Are You a Business Owner or a Business Leader?

Business Owner or a Business Leader?

Are You a Business Owner or a Business Leader?

This might come as a surprise to you but being a business owner – even a successful one – doesn’t necessarily make you a business leader. Ownership and leadership are two very different roles with distinct responsibilities within a business. There is also a bit of an implied growth trajectory between these two functions, as everyone who owns a company is by default a business owner. But a business leader? Now that is something special.

The first step to business leadership is learning the art of working ON your business rather than IN your business. This means stepping beyond the daily operations (and sometimes drudgery) of running your business to allow yourself to think bigger and more strategically. Understanding that true leadership is so much more than working in the trenches of your company is key to this game-changing transformation.

Beyond thinking at that higher, more strategic level, business leaders also elevate, motivate, and align the people that surround them. They create a culture in which people want to work and perform at a high level. They have a vision and a mission and instill a sense of forward movement throughout the business.

So how do you know whether you are a business owner or a business leader? Or perhaps more importantly, how can you refocus your efforts to become the business leader you want to be?

Here are four distinctions between a Business Owner and a Business Leader to consider:

  1. Business Leaders Think Strategically. Many business owners are trapped in a reactive mode or get mired down in the noise of running their daily operations. Business leaders make strategic decisions based on the well-being of the organization, the team, and the future. They think ahead. They think big. They plan.
  2. Business Leaders Inspire. While business owners usually have an idea of their vision and how they generally want their company to grow, they often lack the insight into how to motivate their team to help them get there. Business leaders understand that there is no success without their people. They foster alignment, promote learning, and encourage innovation. From their management teams all the way down to seasonal interns, true business leaders inspire their employees to do great things.
  3. Business Leaders Adapt. Business owners often learn how to run their organizations one way and then unwaveringly stick to that formula. True business leaders understand the need for adaptability and are open to taking calculated risks when a pivot is needed. These adaptability skills were lifesavers during the pandemic and will always be aces up the sleeves of business leaders.
  4. Business Leaders Build Relationships. Business owners have vendors, employees, and other key players with whom they have transactional relationships. That’s not what we are talking about here, as those connections are founded on a strict quid pro quo dynamic. Business leaders are deft at building strong relationships that exist beyond employer-employee or customer-supplier dynamics. Business leaders foster positive interactions and true connections throughout their organizations and each person their business touches.

Of course, every business owner has a vested interest in the overall success of their organization, but it is in their approach to that success that determines whether they are or are destined to become, true business leaders.

If you are a business owner who wants to develop into a business leader, consider joining a TAB Board. TAB Boards are peer advisory boards comprised of business owners and leaders who are present not just to enhance themselves and their companies, but to elevate you and your business as well. TAB Board Members gain hands-on knowledge on how to improve operations, think more strategically, and lead their businesses and teams to success.

Join a TAB Board and learn how to become the business leader you are meant to be.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth and profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

How To Build a Transformational Culture in Your Organization

How To Build a Transformational Culture in Your Organization

Company culture is a major building block of every organization’s success. Transforming culture can take time and some intensive work. Here’s how to go about building a transformational culture at your office.

 Big picture office culture is a key piece to a successful business. However, some workplace cultures may need incremental (or serious) change. This change can lead to a boost in overall employee satisfaction, morale, and productivity over time. As a manager, facilitating a cultural transformation can be a major challenge for those who haven’t shifted dynamics before.

Here’s how to implement transformational culture in your workplace.

What is Transformational Culture in a Workplace?

Transformational culture is more than just a temporary phase. It requires a commitment to a long-term shift so that all employees involved in the workplace feel that they belong and that their investment matters. When an employee feels valued and committed to a workplace, their work is statistically more productive and effective.

So, what steps do you need to take to succeed in evolving your corporate culture?

  1. A cultural transformation requires an introspective look at your company. First, you must analyze and consider your current policies, commitments, processes, and behaviors.
  2. Do those things accurately reflect your company’s current values and beliefs? Does it align with your existing workforce and their beliefs?
  3. A well-rounded transformational culture will change the way that your employees think and act. It should be progressional, inclusive, and (mostly) comfortable for your staff. Don’t confuse “comfort zone” with “comfortable”!
  4. The result of any cultural transformation is that your employees (and the public) know exactly what your company stands for.

 Principles that are Key To Transformational Culture

 Act Accountably: Organizations should blend the need for accountability, dialogue, learning, and growth with the need to protect relationships.

  • Act Fairly: Systems and structures should deliver equity and hear the voices of their employees and customers.
  • Act Inclusively: Leaders and managers should amplify inclusive practices, voices, and opinions.
  • Act Sustainably: Organizations should attempt to minimize harm to the planet while meeting corporate needs and goals.
  • Act Aspirationally: The people in organizations should work together with a common goal to achieve the best outcomes for everyone on the team and for the corporation.

