Dealing with Complainers Effectively

Dealing with Complainers Effectively

Dealing with Complainers EffectivelyAny supervisor or manager deals with complainers in the workplace at some point. There are employees who complain about their co-workers or about the company itself. Complaining is hard to stop but you can deal with it effectively if you put a plan in place.

Complaining Is Harmful

Sadly, there are people who are chronic complainers. This is difficult for others in the workplace and creates a negative atmosphere. This eventually hurts everyone in the business.

So, how can you deal with complaints that are hard to resolve? Handling initial complaints will help avoid future ones.

Types of Complaints

Some complaints are easier to resolve than others. Some common workplace complaints include:

  • Benefit programs
  • Co-workers
  • Old equipment
  • Scheduling vacations and time off
  • Lack of praise
  • Pay raises
  • And many more…

There are complaints that you can’t fix but you can try to resolve the issue.

Handling Initial Complaints

When you hear complaints, your goal is to reduce future complaining. Here are a few steps that will allow you to do that.

Listen To Understand

Whether you feel a complaint is valid or not, you need to listen to what your employee is really telling you. Listen carefully as they talk so they know you’re understanding.

Offer A Solution

Next, you should offer a solution to the problem. A simple, “Let me check on that and see what I can do,” goes a long way.

Get Confirmation

Ask the employee if they agree with your proposed solution. Even if they don’t like it, you’re making a verbal commitment to handle the problem.

How to Resolve Repetitive Complaints

Some employees may come back with the same complaint. When you’ve worked several times to resolve the same complaint, try these methods.

Listen And Defuse

When an employee returns to your office, step up your game. Once again, listen carefully and let them know you understand the issue. Part of your job is to keep peace in the workplace. You want to make sure you’ve done everything possible to solve the issue.

Verbally Summarize The Issue

Now it’s time to summarize the conversations you’ve already had with the employee. Remind them of past conversations and solutions. Tell them the steps you’ve taken to find a solution to the problem.

Put The Responsibility On Them

If you’ve completed the above steps, it’s time to add another step. Make them aware that you both have work to do. Unless they have another solution to the problem, both of you need to return to work. You may have this conversation many times before the person realizes it’s not going the way they want.

These are some ways to effectively deal with complainers that leads to a peaceful working environment.

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

These 4 Leadership Behaviors Make Good CEOs Great

These 4 Leadership Behaviors Make Good CEOs Great.

(and Drive Exponential Growth)These 4 Leadership Behaviors Make Good CEOs Great

Successful companies and businesses do well because they have strong leadership behind them. When things get tough in business, leaders raise the bar and keep the company moving toward greatness. If you’re striving for leadership, here are 4 behaviors to focus on.

  1. The Ability To Think On Their Feet

Great leaders look for ways to adapt to any situation. They use their skills and knowledge to meet goals and rise to the occasion. The most important thing is to learn from your mistakes.

When a situation arises, a great leader quickly thinks of a solution. They prioritize the steps they need to take to resolve problems. A great leader trains their mind to focus on the important things.

  1. Making Tough Decisions

Don’t be afraid to make tough decisions and have hard conversations with your team. Great leaders do what it takes to positively grow their team and the company. If you want respect from your team, plan to make the tough calls when it’s hard to do.

Sometimes this involves having difficult conversations with those on your team. Perhaps an employee isn’t performing as well as you hope. You may have to deal with complaints in the workplace. Having hard conversations is part of leading your business to success.

  1. Focusing On The External

The best leaders focus on what the customer wants and needs. Creating a customer-centered atmosphere in your business will make you an excellent leader. Leaders will have great customer loyalty and grow their business when they:

  • Get to know the clients
  • Train their customer service departments
  • Grow a support team for the customers
  • Be completely transparent with customers
  • Resolve customer issues immediately
  • Provide solutions to problems

Focus on customer communication so you know and understand their needs. This will drive your business growth.

  1. Inspiring Others

Great leaders inspire those on their team and those on the outside of the business. A leader has a vision and drives others to reach that vision with them. They plan steps to lead their team to the vision.

