How to Build Better Bosses in the Workplace

How to Build Better Bosses in the Workplace the Workplace

Leadership development is a key piece of businesses creating success over time. Investing in building better bosses is the foundation for building higher-performing organizations.

Here’s how to do it.

The unprecedented era of COVID-19 ushered in a transformation of the workplace that we’re just starting to grapple with. Hybrid work, employees dealing with mental health, and productivity truths have all come to light over the last 3 years. Being a manager looks different than it did pre-pandemic. If you’re not keeping up with the new workplace trends then your business could risk losing talented leaders to your competition.

Why do Workplaces need to Build Better Bosses”?

Almost anyone who has left a job will tell you that they didn’t leave the company because of the work or company – it’s almost always because of the boss. Nobody has a greater impact on the day-to-day experience of an employee than the manager who oversees processes, procedures, and projects.

Oftentimes leaders find themselves promoted to positions of authority with very little training in what that means for them beyond the workload change.

Bosses are responsible for translating corporate culture and values, goal-setting, accountability on behalf of their employees, mentorship, project management, tool and resource-sharing, and more. Soft skills like self-awareness and communication are incredibly important for leaders to be effective.

Demands are shifting on bosses and those who are ready to learn stand to gain the most. CEOs and corporations are prioritizing leadership skills to ensure that they’re ready to take on the new corporate model.

The Benefits of Building Better Bosses

Modern-day leaders are looking for opportunities to grow, develop, and learn. Employee development is a critical piece of management strategy at any small, mid-sized, or large company. Investment in skill development is something that employees and leaders are demanding from their employers.

Here are the common reasons for building better bosses:

  • Talent Retention – Open positions at companies are reaching record highs as employees have opportunities abound at their fingertips. Promoting a growth and development program can be a major piece of ensuring talent retention over time. If a company is invested in its employees’ future, then the employee in turn may reward the company with loyalty. Continued education is also a great way to ensure that your workplace is actively improving over time versus staying stagnant in terms of skill sets (regardless of whether or not employees leave after receiving that education).
  • Productivity Increases – Development and growth can ultimately be a driving factor of productivity. Those who have the tools and training to improve processes over time mean that the company benefits over time. Companies that are facing a talent shortage may do well to continue to develop skills internally for mutual benefit. Cross-training is also an important piece of maintaining productivity over time – ensuring that your bosses don’t “gatekeep” knowledge will be impactful to ensure continuity through challenging times.
  • Healthier Corporate Culture and Communication – Finally, a healthier corporate culture that’s built around proper communication is what employees are really looking for. Taking the time to build better bosses means improving your overall offering as a corporate culture. It also means improving both internal and external communications skills at your company.

All sizes of businesses are adapting to the new model of work. This means new ways of leading and taking the time to build better bosses around the ways that workplaces are operating today. Employee development is one of the best investments that leadership can make in a business.

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Gary Brunson

Debra Rider


Sustainable Growth & Profit Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Counselor/Therapist for Business Owners and Professionals.