The Benefits of Cultural Transformation

Cultural transformation can result in some serious gains for your company or organization. Communicating the future benefits to your existing and future team members is a key piece to gaining buy-in on the process of the transformation.

Some benefits to workplace culture include:

  • Building a better overall workplace environment for employees and customers
  • Increasing total retention of employees and customer loyalty
  • Positive mental health benefits for all team members, managers, and customers
  • Impacting overall employee and customer satisfaction
  • Boosting productivity for all involved

Are you ready to implement a transformational culture at your workplace?

 As a manager or employee, change in the workplace culture can appear scary from the outset. However, those who cannot embrace pivoting and flexibility are very likely not going to be superstar team members through challenging times. Ensure that you set expectations for all employees and team members as to how change should be embraced and dealt with in the workplace. Try to implement small changes over time for some major transformational culture in your office!

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

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We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is often less expense than “old school” marketing techniques like billboards, print, and broadcast. But regardless of price, digital marketing only works if you do it right. And it all starts with your website.

Make sure your website is optimized, not just for SEO, but also for viewing on mobile devices and iPads. Remember, most consumers decide whether they will stay on a site within the first three seconds. Make sure your website is engaging and includes compelling, high-resolution images.

But that’s not all you need to know about digital marketing in 2023. To learn more, read “Digital Marketing Trends that Can Help Your Business” at The Alternative Board.

#tabboards #businesscoaching #digitalmarketingtrends

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

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We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

The CEO’s Ultimate Guide to Exceptional Leadership

The CEO’s Ultimate Guide to Exceptional Leadership

The CEO’s Ultimate Guide to Exceptional Leadership

We’ve all met managers or C-suite executives that make us question how they got there. If you want to break the stereotype and truly excel as a CEO – there are some very clear and distinct steps that you should take. Here’s how to become exceptional at leadership. 

Leadership is a lifelong journey of development, innovation, and growth mindset. Many CEOs often find growth in mistakes, setbacks, and challenges that they face every day. Exceptional leadership is unique to the role and team that a CEO plans to manage.

However, there are some fundamental truths about leadership that can be distilled across the board. Welcome to the big show as CEO, success in this fast-paced realm hinges on your leadership skills and ability to manage people.

Here are 5 ways to become an exceptional leader.

  • Define your Purpose and Share it Often

A company’s purpose is its driving force. Without a mission and true direction from a leader, companies and staff become lost in the day-to-day tasks. At a fundamental level, employees want to understand how their actions and work contributes to a purposeful vision.

This is where CEOs can stand out – by crafting a healthy, vibrant, and dynamic work culture. Motivation must be found within but can be inspired by leaders through a sturdy vision and direction.

Beyond a purpose for the company, leaders should take time to define their own purpose. An authentic leader is one who truly understands purpose to their own core. A one-dimensional CEO (focused only on work) is boring and cliche to employees. Leave room for vulnerability by sharing your interests, your dreams, and your purpose beyond the walls of the workplace.

A compelling purpose and leader can quickly organize a corporate team into a serious force. Through alignment and collaboration, purposeful teams are able to overcome almost any obstacle that is put in their path.

  • Build your Dream Team using Clear Communication

What leaders fail to forget is that their communication strategies can set the tone for the entire team. Without direct, engaging, and strong communication, employees may feel disconnected from a leader over time.

Small miscommunications (canceled meetings without notice, poor communication around big-scale initiatives, lack of explanation around purpose) can ultimately lead to resentment at the basic level of a company. Leaders should not be scared to communicate in an open and honest way. Employees who don’t agree with the way that you communicate will ultimately seek employment elsewhere. However, employees who thrive with your direction and style will help you to build a dream team over time.

  • Value Trust and Accountability

Above all, it is a CEO’s responsibility to ensure that managers and employees remain accountable for their various projects and pieces of corporate work. Ensuring that you are maintaining trust and accountability with your team must remain at the forefront of your leadership style.

Employees who don’t meet their performance goals or targets may need additional support or assistance from you. As a leader, you should foster support conversations before you immediately resort to reprimand. However, when it is warranted, reward and reprimand may be required to maintain accountability across all planes at your company. 

  • Prioritize Culture and Diverse Ideas

While it’s important to define a purpose and communicate clearly – it’s equally important to leave room for ideas and culture beyond your own. A corporate team that feels engaged and involved is much more likely to innovate together. Unfortunately, top-down leadership becomes stagnant and can risk silencing incredibly valuable input from employees at all levels of the company. Exceptional CEOs will always make time and space for diverse culture and ideas at their company.