Inspiration first happens through clear communication. Communicate your passion clearly to your team so they desire to reach your vision with you. If they know the “why” behind what you’re doing, they’ll follow the same inspiration you have.

If you want to be a great leader and grow your business, adapt these 4 leadership behaviors.

Need help developing into a great leader? Contact us today.

Let us show you how!

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

The 5 Most Vital Credentials For Today’s Workplace

The 5 Most Vital Credentials For Today’s Workplace

(Make Sure You Have Them)The 5 Most Vital Credentials

Whether you have a college degree or not, any job you apply for requires you to have credentials of some kind. A college degree and years of experience are the most common credentials employers look for in a new hire. Here are 5 important credentials for today’s workplace that most people may not consider.

  1. Problem Solving Ability

You solve problems every day. From traffic detours to project management, there are always problems to solve. Problem-solving skills are a necessary credential in any workplace. An employer wants someone who can think quickly and offer solutions. This skill proves useful for any situation.

  1. Trustworthiness

The importance of this one is clear. An employee needs to trust others and build trust with other employees. Some practical ways to build trust in the workplace include:

  • Communicate clearly and effectively
  • Be willing to learn from others
  • Respond honestly
  • Reach expectations
  • Listen with respect
  • Handle interpersonal relationships

Building trust happens over time. The main thing is honesty and integrity in every situation.

  1. Fearlessness

This one is tough for many people. You want to show confidence in your position and that is hard, depending on your job. Sometimes that means going for the big promotion or pointing out mistakes to save the company. Employers want someone who will help the company grow. You can still respect your superiors while proving your worth.

  1. Being Focus-Driven

Those who are focus-driven usually know exactly what they want and how to get it. If you have a specific skill-set, put it to use and go after what you want. Focus-driven people are usually:

  • Positive
  • Trustworthy
  • Action steps takers
  • Problem solvers
  • Great multitaskers

A company needs people who know how to get things done. Take action steps and be a leader where you are. Employers will notice this and respect you more.

  1. Ability To Ask Hard Questions

Employers look for people who want to help the company succeed. Sometimes that means asking the hard questions that people don’t want to think about. This may involve project planning, budget cuts, customer service, or workplace relationships, to name a few. Asking the tough questions will lead to company growth and create trust.

Strive for these 5 vital credentials whether you’re looking for a job or are already in the workplace.*

Let us show you how!

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

5 Reasons You Should Use Assessments

5 Reasons You Should Use Assessments

Assessments are extremely valuable and quite possibly the most underutilized tool when it comes to hiring.  Companies need to take the extra step as they try to hire and have an assessment done for each candidate.  You need to REALLY know who you are hiring and if they are the best choice for your business.

5 Reasons You Should Use Assessments Include:

1) Too expensive not to!

If you hire before your candidate has been through an assessment then you significantly increase your chances to have to rehire for the position.  Talk about expensive!  Hiring is pricey when you consider the costs of screening and man-hours to make the hire.

An assessment would give you a more accurate picture of the person and their capabilities before you make that “buying decision.”

2) Benefits Your Training Plan

If your potential new hire completes a pre-employment assessment, then you’ll have a wealth of information about the training they need.  Just think of all the info that you’ll gain when it comes to your new employee!

The way they think, answer, respond and act will come out in their assessment.  You’ll gain many insights that you would not know any other way.

3) The Whole Picture

If you do a pre-employment assessment with each candidate you interview then you’ll have a whole picture that explains more about them.  This is so important!

Wouldn’t it be helpful to see the good, the bad and the ugly from the get-go?  I would think so and you will too if you add in assessments to your hiring process.

4) Data, Data, Data

One great thing about assessments when it comes to hiring is that it produces data.  You can’t judge a book by its cover!  Data tells the true story about the strengths, weaknesses, and habits of your potential new hire.

A hunch or thought is not worth it when it comes to hiring.  That little decision could cost you big.  Data will help you make a more thorough choice.

