showcase a little flexibility.

2. Talk less and listen more

Millennials tend to act overconfident and a little too into themselves. In an office setting, try to talk less and listen more. You’ll be seen as different, trainable, willing to learn, and perhaps less obnoxious. If you are amongst those with more experience, then listening more may help you learn more in the process.

3. Staying connected

Technology has always been at the fingertips of the millennial crowd. Try to take a break from technology and unplug from your device and computer. Those in your office, especially people that are not as tech-focused, will notice that you are more approachable, attentive, and not addicted to technology. Be open to others and bring your head up once and awhile for a break.

4. Multitasking is out

Multitasking used to be a buzzword for excellence and getting things done. However, it is officially out. Millennials are used to instant gratification when it comes to information and working at a fast pace, but people are now realizing that multitasking isn’t effective.  Multitasking could lower your productivity and performance.

5. Making Assumptions

Office environments have become more casual. Flex days, dress codes, and when you show up have become more flexible and less demanding. Don’t assume that everyone agrees with your actions and behaviors. If you are not sure, then find someone to ask. What you wear and how you behave matters. Take the time to ask and observe instead of assuming you know how others feel.

Millennials get a bad rap at times. Be sure to not form to these habits and you’ll be taken more seriously in the office and throughout your career.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Eliminate Habits That Are Holding You Back

Eliminate Habits That Are Holding You Back

Eliminate Habits That Are Holding You BackAre bad habits holding you back?  Discover success both personally and professionally by taking control over bad habits and making permanent changes to improve yourself. You have the power to create positive habits for yourself.

Self-control is essential in breaking bad habits and it has huge implications for success.  High productivity and a strong work ethics prove to be the foundation of self-control that develops good habits.

See the seven tips below:

Overuse of technology

Too much screen time prevents productive sleep.  Most of our favorite devices produce short-wavelength blue lights that affect our mood and sleep quality.  When you are exposed to this light for an extended time in the evening, your production of melatonin is affected. All devices should be avoided after 7:00 pm.

Focus on your conversation 

Conversations are more engaging, effective, and enjoyable if you ignore all distractions. Quit checking your phone for emails, texts, and updates at every turn.  Turn off notifications and silence your phone in order to focus on those around you and tasks at hand.

It is okay to say “No” 

Research shows that it is easier to say “yes” than “no”.  There are many competing priorities in business and personal life and you need to decide what you can say no to every single day. You need to honor the projects and people that benefit your life most and say no to those that don’t. 

Stop focusing on toxic people

There will always be toxic people who have a way of getting under your skin and staying there. Dealing with such an individual can be difficult and draining, to say the least. In fact, it may challenge what you know about yourself and push you to the limits. Stop focusing on toxic people, instead, practice being grateful for someone positive in your life.


To be successful; you must give meetings your full attention.  Multitasking during meetings is disrespectful to your team and everyone else in the room.  It shows that you are not interested in what anyone has to say. Avoid this distracting habit.


Gossiping is poison to any team. It may be human nature for people to talk about each other, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. Gossip pushes people apart instead of pulling them together, and everyone knows you can’t trust a gossiper. 


You can’t be happy when your life is spent comparing yourself to others.  Being content gives you the power to focus on your life and work.  By focusing on yourself, you become the master of your own happiness.

Change is difficult, but once you break the mold and focus on practicing self-control, you have the ability to accelerate your career to new levels and eliminate the bad habits.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please let us know how we are doing!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.