What are you waiting for? Go be an exceptional leader!

Don’t forget that leadership isn’t cerebral. It’s not words on a page or ideas in your head. As a CEO, it’s mandatory that you take action every day to become better. Employ a growth mindset in your own life to see it reflected in the company that you manage. Don’t wait – go employ those exceptional leadership skills in your life right now! *

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

A Deep Dive Into AI and Automation for Your Business

A Deep Dive Into AI and Automation for Your Business

Free On-Demand Webinar

A Deep Dive Into AI and Automation for Your Business

You have probably heard about and have played with ChatGPT and other AI-enabled technologies. In this extremely popular webinar, come learn how to effectively use these technologies in your business, how to educate your teams about the future, and what to be aware and cautious of as you start to implement AI in your business and daily life.

Chris Tamm, an AI and robotic process automation consultant and business owner, will spend an hour helping you understand where you are missing out on available efficiencies, and give some perspectives on how this will affect your next 2-10 years of business growth.

This webinar is perfect for business owners and executives that know the world is changing and want a hi-level primer on where they can capitalize on the savings and leverage today.

Watch now, free and on-demand at The Alternative Board (TAB).

#tabboards #businesscoaching #freewebinar #artificialintelligence #ai

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is often less expense than “old school” marketing techniques like billboards, print, and broadcast. But regardless of price, digital marketing only works if you do it right. And it all starts with your website.

Make sure your website is optimized, not just for SEO, but also for viewing on mobile devices and iPads. Remember, most consumers decide whether they will stay on a site within the first three seconds. Make sure your website is engaging and includes compelling, high-resolution images.

But that’s not all you need to know about digital marketing in 2023. To learn more, read “Digital Marketing Trends that Can Help Your Business” at The Alternative Board.

#tabboards #businesscoaching #digitalmarketingtrends

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Change is hard. Perhaps even more so when it comes to technology.

Change is hard. Perhaps even more so when it comes to technology.

Fear of technology can thwart the growth of your business, leave you disengaged with your customers and keep you lagging behind your competition. But instead of fearing technological change in your business, now just might be the perfect time to embrace it.

Easier said than done? Well, you can start by reading this article from The Alternative Board titled “How Technology Can Help Increase Productivity.”

#tabboards #businessocoaching #technology #productivity

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

25 Digital Must Haves to Drive Traffic, Sales and Leads


25 Digital Must Haves to Drive Traffic, Sales and Leads

You know the digital landscape offers a lot of opportunities, but you just don’t know where to begin. This webinar will show you a step-by-step plan for increasing sales and generating buzz online. In this webinar, you will also learn the strategies needed to create a lead generation funnel, increase referrals, cultivate brand awareness, and attract targeted traffic to your website.

Watch this webinar free and on-demand at The Alternative Board (TAB).

#tabboards #businesscoaching #digitalsolutions

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

How to Build an Exceptional Team (and a Positive Workplace Culture)

How to Build an Exceptional Team (and a Positive Workplace Culture)

How to Build an Exceptional Team (and a Positive Workplace Culture)

Hiring and talent growth are two of the most important pieces to grow an exceptional workplace culture over time. Here’s what to look for as you work towards a healthier corporate vibe.

Managing a workforce is significantly easier when you have a healthy and productive internal workplace culture. An exceptional team culture can also help with attracting customers, hiring impactful talent, and bringing the right investors and leadership to your business. Workplace culture can be a major key to unlocking productivity, longevity, and success for any business.

While specific office culture expectations may be dependent on the type of industry that you’re in, there are definitely some patterns that can be seen across all workplaces. Here are some places that you can get started to build a better corporate team.

Sharing Responsibility is Key (Learn to Delegate)

Leadership should always remember that the ultimate aim of the game in business is to delegate. Sharing responsibility with your employees is one of the most important pieces to building a healthy corporate culture. By properly delegating, employees are able to best use their skills and talent to push the business forward.

Relying on delegation as a management tactic also forces you to grow your team in ways that will best help the business at the time that you’re growing. For example, if you delegate payroll and invoicing duties to a new employee you will require a specific skill set to complete that labor. This natural growth through recognizing business needs allows leaders to better use their time for sales, strategy, oversight, and growth.

Being cognizant and self-aware is one of the most important parts of delegation. What can you handle best? What can your team members handle best? What are your current gaps in service? How can you improve those gaps over time? This is all part of big-picture delegation and corporate culture development over time.

Hire for Values (and Ability)

In North America, a majority of employees believe that culture is just as (or more) important than a company’s strategy or its operations. New hires should match your corporate values and should possess some demonstration of ability. It’s not necessarily about hard skills during the hiring process – get deeper than what you see on the resume. Get to know who your potential candidate is as a person and try to determine what their work ethic is like.