5) Sets a Standard

By utilizing assessments, you’ll find that you have a standard by which to hire.  You treat everyone the same.  You look at everyone the same.  There are a lot of wins in that!  If everyone goes through the same assessment then they are easier to compare.

In this day and age, an assessment is essential.  Incorporate them in your hiring, immediately.

Let us show you how!

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Eliminate Habits That Are Holding You Back

Eliminate Habits That Are Holding You Back

Are bad habits holding you back?  Discover success both personally and professionally by taking control over bad habits and making permanent changes to improve yourself. You have the power to create positive habits for yourself.

Self-control is essential in breaking bad habits and it has huge implications for success.  High productivity and a strong work ethics prove to be the foundation of self-control that develops good habits.

See the seven tips below:

Overuse of technology

Too much screen time prevents productive sleep.  Most of our favorite devices produce short-wavelength blue lights that affect our mood and sleep quality.  When you are exposed to this light for an extended time in the evening, your production of melatonin is affected. All devices should be avoided after 7:00 pm.

Focus on your conversation

Conversations are more engaging, effective, and enjoyable if you ignore all distractions.  Quit checking your phone for emails, texts, and updates at every turn.  Turn off notifications and silence your phone in order to focus on those around you and the tasks at hand.

It is okay to say “No”

Research shows that it is easier to say “yes” than “no”.  There are many competing priorities in business and personal life and you need to decide what you can say no to every single day. You need to honor the projects and people that benefit your life most and say no to those that don’t.

Stop focusing on toxic people

There will always be toxic people who have a way of getting under your skin and staying there. Dealing with such an individual can be difficult and draining, to say the least. In fact, it may challenge what you know about yourself and push you to the limits.  Stop focusing on toxic people, instead, practice being grateful for someone positive in your life.


To be successful; you must give meetings your full attention.  Multitasking during meetings is disrespectful to your team and everyone else in the room.  It shows that you are not interested in what anyone has to say. Avoid this distracting habit.


Gossiping is poison to any team. It may be human nature for people to talk about each other, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. Gossip pushes people apart instead of pulling them together, and everyone knows you can’t trust a gossiper.


You can’t be happy when your life is spent comparing yourself to others.  Being content gives you the power to focus on your life and work.  By focusing on yourself, you become the master of your own happiness.

Change is difficult, but once you break the mold and focus on practicing self-control, you have the ability to accelerate your career to new levels and eliminate the bad habits. *

Contact us today for more information!

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Want to be a Mentally Tough Leader? Develop These 6 Habits

Want to be a Mentally Tough Leader-Develop These 6 HabitsWant to be a Mentally Tough Leader? Develop These 6 Habits

Some of the most effective leaders are those who are mentally strong. They may not be leading with a specific style, but they have practiced specific mental habits. Outstanding leaders tend to form 6 particular habits.

1) Lead With A “Serve First” Mentality

This means leaders set clear instructions and goals. They are not afraid to establish authority with those around them. Mentally tough leaders work at establishing respect from those they are leading.

If you are responsible for decision making, you want to include decisions that will benefit your employees. Thereby “serving them first.”  You will be respected by taking an interest in their benefit too.

2) Lead With A Specific Vision

If you do not have a specific vision of where you want to go, then you will fail to achieve your goals.

You cannot lead others without clear goals in mind. For example, if you are a leader of a company, you should know the mission and direction of the company.

Your employees are a key asset to your visions and goals. If you want to gain respect from your employees, it is important to:

  • Have clear communication in your instructions
  • Give them specific details to follow
  • Tell them exactly how they can help

3) Lead With A Respect Of Time

Respecting the time of others is a way of respecting them. We all understand that time is valuable. If you neglect to establish a time frame and goals, you will fail to show your employees what is important.

4) Lead With A Priority Of Well Being

If you are leading a company, you should place your health and well being as a priority. If you are not “filling yourself” with care, you will not be able to pour into others. Your physical health and well being are necessary for your mental health. Strengthening your health includes:

  • Proper exercise
  • Mediation
  • Taking mental breaks
  • Getting enough sleep

5) Lead With Your Actions

You may be able to give great “pep talks” to your team. Do your actions back up your words? Effective leadership is two-fold. Your actions must match your words.