Does your candidate seem able and capable? Are they like-minded to yourself and your values? Do they provide insight or opinions that excite you? Is the candidate genuinely enthusiastic? All of these questions can help you find talent that is better aligned with your pursuit of growing a healthy corporate culture.

Provide a Great Onboarding Experience

Part of building the right corporate culture is starting where it counts with new hires. Designing a course that spans days or weeks can be a great way to help onboard new employees to ensure they feel comfortable in a vulnerable time.

During onboarding, new hires should meet the other coworkers that their job may be impacted by. New employees should also be well-trained on all tasks, programs, processes, and software that they need to know to complete their job. Demonstrating a bold dedication to employees’ professional development can win major points in your battle for better corporate culture. Provide support without question when it is needed.

It’s time to start hiring for better corporate culture!

As you continue on your path of leadership, don’t let corporate culture fall by the wayside. Employee retention, investor attraction, and customer satisfaction all rely on healthy corporate culture. Try some of these tactics during your hiring process and you may find that your business can soar to new heights!

We would love to hear from you. Please contact us today!

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

Click here to order on Amazon or to read more.

We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.

Business Trends you Need to Know as a Small Business Owner

Business Trends you Need to Know as a Small Business Owner

Business Trends you Need to Know as a Small Business Owner

There are five big trends forecasted this year that may alter the small business landscape. Here’s what you should be thinking of as you implement your strategic plan…

The early months of the year are the best time to plan your annual business outlook. This is the perfect time to determine where your challenges and opportunities lie. A “big picture” vision can also allow you to budget according to your marketing strategies and how you foresee your business moving through the year.

It may be easy to get caught up in the minutiae of the daily operations but small business owners owe it to themselves to take time to think about the year ahead. This is especially true facing a potential economic downturn and at a time when staff tensions are high regarding wages, cost-of-living, and inflation.

Taking the time to be mindful about the year ahead is important. Here are 5 trends that you should consider moving into this year and beyond as a small business owner.

TREND 1: Plan for the Economic Forecast

Economists and business professionals alike are anticipating an economic downturn throughout 2023. This could cause a chill with customers and investors. As a small business owner, it’s important to build in a plan that can help you weather the storm. Prioritize marketing goods or services that you believe can be strong through a recession. Invest in equipment and technology when you need it – but don’t overdo it.

Cut back on unnecessary spending and maintain transparent communication with your employees and current investors. Consider increasing your marketing budget in certain areas and cutting in others. It would be wise to double down on the marketing investments that make sense.

Finally, don’t forget to measure your success over time. As an economic downturn is occurring, it’s important to be ready to pivot at a moment’s notice. Keep a close eye on your performance, KPIs, and other data that can help you make the most informed decisions possible as a small business owner.

TREND 2: Big Picture Visioning

It can be easy to slip into a routine of daily tasks as a business owner. Keeping your head above water on a daily basis can be hard. The new year is a great time to force yourself to take a “big picture” assessment of your business. Approach your resolutions for the business like goals and stick to them over time.

TREND 3: Stay Up-to-Date on Technology and Processes

While an overhaul on the technological and process front can take time and money – it’s usually worth it for the efficiency returns. Those who stay nimble and pivot in terms of processes stand to gain the most in turbulent economic times. Maintaining an updated technology network can also spell success with regard to the future outlook of your business.

There are some things that may be easier to incorporate into your business than others. Small business owners should consider automated payroll, better HR services or platforms, cashless payment methods, customer relationship management (CRM) systems like Hubspot, project management software, and enhanced cybersecurity methods. These are all fairly easy technologies to implement and can result in massive returns over time for both corporate culture and your business’s bottom line.

Don’t just invest in these strategies without measuring the results. Be sure to monitor how new processes or tech are impacting your business and don’t be afraid to pivot.

TREND 4: Find a Community or Mentors

Explore organizations or mentors within your industry that you may be able to lean on for advice. Intentionally creating a community of like-minded small business owners around you can make the challenges seem less daunting. You may also be able to find support through social media communities.

TREND 5: Hiring Practices and Talent Retention is Key!

Hiring for the long-term is important as the economy may take a turn for the worst. Having employees that you can trust both in the workplace and beyond has immeasurable value on your mental health as a business owner. Hiring aside, focus on talent retention to ensure that employees aren’t leaving for “greener pastures” during challenging times. Hire, train, and retain those who are confident in the face of adversity and difficult times.

We would love to hear your comments about these trends. Contact us today.

Have you taken a look at our new book? Check it out today!

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We would love to hear your comments.

Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.