This is how you will gain respect from your employees. A mentally strong leader uses a plan and takes control of situations. If things are left undone, the leader takes full ownership and encourages the team to try again.

6) Lead With A Relentless Spirit

It is easy to be discouraged when you fail. A mentally strong leader leads with a positive spirit and does not give up. Employees are encouraged and inspired by a boss who will help them to keep going.

If you want to be a leader, invest in doing these 6 things. *

We would love to hear from you.

Please send us your comments, suggestions, and ideas today.

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Recruiting Top Talent – Show Them You Have What They Want

Recruiting Top Talent – Show Them You Have What They Want

What are the best practices to recruit top talent for your company?  How does an employer show talented job seekers that they have what they want?

Bottom line, you have to stand out as a company.  The most talented interviewees will be sought after and your window is small to get THE right person to join your team.

As you interview, be sure to include information about the following:

Long Term Potential:

The most top notch job seekers want long term potential.  They may not stick with your company for years and years but they want to know that it’s an option.

Help them to see that you are willing to invest in them and keep them on for a career over the course of time.

Growth Opportunity

With the goal to have long term potential, top talent wants to know that they will have growth opportunities.  Further, they want training and continued chances to learn.

Be sure to inform them on the growth potential that you can offer.  They will be all ears!

Boss Availability:

Top Talent wants to know who they will be working for.  In other words, will they have access to their boss for questions?  Are they going to go it alone and have to flounder?

Exceptional candidates won’t entertain that type of situation for long.  They know their worth and want to have the chance to get answers as they need them.

Help Their Resume:

The best and most talented job seekers want to know if the job you are offering will boost their resume.  They will not take a job that is not going to further benefit their career.

Besides a job, what can you offer them?  Will the position you offer help them to increase the appeal of their resume?  Be sure that it does!

Top talent job seekers won’t be around long.  You have to give them what they want and “close the deal” quickly.  Don’t beat around the bush.

Explain what you need from them and tell them how your company can help them further their career.

How are you recruiting top talent?

We would love to hear from you.

Please send us your comments, suggestions, and ideas today.

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

How To Avoid A Workplace Meltdown

How To Avoid A Workplace Meltdown

Work, high-performance needs, and a demanding pace inevitably become overwhelming at the office. Occasionally, an employee may have a meltdown due to work stress or emotional baggage from their personal life. Either one can cause a volatile or unpleasant situation in the workplace when an employee responds poorly to the circumstances. Be prepared with some actionable steps to assist them.

Here are ways to offer support:

Don’t ignore the meltdown happened.

Emotional problems are difficult because they make us feel vulnerable and remind us of our own shortcomings. Don’t pretend like nothing happened. People often ignore the incident in order to help their coworker save face. However, this is the worst thing you can do. You’ll be seen as uncaring rather than one who took an interest during their time of need.

Show discretion.

Pull the person aside and talk to them one on one. Select a place to have the conversation where you can talk behind closed doors. If they feel watched by others, they will be self-conscious and less able to share their feelings freely.

Stay present and pay attention.

If your conversation takes longer than expected, force yourself to stay present and really listen. Regardless of the push notifications, text messages, and emails that you here dinging or buzzing, keep focused and let them wait until later. In fact, it would be a good idea to turn off any possible distractions before you start.

Let them speak freely.

Everyone is different. Some people want to speak freely and others need time to think through the meltdown situation. Don’t push them to talk; rather, be respectful and give them the freedom to take their time to share when ready.

Avoid fixing them and ask questions.

No one likes to be “fixed.” Providing solutions and ideas that they aren’t equipped to handle won’t be helpful. The person will feel ignored rather than helped. Listen intently so that you don’t appear judgmental but to have a true listening ear.

Think ahead and be open-minded

Your response makes a difference to diffuse the situation and to enable them to relax going forward.  They won’t want to be seen as extremely emotional and unable to handle their job. Be considerate and assure them that you haven’t written them off.

After you’ve listened, ask how you can help. Be sure to follow through on the support that they request. Help them come up with a plan for what to do next.

Please send us your comments, suggestions, and ideas today.

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

4 Ways To Go From Manager To Leader

4 Ways To Go From Manager To Leader

Those that manage a team may or may not be a leader. Being a manager doesn’t automatically mean you are able to lead a team.

There is a distinct difference in the two. Managers are those that meet deadlines and get their job done in a timely way. While vital to any company, a manager can take their role a step further if they learn how to lead too.

Leaders have the ability to stretch their team and bring them to a new level. They help them with a vision and ways to achieve their roles.

If you want to go from a manager to a leader, do the following:

1.     A leader does whatever it takes.

Leaders don’t let anything stand in their way of completing the task set before them. They will jump in to help with anything, regardless of whether it is part of their job description.

For example, they will do the late evening filing, go for a lunch run on behalf of the team, and come in early to be sure that the day starts off on the right track. A true leader simply wants the job to get done and to preserve the team’s time and strength if at all possible.

You can exhibit this quality and willingness to a team member by offering them a hand with projects. They will appreciate the fact that you are willing to help and you’ll gain more of their respect too.

2.     A leader truly listens.

Leaders will get everyone involved that is in the room or a part of a meeting. They know that it is essential for buy-in and want to hear from others. The strength of the team is evident when they feel valued, considered and appreciated. Try and listen and you’ll learn much about your team and what you need to do as a whole.

3.     A leader stands the test of time.

Leaders should be able to keep fit emotionally in the business world. In other words, they should be able to stand the test of time. This is key because it means that you can weather the ups and downs of business. Your team needs to see that versatility in you so that they have the confidence that is required to succeed and stretch their limits.

4.     A leader knows to get outside what seems comfortable.

When you lead a team or group, you need to get comfortable with things that are uncomfortable. Leaders will stand out from the rest of the group. They will be able to define the goals, set a plan, and give the vision to others. While uncomfortable, it is essential if you want to lead.

Being a manager is great, but if you couple that skill with leadership, then you really have something. Your team will appreciate your efforts and you’ll see that it’s worth it to get out of your comfort zone and both manage and lead.

Need help transitioning from a manager to a leader? Contact us today!

Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.

Performance Management Will Continue To Be Redesigned

Performance Management Will Continue To Be Redesigned

In many companies, there is a growing problem with performance management. This year, business owners need to turn a focus on identifying the problem. Once they identify what the problems are, they can address the issues and turn their businesses into successful establishments.

Why is Performance Management a Problem in Businesses?

We can go ahead and say it; we’ve gotten a little lax when it comes to managing our employees. For whatever reason, we are not doing performance evaluations like we should. Here are some of the top reasons business owners have stopped doing evaluations.

  • Jealousy- One of the reasons we have put the ax to evaluations, is we have seen the jealousy that runs through the office when employees are praised. When you give one person a good performance and raise, other employees question why they were not given the same treatment.
  • Inconsistency- Evaluations do not happen when they should. If you do not have consistency, then employees will not respond well to the evaluations they are given.
  • Classification Happens under the Radar- even if you do not have regular evaluations, you are still putting employees in classifications. Whether you realize it or not, other employees see what category you’ve placed them in. Non-evaluations can actually lead to greater staff tensions.

These are some of the reasons we are not performing the important evaluations that need to take place.

What Aspects of Performance Management Will Need to be Redesigned?

Instead of shying away from managing our employees, we need to stop ignoring the problem. Performance evaluations need to be conducted on a regular basis. We can’t keep doing it the way we have been.

Evaluations serve a purpose of showing the rest of your staff what you expect out of them. These valuable meetings need to take place. When you have rising stars in your business, they should be acknowledged. When you have underperformers you must take action to get them back on track.

When you do evaluations properly and promote top rated employees the right way, it will serve as an inspiration to other employees. Instead of spreading jealousy, you will encourage the other members of the team to shoot to reach higher goals.

This is the year for performance management to be defined clearly and executed properly.

Need help with your performance management process? Contact us today!

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professional.